15 • jihyo and nayeon

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rosie's pov

today i was meeting up with jihyo and nayeon unnie because i haven't hung out with them since before my debut. if youre wondering how i knew them and were friends with them even before my debut, irene unnie knew the twice members well and she knew i was a huge fan of them, especially jihyo and nayeon unnie, so she invited both of them to a meal at our dorm. i was super excited and so thankful that unnie would do that for me! long story short, we immediately clicked and became very close. we talk quite a lot, despite our schedules.

• time skip •

arriving at a cafe that wasnt as popular so people don't recognise us, i sat down, ordering an iced coffee. jihyo and nayeon unnie walked in and i waved at them.

nayeon : sorry we are late, did you wait a long time?

rosie : no no unnie, i just arrived too hehe.

jihyo : how are you rosie? youve been looking really happy and healthy lately! good on you.

rosie : really really good actually. im especially happy today because last night, i had just finished producing my song!

nayeon : A ROSIE SOLO?! that would be amazing!

rosie : hmmm i dont know if im ready...and i dont know what they will do with my song. they might add it to our new album coming out or save it for mine or the member's solos. i don't mind where it goes as long as it is sung by at least one of us in my group.

jihyo : you are seriously so talented rosie for being so young. good on you *giving her a tight hug and nayeon also joins in*

rosie : guys, i c-can't breathe hehe.

nayeon : sorry rosie, we are really excited for what's coming for you and your group's future! you will really take over the world!

rosie : what about you unnies?! youre fanbase is growing rapidly, better not forget me when you get super super famous yes?

jihyo and nayeon laugh and promise that they wont ever forget you and will always contact you whenver they can. we walked out of the cafe and they told me we would meet with tzuyu, a last minute change in plans because she had suddenly called nayeon unnie saying she needed to meet her and jihyo unnie. from the looks on their faces, it sounded serious so i tagged along since they insisted.

yes i am close to nayeon and jihyo unnie but i wasnt that close to tzuyu, just hellos and goodbyes. we were the same age so i also wanted to be close friends with her but im just too shy.

we had arrived at the jyp building and entered quickly so fans couldnt spot or bombard us. walking past the reception and going towards the quiet, dark practice room, the unnies looked at each other with confused and concerned faces. when we opened the practice room door, tzuyu was crying? she ran up to both of them and hugged them. you could tell she was really stressed and upset.

nayeon : tzuyu, whats wrong?! are you okay?

jihyo : you can tell us, dont worry about rosie, you can trust her even though you arent close, she is a good person.

rosie, waving awkwardly and smiling : yes tzuyu just let it all out, i hope we can become close friends! just tell us how you are feeling, we will listen to you.

tzuyu smiled back at me and nodded and asked all of to sit on the floor of the practice room. she had calm down quite a bit before opening up to us.

tzuyu, clearing her throat : so, first of all, im sorry for not telling you unnies all this time but i didnt know how to bring it up but i am dating someone...

we all looked so shocked and were speechless, especially nayeon unnie. i nodded at her to continue talking.

tzuyu : uhm the boy im dating is jungkook... we've actually been dating for 8 months already. again, im sorry for not telling anyone.

the jeon jungkook from bts?! honestly she was beautiful and kind. i mean who wouldnt fall in love with her? i do have a little crush on jungkook, he's my bias but ive never talked to him before. i look up to him because he is seriously so talented! anyways, back to tzuyu, good on her for dating such a great guy. they are both so lucky to have each other.

honestly if the atmosphere wasn't as tense, i wouldve laughed at the unnies whole reaction to her confession but tzuyu still hasnt finished talking to us about why she was crying.

tzuyu : the reason i was crying was because he got into a car accident and its been 4 days since ive been in touch with him. im so worried and i cant think straight anymore.

we all hug her amd comfort her crying figure as she has a full on break down talking about it. i was now very worried for her and jungkook.

jihyo : dont worry tzuyu im sure he's fine. we will support you through this time and if you need us, then we will be here.

rosie : yes, unnie is right. i know we arent that close but just know, i too, will be here for you.

i gave her my number so she can contact me anytime and for a few hours we had some deep talks about secrets we wouldnt dare tell anyone else. me and tzuyu were definitely besties after that. i could tell, even if she was trying to hide it, she was worried for jungkook. i tried to cheer her up by promising to buy her a meal and clothes when we next go out, just me and her. we became so close from those few hours, that nayeon and jihyo unnie felt replaced. dont worry i would never replace any of them, i love them all too much to hurt them like that.

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if youre wondering if rosie will have a love interest, yes she will. just be patient :)

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