Another Attempt And a Secret Revealed

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~<Izuku POV>~

It's been a couple of weeks since I got One For All. Since that day I've gotten a lot more attention from muscle builders, girls, and some pro heros. Midnight, the R rated super hero, asked me out on a date but when I told her I was in Highschool she blushed and apologized. I honestly was flattered and I did get her autograph, along with her number saying call her when I graduate. All Might and my Mom teased me about it after I told them.

Today I was planning on going to the mall to grab some new clothes as I just got another haircut and had the money.  After grabbing a months worth of new clothes I checked out the nearby hero memorabilia store. I bought a Gran Torino, another All Might, and a Midnight action figures. The store owner was nice until he looked up at me. Apparently someone recorded Midnight asking me out and put it on HeroTube. He wasn't happy I turned down Midnight until I showed him my ID proving my age since that bit of me explaining my age was removed from the video. He apologized and gave me a free Present Mic action figure. I thanked him and left happy with my haul of stuff.

Once I left the mall I was stopped by a small group of muscle heads. The leader was wearing a Midnight shirt so I knew what was going to happen. "Are you Izuku Midoriya?", the idiot asked. I simply nodded, "If this about me rejecting Midnight it's because it's illegal for adults to date kids under 18." The guy chuckled and walked over grabbing my hair. This idiot started to drag me to an alleyway by my hair. I let him to get the beatdown over. "Dude if you want to fight you just had to ask," I say as I stop letting him drag me.

He tries to make me move for a bit then growls, "Guys knock him out. The hand wearer just wants him alive." That's when I felt bats, chains, and knives hit me. Of course they all bent or broke. "Wow you are a group of block heads. I cant believe you're using iron and steel against a living emerald." I shook my head and using my speed boost from One For All knocked them all out. I then bound them all together with emeralds before I pull out my phone calling the cops. This happens so often I got a direct line to the swat units.

As I waited Kamui Woods and Death Arms walked by on patrol. They saw me and tried to attack me. I blocked them with a wall of jade, "Whoa calm down heros, they attacked me. I just called the police and they will be here soon." Kamu didn't listen, "Let those people go villain or else." "My name is Izuku Midoriya, these people attacked me to take me to some guy who wears hands. If you'd wait for the police they'll help clear up this confusion!!" I yelled through the jade wall before Kamui used his wood based quirk to bust through it and catch me in some odd wooden cage. Instead of fighting I just sat down and sighed, "I swear every time theres a new hero they are always quick to attack."

After a couple of minutes the police come along with a person friend of mine, Detective Tsukauchi. He just laughed as he saw me in Kamuis cage, "This is what the 23rd time you've been wrongly detained by heros?" I sighed, "You've lost count a long time ago. This time is 340th time not including Endeavors streak of trying to burn me."  Kamui let me go and I helped the officers handcuff and transfer the attempted kidnappers. Kamui didn't apologize, instead him and Death Arms just left with grumbling from the wooden jerk. After catching up with the detective I left to go home with my stuff.

Mom was at the door when I got there. I couldn't even say high before I felt the cat iron pan I had made for her hit me. "WHY DID YOU FIGHT A HERO?!?!", Mom basically screamed at me. "The news lies Mom and you know it when it comes to me. The thugs behind me tried to kidnap me, Kamui jumped to conclusions, oh and Detective Tsukauchi says hi." I reply as I rub where she hit me. Mom of course apologized and found some liquid porcelain stuff to fix the cracks in my skin from the pan. We ate supper a bit later and I decided to go out for a jog.

After an hour of jogging a girl stopped me. Her hair was in two messy blond buns, she was in a school uniform I didn't recognize, and she had fangs. "Hey there big boy, what's the rush? I'm Toga, what's your name?", she asked as she kept her hands behind her back. "I am sorry Toga but I must be heading home. I have training tomorrow," I replied as I walked by her.

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