Minecraft Beds

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Zak's POV

Y/N's eyes widened.

"What do you mean, 'surprises?'" She nervously laughs.

"I don't know, I was thinkin a bouncy house" I chuckle in response. "What were you thinking, weirdo?"

"Oh my gosh- Zak!" She smiles. "Don't scare me like that."

"What do you think I meant by bouncy house?" I sarcastically shrug.



A questionable look grows on Y/N's face. The one she always makes when I do something stupid or make a dumb joke.

"I'M KIDDDINNGG" I laugh and gently punch her shoulder. I turn around and see that Mega is standing behind us, looking like he just witnessed the entire Dream SMP war just before his eyes.

"Oh hey" I laugh and greet Mega. "What's up?"

He starts to type but changes his mind, turns around, and walks away. They're both so dramatic.

"Anyyywayssss..." Y/N starts. "We'll figure out what to do with these rooms when we cross that road. For now, should we start to bring stuff over or should we enjoy the rest of our Christmas?"

"I'd enjoy doing both. I'd say moving houses with you guys is a great gift!"

"Awww!" Y/N giggles while Mega rolls his eyes.

"Disgusting" his speaker says.

"You don't have a say in it. Hehehe..." I evilly smile.


Time skip

After the whole argument between Mega and Zak about Mega "not having a say in it," we all decided that Zak and I would at least bring our setups over, set them up, do a Christmas stream, and then do actual Christmas things.

"The fans have actually been spamming a special request in stream chats on Twitch..." Zak starts to say to get me to be curious.

"What's that?"

"They've been begging me to add you to the iDots SMP" he sighs sarcastically.

"You should totally listen to them" I chuckle, knowing he won't let me.

"Well that's what I thought the stream would be. Introducing you to the SMP."

"wOT?" I gasp. "I thought girls aren't real!"

"They aren't" Zak shrugs. "Shh..."

We pack the monitors into the car from our original house and then head to the new place.

"Mega can you help us carry in the monitors?" Zak asks Mega, already holding 3.






Mega sets down his text to speech device and picks up two monitors, one in each arm, to bring them inside. We set my three in my studio and then eventually put Zak's four in his.

"Why so many" Mega stammers.

"Because we're gAmErS" I sarcastically answer. I haven't accepted that I'm a "Minecraft gamer" yet.

Back and forth, we bring over the desks, lighting, microphones, keyboards, mice, cameras, mouse pads, cables, and all of that fun stuff. We can't exactly make the studios too fancy yet if we need to stream and still have time for Christmasy activities.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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