33 • golden disc awards

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rosie's pov

we just got out of a meeting with our boss, lee soo man, it was an emergency meeting as originally for the golden disc awards, we were only performing rookie and red flavor and obviously our company was unhappy that they didnt add in peekaboo too so eventually they came to an agreement that peekaboo was now on the setlist of our performance. we had to practice last minute with our dance breaks and positioning a few days before but it wasnt that hard as we were all fast at learning it.

on the way to the red carpet to have our pictures taken before we enter the venue, fans were screaming, especially this one fanboy that kept screaming my name. it made me giggle as he was also waving his arms around, trying to catch my attention, which he succeeded in. i decided to walk up to him, as my members looked at me with confusion.

rosie : hi, youre throat must hurt right?

fanboy : rosie noona...i am a big fan of yours!

i was taken aback because i dont get called noona a lot and he was quite cute actually.

rosie : awh, thank you, i appreciate it! here, let me give you my autograph, do you have a pen?


rosie : hehe, next time dont shout as much or you'll hurt your throat and i dont want that, okay?

fanboy : okay noona! i will continue to support you and your members and kingdom come is such a good song you need to produce more songs!!

rosie : thank you, i will dont worry! you'll see, anyways i need to go, thank you again! *winks*

the fanboy blushes and smiles while the fans around and near us were screaming like crazy, i didnt know i had such an effect. i joined my members again and walked into the venue.

fans were prohibited to record the artist section where we would sit so we were more relaxed and comfortable being ourselves as normally our every move would be recorded but no, not today.

we were sat in front of bts and next to twice. my unnies let me sit next to nayeon unnie, who was on the end.

seulgi, with all the members agreeing : hey rosie, youre being a real flirt, you know that? ahahha

rosie, smirking : what can i say? joy practically taught me it, are we even surprised?

joy : yah, did you see the fanboy's face when you winked at him?! he was sooooo into you!

rosie : what? i just wanted to be nice to him since he was screaming my name so loud and i didnt want his throat to hurt.

irene : where did our shy rosie go?! and its wasnt just that one fanboy, everyone was going crazy for you, damn you really effected them.

rosie : i'm shocked really i didnt even do much too, to be honest the boy was cute though! he was younger than me so when he called me noona it gave me butterflies ah cute!!!

𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐄✿ • sixth member of red velvetWhere stories live. Discover now