Izukus Childhood

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Izuku Midoriya was a simple child growing up. When he was of age for his quirk to manifest instead of being a flashy quirk he got one that made him a big target. At first no one noticed that it manifested until a friend of his, Katsuki Bakugo, accidentally blew of a chunk of his arm when he tripped. Instead of screaming or grabbing where he was hit, Izuku didn't even notice. It wasn't until he noticed that the entire room was silent that he looked up from his drawing and saw a chunk of his arm on his table.

For a few minutes Izuku just stared at it then picked it up. "Where did this come from? Why does it look familiar?" That's when he saw a part of a temporary tattoo Katsuki gave him for his birthday was on it. "Kacchan is this part of me?" Izuku asked as he shakily looked at his arm. Instead of screaming Izuku was dumbstruck. He was no longer flesh and blood, he was now living emeralds and the chunk that was blasted off was already regrowing as if nothing happened. Tendrils of green gold reformed as veins while emerald flesh and porcelain skin covered it all.

Once it was done healing it even reformed the bit of temp tattoo that was blasted off. Izuku was ecstatic, "My quirk manifested!! Now I can be a hero like All Might!!" He quickly hugged Katsuki, "Lets be heros together Kacchan!!" Unfortunately then another aspect of Izukus quirk showed itself as he accidentally broke Katsukis arm as he hugged him making Izuku cry. "I'M SORRY KACCHAN I DIDN'T MEAN TO!!"

The teacher then called Katsukis mom, Izukus mom, and a nearby hospital for an ambulance. When both moms arrive they see Katuki trying to calm down a crying Izuku who's constantly apologizing. Inko Midoriya quickly walked over to her son and knelt down, "Izuku honey, what happened?" Through his tears Izuku barely says, "My quirk manifested and I broke Kacchans arm. Auntie Mitsuki, here." Izuku hands Katsukis mom the chunk of his arm which she instantly recognizes as a part of him.

"Inko, you calling Izuku an energetic emerald called it. I do see jade and something metallic in the emerald though.", Mitsuki said as she showed Inko the part she was given. "Mom, Auntie Inko can you make Izuku stop crying? He's going to flood the school." Katsuki asked as the ambulance arrives. The medic quickly puts Katsukis arm in a cast and tells Mistuki the usual cast care stuff. Once the ambulance leaves Katsuki gets an idea, "Izuku I have an idea! Imagine forming a... Mom what's Izuku made of now?" Mitsuki and Inko look at Katsuki confused, "Emerald, what are you thinking?" Katsuki walked over to Izuku and whispered something into his ear.

After a couple of minutes a small shell of emerald wraps around where Izukus arm was blasted off. Smiling Katsuki said, "There now we are even. You must wear that til tomorrow ok?" Izuku just nodded so fast he must have gotten whiplash. Inko chuckling, "Izuku how about we go to a doctor and maybe a jeweler to see what you are now?" "May I come too?!?!", Katsuki asked excitedly. Mitsuki laughed as Inko said it would be fine.

After going to a doctor and then a jeweler they found out what Izukus body is now made of. His bones are now the finest jade ever found, his veins turned into the greenest 24 karrot green gold, his flesh is the purest emerald the jeweler had ever seen, and his skin a porcelain that acts like skin. The quartet went out to eat katsudon as a celebration that Izuku had a quirk. Little did they know the trouble it would cause.

After about a month Inko tried to cut Izukus hair and his nails only for all her clippers to break before she remember that Izuku was a walking jewel. It's easy to forget since he still ate, drank, and slept like he use to. After Izuku apologized for ruining his mom's clippers she took him back to the jeweler who luckily had the tools on him to trim his hair and nails. Both were green diamond and his hair was flexible still even after it was cut. Izuku and Inko left happy and a bit richer too as instead of having to pay for the trimming they got paid for the jems.

On their walk home Izuku got distracted by an All Might display which made Inko chuckle. "Ok Izu, which ones do you want this time?" After pointing out the six he wanted Inko walked him inside and put him in a kids chair the store had telling him to stay put. As Inko waited in line a strong man grabbed Izuku and tried to run with him. This prompted the poor emerald boy to scream making his mom drop everything to chase the man.

After running a few blocks he hid in an alley and called someone on his phone as he kept Izuku quiet with his other hand, "I got the living emerald boys. We will be rich as hell as we chop this runt up. I just hope he doesn't die as we do it." The guy chuckled as he gave his partner's his current location and waited. This is when Izuku remembered what Katsuki had him do. If he could form a fake cast on his arm maybe he could do it to this guy.

When the guy relaxes a few minutes after he realizes no heros are nearby. That's when Izuku stuck, with a solid stomp on the guys foot breaking it. As the man yelled in pain and reached down to grab his foot emerald tendrils grab the man and lift the 7ft, 300lb man into the air. Izuku proud of his work walked into the street before tying the man to a nearby light pole with emerald handcuffs and a jade cast around the foot he broke. "Can someone please contact the cops and heros? This guy tried to kidnap me." Izuku was shaking as the adrenaline left his system making the poor emerald cinnamon roll look completely terrified.

Within seconds 5 heros and a swat team arrived along with Inko who rushed over to her son hugging him. The police and heros asked Izuku to remove the cuffs and the cast since even one who was super strong couldn't break it. Izuku walked over and absorbed the two items only for the guy to punch him. The muscle bound would be kidnapper was instantly subdued after he sent Izukus head through a nearby book store window.

The kidnapper looked smug, "Don't be mad bitch, now you're rich." He then started to laugh until he saw something that scared him. Izukus head was on a jade skeleton and slowly reforming his emerald flesh, green gold veins, and porcelain skin as if nothing happened. Once his shoulders formed he formed a long shirt made out of green gold threads so nothing too personal was seen.

"Mommy I'm ok but I'm scared." Izuku ran to him Mom as attempted murder of a minor was added to the kidnappers charges. After Izuku calmed down he removed his clothes from his old body by breaking it and splitting the shards with the book store, the swat team, and the heros that showed up. That's when he met his idol, Izuku didn't realize it at first since he had his head down. All Might chuckling, "Thank you so much young one. I bet you'd be a great hero when you grow up." When he heard his voice Izuku looked up and went into total fanboy mode and asked for an autograph.

Inko, the heros, and the cops that were still there were laughing at how quickly he perked up hearing All Mights voice. All Might actually removed his gloves and handed them to the hyper little boy after signing both of them. All Might, "Here you go young one. I think this is a fair trade." As he said that he showed Izuku that the chunk he received had the temporary tattoo of him on it. This made Izuku blush as All Might said that he will cover it in resin and keep it forever. This made Izuku hug him gently before he left with his mom.

Unfortunately there were plenty attempts to kidnap Izuku over the next 10 years. Eventually Izuku just encases people who attempt it and wait for the cops. Over the years of hair cuts, nail clippings, some accidents where he gets hurt, and some bounties because of kidnappers had made the Midoriyas and the Bakugos rich. Both Katsuki and Izuku plan to go to UA to be heros.

I hope you all like the first chapter.

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