39 • mystery number

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⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

rosie's pov

it was only 2 more days until our album came out, 'The Perfect Red Velvet' and surprisingly, sm put in two of my composed songs. i was so shocked that they went through with it, making me so happy. this album would be very special to me from now on. did i say i helped in also creating the title song, Bad Boy? i know, i know im just so cool.

we were at the practice room, jamming to our new album and all of a sudden a notification pops up on my phone. recently i didnt really text anyone because of how busy i was. everyone knew that so they didnt text me as they didnt want to disturb me. i wondered who it could be.

??? : hey rosie, ive been waiting for your text for a while now.

rosie : who is this?

??? : it's dowon. i couldnt wait any longer so i had to find your number myself since you didnt give me it when we met that day.

wtf why on earth is he texting me? how did he get my number? did he not get the hint that i didnt want to talk to him when we met and when i clearly didnt text him for weeks after he gave his number to me?

rosie : what do you want?

dowon : ouch, what's with the attitude?

rosie : what do you mean, what's with the attitude? did you forget what you did to me?

dowon : woah calm down rosie, i just wanted to say im sorry for doing that to you. it was so stupid of me to do that and i miss you so much.

rosie : dowon, i dont have feelings for you anymore. just leave me alone, this ended ages ago.

dowon : please rosie, give me another chance. i love you.

i left him on read. i didnt know what to say to that. i was so mad and upset. what a jerk. my hands turned to fists, knuckles turning white. i just wanted to scream and throw my phone across the room. he literally ruined my very happy mood.

my members quickly noticed my change in mood and sensed something was terribly wrong. when they asked me what was wrong, i didnt say anything and just gave them my phone so they could read the messages.

irene, obviously pissed : how did get he get your number, what a creep!

joy, rubbing your back : hey, we're here for you. let all your emotions out, dont worry.

i burst out crying, sniffles and sobs coming out of my mouth. pain. that's all i felt. dowon was my first love, my first kiss, my first boyfriend. i trusted him with my life and he abandoned me for another girl.

irene : i know this is hard for you rosie, but remember you have us and all our fans, our reveluvs.

wendy : irene unnie's right. after we're done with promotions, we will deal with this but right now we should celebrate and look at the achievements. HE can wait.

seulgi, trying to cheer you up : as much as i hate to admit it, youre amazing and super talented. you helped produce bad boy. literally one of my favourite songs ever that we've had to perform. thank you rosie.

yeri, giving a thumbs up enthusiastically : yes, rosie youre the best!

rosie : youre right. thank you for reminding me. come on, let's practice one more time and head home to rest, we'll need it!

we practiced for about an hour and went straight home. i was at mine and joy's room already changed into pajamas and now currently doing my nightly skincare routine. joy bursts through the door holding her phone up to her face. must be facetiming taehyung again. they literally facetime whenever they can. i roll my eyes and continue with my skincare.

i hear irene unnie scream joy's name in need of her assistance. joy sighs and runs up to me handing me her phone that was still on facetime with taehyung.

joy : rosie talk to taehyung oppa, i need to help unnie out. it wont take long, i'll be back asap!

she ran out of the room, without even letting me answer or protest.

rosie, scratching my head : h-hi oppa.

taehyung, waving from the phone screen : hi rosie! how are you? you better not be drinking too much ever since that party.

rosie : no, no dont worry i havent drank since that day. im doing okay, just a bit tired from us preparing for this comeback but overall, excited.

taehyung : that's great. joy told me that you helped composed some of the songs on the album. you must be very talented. do you mind if one day we can hang out in the studio and we could collab or produce a song together?

rosie, surprised and happy : really oppa? i would love to!

taehyung : i'll let you know when you can come round through joy, thanks for saying yes rosie.

joy then walks into the room again and before she can grab her phone back, we say our goodbyes.

• a few hours later •

02:30 AM. i couldnt sleep. dowon's text messages just keep popping up in my head.
'i miss you' 'i love you'.

stop. stop getting into my head please. i just want to sleep. i dont need him to distract me from our comeback. this comeback is important to me and my members. i wont let them and my reveluvs down.

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𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐄✿ • sixth member of red velvetWhere stories live. Discover now