31 • peekaboo

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rosie's pov

our album, the perfect velvet just came out! it was already becoming a hit, the music video already getting a few million views. i was most excited for the song i had produced, kingdom come. i looked at the credits of the song, 'written and produced by rosie'. my fists in the air as i jump excitedly. i tried finding luvie's reactions to my song and there were many that loved it and said it was their favourite song from the album or favourite b-side from red velvet. i was glad our fans loved our album and would always show how proud i was of myself to my members as a tease.

• time skip •

just when me and joy were about to leave the company building, yeri came running at us.

yeri : WAIT!!

rosie : whats wrong yeri?

yeri : nothing's wrong! the higher ups saw the good reactions to your song and they want you to produce more songs for our future albums. they even said they may include more than one too!!!


joy : rosie, that's amazing! but now you'll have to be working even more, are you okay with that?

rosie : of course i am unnie! i love producing songs so i dont mind it at all.

my phone started ringing and i saw that mina was calling me.

rosie : hey mina, what's up?

mina : hi rosie, congrats on your comeback! i loved your new album, especially kingdom come wowww~

rosie : awh thank you mina, youre so sweet.

mina : i was calling to ask if you wanted to do a photoshoot soon? if youre free, i'll call a stylist for you.

rosie : actually yes i would love to! i havent seen you in a while but you dont need a stylist, i'll just style myself!

mina : okay then when are you free so i can set up?

rosie : uhmm, this saturday afternoon would be fine for me!

mina : okie dokie see you gorgeous!

rosie : haha see you mina!

joy : who is mina?

rosie : oh she's a rookie photographer i met when i was doing one of my solo shoots and we became friends so im doing a photoshoot with her this saturday!

joy : that's cool, do you mind if i come too?

rosie : no i dont mind at all, you can model too if you'd like, im sure mina wouldnt mind! what about you yeri?

yeri : oh no i cant sorry, im visiting my family on that day.


𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐄✿ • sixth member of red velvetWhere stories live. Discover now