I Love You

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I wake after what feels like has been 30 minutes, but really has been 2 hours, making it 4:00 P.M. . I almost hop up in embarrassment until I realize there's an arm wrapped over me. When I open my eyes, I see Zak asleep next to me. I giggle quietly and think at least it's okay with him.
I decide to lay there for a bit longer so Zak can sleep a little. He never sleeps enough, even though he's always telling me to go to bed.
I start to run my fingers through his soft, dark hair gently, being cautious not to disturb him.
He's adorable when he sleeps. Is that weird? I think to myself.
... In context it's not.
A stupid grin grows across my face and can't help but hug him from how cute he is.
I accidentally wake him up. Oops. He rubs his eyes and looks at me.
"Hiii" I say in childish voice.
"Hi cutie" he responds with his raspy sleepy voice.
"Are you hungry?" I ask because I heard his tummy rumble.
"Maaaybe" He chuckles in response, getting up to stretch.
"I'll go get us something" I say, starting to get up until he stops me by saying, "No, I'll make it!" and runs out of the room.
He's so cute. But are we moving too fast? I wonder.
I hope not. He seems to be fine with it all.
After almost falling back to sleep, Zak walks in with two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, one for me and one for him.
"Bon appetite" he laughs.
"Ah yes, the finest."
"Hey, I worked hard spreading the peanut butter onto there!"
I take a bite and respond with, "and it's a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Good job babe!" and pat him on the back sarcastically.
"Thank you, finally some recognition."
After finishing our sandwiches, we set our sandwiches to the side and start cuddling and watching YouTube together. I hope we stay like this for the rest of the day.
After about an hour, I get a text from George.
"Get on and download the mod pack I sent you."
"Uh oh" I laugh as I show Zak my phone. He laughs and says, "Good luck soldier! Come back when you guys are done."
"Mkaay" I reply, getting up from bed and heading back into my recording studio, preparing myself to not sound so tired even though I really just wanted to go back to sleep.
George calls me on discord.
"Have you downloaded it yet?" He asks in his suspicious voice.
"I'm almost done, patience."
"Kay well just get ready" he chuckles.
After a few moments, the mod downloads and we get onto a Minecraft server together where he's already acting suspicious as usual. He tells me he starts recording.
"So, welcome Y/U to my totally normal Minecraft server!"
"I've seen your videos before Spifey, why am I your next victim?" I ask, chuckling and looking around in the Minecraft world to be cautious of any trees that might be trying to kill me.
"Because I haven't tortured you- I mean played totally normal Minecraft with you yet."
"Uh-huh, yeah, so when am I gonna start screaming?" I question sarcastically.
"You won't, you won't" he laughs.
Time skip
"SPIFEY YOU PROMISED THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN" I yell as I'm being chased by water blocks.
I scream into the mic which makes George kill all of the mobs.
"You suck" I laugh.
"No u! You blew my eardrums out!" George yelled with me shouting back, "Welcome to my world!"
"No, this is my Minecraft world!"
"I- okay bye"
George tells me he ends the recording there.
"I'm so sorry" George laughed.
"Yeah you should be" I laugh back. "I guess I'm sorry for blowing out your ear drums and all that."
George and I just talk for the next 30 minutes about what video ideas we have for the future and other things going on until Zak comes in.
"You guys still recording?" Zak asks, peaking his head in.
"Oh, we're already done. We're just talking now."
"Is that Zak?" George asks, and I unplug my headset so Zak can also hear.
"Yeah, he's here with me right now!"
"Hi Spifeeeyyy, did you scare Y/N?" Zak asks George, and he responds with, "yeah, she started screaming and I had to kill everything."
"Wouldn't you be screaming too if you had water chasing you in the form of blocks?" I yell to both of them. Zak then signals me to the door, asking if I can go hang out with him now.
"Needy" I whisper to Zak sarcastically as Zak rolls his eyes and walks out smiling.
"Alright, I'm gonna head off, cya Spiffy!"
"Aww, okay have fun, later."
I end then call, turn off my PC and head out to go meet with Zak who was on the couch.
Zak teases me by yelling, "scaredy noob!"
"You're so meeean" I whine back at him, giving him puppy dog eyes.
"I'll protect you!" Zak yells as he runs over and swoops me up. He gets a grin on his face and slowly starts spinning.
"If it's not worth it don't do it!!" I yell, but Zak is already spinning in circles holding me.
Zak's POV
As I'm spinning Y/N, she grabs onto me tighter as a natural response so she doesn't fly away, but when I stop she's still holding me just as tight. When I try letting go, she still stays holding on.
"You okay Y/N?" I ask her.
"Just hug me for a bit please" she asks as she wraps her arms around me tighter.
"Alright baby" I respond, running my fingers through her hair with my other arm around her.
"Mkay thanks" she laughs as she pulls away from the hug.
"Don't scare me like that I thought I hurt you" I laugh as I grab my chest as if I had a heart attack. "Don't let me think George is gonna be a problem."
"No you're my one and only" she responds, hugging me again. It makes me feel butterflies in my stomach hearing that.
I love her.
After about an hour, Zak and I decide we want to go to a restaurant for dinner so we can have leftovers for tomorrow so we don't have to cook and we can get Vincent's room ready for him to get here the next day.

Zak and I go to the seats outside

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Zak and I go to the seats outside. It's a lot fancier than I remember it being so I'm a little embarrassed.
After a while of talking and laughing with Zak, the "Bloodstream" song starts playing again like it did the night when we were stargazing.
He just stares at me for a while, and I stare back in a trance by his dark brown eyes.
"I know it's still early in the relationship but I need you to know something" Zak says, making my heart skip a beat.
"Yeah?" I ask him.
"I love you, Y/N."
My face turns red and feels warm. My eyes tear up a little bit from hearing those words.
"I love you too, Zak." I tell him.
Zak scoots his chair closer to me which I don't mind since no one is around us.
He puts his arm around me and with his other hand, gently pulls my face to see his. He starts to lean in and, of course, I do too.
Zak's soft lips connect with mine.

(Song lyrics)-
"I think I might've inhaled you..."

At this point, my heart is racing from how much is happening all at once.
When he pulls away, he looks into my eyes again, and I look at his.
He repeats it again. "I love you."
"I love you too."
We leave the restaurant, smiling like idiots, after getting our food. We're both pretty tired so when we get home, we say goodnight, hug, and he kisses me to bed.
There's no one else in the world I'd rather be with.

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