It's Just You and I

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I wake up insanely sore from yesterday's events. I groan as I sit up.


"What's wrong?" Zak asks me from across the room since he's already planning out his outfit. "Don't feel good?"

After rubbing my eyes I mumble, "not at all."

Zak grabs the pain killers that I was prescribed and even brings me a glass of water to take them with. I feel like a child again which is very bittersweet.

"Do you want me to make you breakfast and bring it up?" He offers, already heading for the door. I guess I don't have much choice.

"Yes plleeaassee" I sigh. Before I know it, I'm laying back down practically already asleep. I wonder what Vince and Darryl are doing right now. Probably still asleep. I really couldn't have asked for better friends or boyfriend. They're all so loyal and caring. Soon enough, Zak walks in with (favorite breakfast).

"My favorite!" I squeal, immediately regretting my enthusiasm as I clutch my stomach in pain.

"Don't hurt yourself even more Y/N" he whispers to me, setting down the food on a pretty tray and then sitting on the foot of the bed. I try making conversation but he persists, "You need to eat; without it you'll get a belly ache from the pain killers."

He still manages to somehow sound adorable when talking about medicine and pills.

"Alright alright" I give in. While I eat, Zak puts on our own old videos to cringe and laugh at them. It takes me way too long though to finish breakfast because of the pain, but I eventually do. Once I do, Zak sweeps up the dishes and carries them out of the room. Yup, I definitely feel like a child again. When he comes back, I notice that the house has been a little too quiet aside from the videos. I ask, "where's Darryl and Vince?"

"Oh I forgot to tell you, they went home last night. They wanted to stay to help but I insisted I could take care of you" he answers, sitting back down on the bed. I kinda forgot they had to leave; it feels weird without them here.

"Awww" I pout, crossing my arms and immediately regretting it. "Ow!"

Zak chuckles, "be careful you idot" and gives me a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"You're the idot" I mumble under my breath. I guess he heard.

"What'd you say?!" He laughs. I hide my face in embarrassment.


"You're the idot"

"No you're the idot"

"No you!"

"Uno reverse!"


This went on for about 14 minutes until we finally agreed we will be idots together. I can definitely get used to just sitting in bed all day watching videos with Zak and having dumb arguments with him.

Zak suddenly gets up quickly and heads for the door. "I'll be right back."

I whine, "where are you gooooing? I'll be alooooone."

He stops in the doorway and chuckles, "I'll be right back."

"Whyyy? Going to ping spoof?"

"No!" Zak yells with a jokingly irritated tone. "Just give me a sec."

After a few minutes, he comes back with a bunch of snacks and starts to set them at the foot of the bed. "I assume we'll be in here all day so I brought these." He really is too sweet. I love it. I love him.

Time skip

Sadly, Zak gets up again. "I'm gonna go record for a bit since I didn't yesterday. Yell for me if you need anything."

"Okie dokie!" I respond, half asleep. He really has the audacity to leave the door open behind him, though. Ugh. I try getting up to go close it but decide halfway through sitting up that I'm too lazy and just lay back down. He probably wants it open anyways so he can hear me if I call.

What do I tell my subscribers, though? They're all asking where I went on Twitter since I usually have uploaded by now and started a stream. I also didn't do anything yesterday. Should I tell them I'm sick? Not feeling well? At least that's the truth, I wouldn't be lying.


Sorry for no uploads today or yesterday :( I'm not feeling too well. I should be back in about a week! Don't leave me aha <3"


Was that too cheesy? What if they all start thinking I'm just getting bored? Or lazy? What if they all start to hate me? Maybe I should just get up and record. I try getting up again but am way too sore. I silently sigh. Guess they're just gonna be mad at me.

I open Twitter to see the hate I've gotten so far.

Don't worry about it! Feel better soon <3"

Skeppy better be taking care of you!"

Hope you feel better soon so I can troll you more."

Well now I just feel bad for thinking so low of my subscribers... and George. I'm glad to see George isn't afraid to talk to me anymore; it at least makes me feel a bit better. Everyone started replying to his Tweet calling him a simp, but oh well.

Time Skip

Zak swings the door open, making me jump a bit.

"Don't heccin scare me like that!"

"Sorryyyy" Zak laughs, walking over and gently hugging me.

"You're not sorry!" I giggle.

"You're riiight" he laughs, making my jaw drop to do the sarcastic offended face. "I'm kidding I'm kidding, you chose to date Skeppy though, this is what happens." I mean I guess.

While he was gone, I was thinking about Darryl and Vincent.

"What do you think they're doing right now?"

"Who?" He asks, only half paying attention from sorting out the snacks again that I messed up.

"Darryl and Vince, you noob" I giggle, making him roll his eyes and then heading to the door.

"I don't know, all I know is they left."


He shuts the door. "It's just you and I" he says, turning around and smiling. My heart skips a beat for a second and I guess my face must've flushed red. "Wait, no, that's not what I meant!" He yells, realizing what that might've suggested.

I nervously laugh, "okay, that would've hurt."

"Not to be a Bad, but don't be so dirty!" He teases me and sits back down to watch a few videos again. Phew.

Word Count- 1069

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