First Day of School

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~<Izuku POV>~

I was personally called by Principal Nezu the next day. Of course I was put in A-1 but I know he just put me there so I wouldn't be a villain. After grabbing the school supplies I would need I just waited the weeks until class. My Mom was proud of me but for some reason it felt hollow. I was doing what I have dreamed of for years but it left a bitter taste in my mouth. That was when I realized I'm doing this out of spite and the only way I will enjoy this is if I let it go.

That's when I thought up something. "Mom I have a mean idea I want to pull on UA for a while. I am going to be very sharp and cold with All Might and Kacchan but nice to everyone else for a while." My Mom thought for a bit, "Well I had Mitsuki reduce Katsukis' allowance a ton and ground him but sure go ahead. They deserve it." I smile and go to bed ready to put on the best performance ever. This will be a fun month or two.

The first day came and I just warped into the classroom and sat at a seat in the back of the room and near the windows. I just sat there and looked out the window as the entire class slowly walked in. Their shocked gasps, soft whispering and chosing seats furthest away from me was funny to hear. Then came in Kacchan. He walked over to me and I glared at him. "Don't bug me Katsuki. I don't want to hear it. Just get your seat and shut up," I snapped at him while still looking out the window.

Of course he went to his seat and more of the class filed in. Then I saw interrupter walk in. He robotically walks over to me, "What are you doing here villain?" Kacchan quickly walked over and pulled him away, "Izuku is not a villain. Just because his father was doesn't mean he is one." The blue haired boy yanked out of Kacchans grasp and marched right back over. "I, Tenya Iida, will not let a villain be in my class." This idiot grabbed me by my arm and yanked.

I let that arm pop off and I yelled in "pain". "What the fuck is your mental deficiency? I am not a villain and it still hurts when I lose a limb." I slowly regrow a new arm. I start off with the jade bones, then my green gold veins, my flesh then formed slowly muscle by muscle. When my porcelain skin finally formed a bunch of my class mates were sickly green. "Sorry about that. I usually heal much faster. Haven't really ate properly with everyone trying to put me in jail for no reason." I move my arm around before grabbing the removed arm and take the sleeve from it using my hair to sew it back on.

I relax once it's on, "Look, Iida was it? I want to be a hero and I want people that are just in it for fame to leave. That was why I was do evil acting in the auditorium." Iida stiffened and went to his seat. That's when the girl I saved walked over, "You're the boy who saved and healed me during the test! I'm Ochako Uraraka, thank you so much for saving me. You left so suddenly I wasn't able to thank you til now." The others in the class were shocked. I then looked at a sleeping bag on the floor.

"Hello Mr. Aizawa. You need to get the sleeping bags with legs if you want to be in one and move," I say with a chuckle causing him to stand straight up. "Does such a thing really exist?" This made many girls scream thinking it was a giant bug. "I know someone here has a creation quirk. I copied it as you entered the school to do the entrance exam." A long black haired girl stands up, "My name is Momo and you copied my quirk?" I walked over and touched her shoulder, "Wasn't sure if it was you or dual chromatic hair. I just boosted it for you. Now you don't need your skin to be exposed to create stuff and it's now a mix of your body fats and energy in the air to make stuff. Can you make a sleeping bag with legs for Mr.Aizawa please? I'm still memorizing atomic structures and how they all work together." She nodded and was happy as she formed it without removing her clothes.

When she gave it to Aizawa he instantly put it on and moonwalked a tiny bit. "Thank you both now all to sports field." Aizawa said as he tossed everyone gym uniforms and kinda skipped out of the classroom. I took mine and walked to the locker room. Once we were all there Aizawa looked at me, "How many can you boost at a time and how long?"
I pretend to think, "Its a permanent boost but my limit is 20 per month." I quickly boost Aizawas and tell him when he blocks a quirk he doesn't need to look at them anymore. It'll stay blocked for a day unless he undoes it. "I would boost more but not every classmate will get a boost and I know some don't trust me."

With that Uraraka walked up and volunteered to be boosted. Her Gravity quirk now doesn't make her nauseous and she can increase something's gravity. After that I boosted everyones quirk except Kacchan and Mineta. They all did their tests with their boosted quirks. After a bit I made my leg ding getting everyones attention. "Mineta come here please." When he hesitantly walked over I boosted his quirk. Now his grape shaped glue orbs can shapeshift into basic items like swords and daggers. "Sorry Katsuki, I won't have another booster point for a while. I hope your ego doesn't make you crazy as you wait."

After a few hours of trying out their boosts and a few hitting Mineta, unfortunately he is a pervert. We all change, shower, and go eat lunch. Everyone is much more relaxed around me. I am nice and polite with everyone except Kacchan and when someone mentions All Might I stiffen forming jade spikes. After a few seconds I'd retract the spikes and apologize. After lunch we all did our boring normal classes. I just teleported home after class.

I walked into the livingroom after changing into some shorts and a tshirt. "I boosted everyone in my class's quirks except for Kacchans. He looked really mad." My Mom laughed softly and shook her head, "Dont tease him too bad. He does deserve it but still." I nodded and relaxed to watch TV.

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