9 • isac 2016

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rosie's pov

after weeks of preparing, we were finally on our way to isac. i convinced my unnies to participate in ssireum, korean wrestling. i am the sportiest among all the members. i was also good at running but i wasnt in the mood to join, plus joy begged me not do it.

me, joy and seulgi have been practicing and building up our strength for a few months, not only for this event but for ourselves and our body. i've got to say, we had a chance for a gold medal but i know we can never underestimate other groups.

one of the good things was that you could bring and use your phone during the day and our company gave us a camera so we can vlog our day for our luvies.

when it comes to luvies, i am not shy as i love them too much, but when it comes to idols, especially bOyS, it's a different story. im known for being that kpop idol who is scared of boys. theres actually a lot of videos of me looking terrified of boys and running away to cling to my unnies. its quite funny actually heh.

as we arrived in the venue, we walked into the huge arena as i followed behind. i spotted our luvies straight away and waved at them. they started screaming echoing the whole arena, startling me as i laugh. there were a lot of fans that had my name on their board and it made me happy.

• time skip •

it was time for the idol warmup. wendy unnie had to go to the front with few other idols to say a pledge and lead the warmup. the rest of us were at the back. honestly the warmup was kind of funny, making me laugh and wendy unnie made it even funnier.

it also made me realise. that in front of me, were also idols and some of them were people i was a fan of and admired. twice, exo and lastly bts. lots of idols were so pretty and handsome it shocked me. some boys were actual skyscrapers. are we even surprised? i was just too small, well not as small as my other members.

• time skip •

isac finally started and first were the races so that meant we didnt need to do anything but sit and watch. i sat next to irene and seulgi unnie, in the middle of the arena for all fans to see. i felt tired since we woke up at 5am, so i asked if irene if i can lean on her shoulder and she let me. my eyes suddenly close from tiredness and i fell asleep.

my precious sleep was disturbed when i hear giggling and fans calling me and my unnies name. i open my eyes and my whole group looking at me, with their phones taking photos of my sleeping face. i was pissed. i just wanted my sleep :( and plus i look ugly when sleeping.

irene : baby, look up at the screen, you look cute.

oh my gosh. no wonder fans were going crazy. the screen showed a video of me sleeping cosily on irene's shoulder. HOW EMBARRASSING. my unnies just laughed while i had pink cheeks, too embarrassed to look at other idols looking at me.

• time skip •

it was our time to shine!
i was actually really nervous as idols gathered around in a circle to watch us. my hands were sweating like crazy and that was not good for my grip. i guess the members noticed my nervousness and wendy unnie came up to me.

𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐄✿ • sixth member of red velvetWhere stories live. Discover now