4 • weekly idol

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⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

rosie's pov

it was around 4am and i was suddenly woken up by joy shaking my body vigorously and saying "rosie get up, we need to go get our makeup and hair done for weekly idol!"

"five more minutes, unnie please." i say as i continue drifting off to sleep until joy pulls my body onto the cold, hard ground.

"NO rosie! we need to go now or we'll be late" she says as she gets herself ready.

"ugh fine." i rub my eyes and sluggishly walk to the bathroom to wash up. looking in the mirror, all i could say was " jeez, i look so ugly today"

• time skip •

host 1 : hello and welcome to WEEKLY IDOL!

host 2 : we have very special guests today, they are very popular right now and have rapidly gained fans from all around the world.

both : please welcome, RED VELVET!

we walked onto the set with around 7 cameras in front of us. i shyly stay on the side as we greet ourselves.

host 1 : let's introduce the members individually!

the hosts and my unnies were talking about themselves as they got introduced one by one, until it was my turn. hehe oh my gosh im too shy for this.

host 1 : rosie! rosie? are you daydreaming on national tv?! hahaha.

rosie : huh, oh sorry. *bows*

host 2 : it's fine rosie, i can tell youre a bit shy. it says here that you are actually, according to your fans, the unofficial visual of the group. is this true? what do you think of this?

rosie : oh i didnt know about this! but i am very honoured that people would consider me that since all my unnies are gorgeous! thank you luvies!

host 1 : you're also known for your guitar skills, are you able to give us a sample?

rosie : yes, ive been playing guitar since i was 10! and if you have a guitar i'll show you.

everyone claps as i finish playing a small piece on the guitar. and then, when i thought i was done, they asked me a question that got me embarrassed.

host 2 : last of all rosie, who are you a fan of? we're very curious!

all the members then turn their heads towards me giving me mischievous smiles, knowing exactly the answers to that question. once i saw their smiles, i knew they would say it without hesitation! this. is. war. how dare they?

yeri : she's a HUGE fan of iu and sumni!

joy : oh and twice! cant forget them

at least they didnt say bts, or i would have been fucked.

seulgi : omg guys we almost forgot her favourite, bts! she plays their songs all the time around the dorm and knows a lot of their choreographies too. a true army she is.

im fucked. i didnt want bts to know i was a big fan of them! it's embarrassing :( wait i doubt they even have time to watch this so it'll be unlikely that they'll find out but theres a possibility? hmm, i dont know! of course, out of all the girls, it would be seulgi unnie. that little teaser. when we get back, i am going to prank the heck out of her!

rosie, nervously laughing with pink cheeks : y-yes im fan of bts too hehe.

host 2 : hmm i wonder who your favourite in the group is?

i looked at my members, especially seulgi unnie using my begging face to not tell them and they didnt.

rosie : actually, i like all the members, i have no favourites!

seulgi, whispering quite loudly so that the cameras can pick it up : thats a lie.

the hosts start laughing and let me off since they ran out of time. thank god.

⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐄✿ • sixth member of red velvetWhere stories live. Discover now