24 • embarrassed

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rosie's pov

i was on the phone with my mum as i was walking down the hallways of music bank. my mum speaks english to me so we have conversations in english.

rosie : hey mum, dont worry i am fine! ive been working out and been doing pilates, i am healthy.

mother : are you sure saerin? youve been looking really skinny in pictures recently.

rosie : i am very sure, if you want i'll eat a lot after my schedule today?

mother : yes eat a lot! your dad misses you a lot even though he might now show it.

rosie : of course he misses me hehe! anyways my performance is soon so i need to go bye mum, love you!

mum : remember to eat lots and take your vitamins! bye love you too.

making my way to our dressing room, i faintly heard my name being called. again, i heard it.
i turned around and unexpectedly saw tzuyu running up to me.

tzuyu : rosieeeee~~

rosie, hugging tzuyu : tzuyu!!! i missed you, why are you here??

tzuyu : why do you think? im here to support my bestie!

rosie : what a liar, bts are promoting too arent they?

tzuyu : uhmm...but im also here for you

rosie : sure, sure whatever you say hehe.

tzuyu : i love your album! me and my members are always playing your songs, all of us even mentioned how much your singing has improved.

rosie : really!? thank you! ive been trying my best.

tzuyu : at this rate, you could become a main vocalist haha.

rosie : nah i prefer to be lead since i love wendy unnie's voice more!

tzuyu : you better go get ready!

rosie : oh yeah thanks for reminding me, go visit your boyfriend then BYE

tzuyu : ugh this girl! BYE

we waved at each other as i walked away. entering the dressing room, the stylists unnies bombard me and style me, from my makeup to clothes to the jewellery.

• time skip •

me and my members walked onto the stage where all artists where standing waiting for the show to go live and announce who was number one this week. it was between us and bts. i wasnt surprised if bts won, i mean they are getting more and more popular lately. they honestly deserve it.

i led the way to go to the front next to the mc's, i think their names were eunwoo from astro and mina from gugudan. we bowed to bts and the mcs and got ready for the cameras to be live.

𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐄✿ • sixth member of red velvetWhere stories live. Discover now