35 • an alcoholic mess

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rosie's pov

2018. you know what that means...im finally legally allowed to drink alcohol. whenever we go out for dinner or celebrate, me and yeri would be left out as they would be drinking and then we'd have to take care of their drunk asses but not anymore! me and my unnies were invited to jihyo unnie's birthday party and only close friends of hers could go. she told me people like got7, bts and more were going but not too much people as she wanted to spend time with everyone that was attending. we were sleeping over at their dorm with bts as the rest couldn't join too.

i had just finished getting ready when my unnies called for me, saying we had to leave or we'll be late.

(outfit is the media above^)

joy : damn who is she???

rosie : why are you surprised? you see me wear outfits like this all this time lol

yeri : i dont know, you just give off more confident vibes and im loving it!!

seulgi : to be fair, you do look hot.

rosie : wtf guys let's go.

we just arrived at a private club, no one was allowed to enter except the people invited and security was VERY tight so no one could easily come in. the guards let us in and i look around. it was my first time going to a club so i was quite interested in the surroundings. irene was complaining i was walking too slow so she held my hand and we walked towards the crowd. the music was quite loud however the atmosphere was quite chill as we werent being constantly watched and was a time to escape the idol world for a bit.

before i talked to anyone else or did anything, i wanted to greet jihyo unnie so i looked for her and found her talking to her boyfriend, kang daniel. they were recently exposed by dispatch and actually had a lot of supporters so i was happy for them!

rosie : unnie, happy birthday!

jihyo : thank you rosie, did you just arrive?

rosie : ah yes i did, its my first time being in a club.

jihyo : REALLY?! then let's get some drinks for you shall we?

she dragged you to the bar and ordered some alcoholic drinks, i didnt know what the names were so i just went along with what she ordered. the bartender came back with our drinks and smiled at us. not gonna lie, he was quite handsome. i smiled back and took a sip.

jihyo : sooo, is it good?

rosie : woah, yes it tastes amazing wah~~

jihyo : ahaha dont get too drunk okay? i need to see other guests so have fun!

i just nodded and waved as she left. i looked to see where my unnies were. wendy with yoongi oppa and joy with taehyung. omg my otps!!! seulgi, yeri and irene were sitting somewhere just having a light conversation. taking another sip of my drink, i noticed i drank it all. already? i ordered another one and then one became 5, oops... i wasn't drunk, just a bit tipsy, making me quite giggly but i didnt want to embarrass myself so i tried to keep it cool.

𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐄✿ • sixth member of red velvetWhere stories live. Discover now