A Prank and A Letter.

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~<Izukus POV>~

It has been 10 years since I found out what my quirk is. Over those long, tortuous years I've actually made a special tally system for each event that happens. I have 369 jade marbles for attempted kidnapping, 122 green diamond marbles for muggings, 22 green gold ball bearings for hostage situations, and luckly only 5 emerald marbles for how many times people have tried to kill me. These marbles are currently in a box under my bed. My mom doesn't know about 90% of these event marbles so she wont worry about me.

It's the last day of school until I go to either a general education high school or UA. The day went on as usual, people bugging me for money or gems, kacchan scaring them off, us getting into the classroom, and going through today's lessons. At the end of the day the teacher joked about us all wanting to be heros so no need for a job placement test. Kacchan then yelled, "Don't lump me and Izuku with these extras. Both of us are going to UA." That's when the class jerk spoke.

"Yeah, you'll both get in by bribing your way through the test.", the muscle bound idiot said, "I bet Izuku will pay off the entire group of people taking the test to fail so only you two get in." With that his three goons chuckled as he walked over to me. "By the way Emerald boy, you owe me money for putting my Dad in jail." I sighed already tired of this, "Listen here rocks for brains, if your Dad didn't try to kill me 10 years ago he wouldn't be in jail." That's right, the first person who tried to kidnap me was this idiots father. The brute then punched me, in the split second before his fist hit me I decided to pull a trick I call Jade Skeleton.

My entire body hit the wall as I forced all but my skeleton and some sections of my emerald flesh to turn to dust. The entire classroom was silent. It stayed that way until I decided to strike. After picking myself off the floor as a skeleton I slowly walked over to rocks for brains, my jaw hanging open, one leg somewhat dragging, and both arms out straight. This made the entire classroom scream including RFB, the coward literally fell backwards and was trying to crawl away screaming that he was sorry and he didn't mean to kill me. After he crawled into a corner I grabbed and lifted him. That's when he asked for mercy the one line I wanted to hear. "Sorry, all out of mercy." I pretended to get ready to punch him but instead I drop him and reform my body glad my clothes weren't ruined by his punch. Once I was fully reformed I went to my seat laughing, "Seriously if knocking my head off my body doesn't kill me at 4, I'm much harder to kill now." Kacchan shook his head, "Izuku that joke went too far. Even I thought you were dead and puppeteer in the corner was moving you."

With that the bell rang and we all left to go home. I decided to run by the jeweler to get another haircut so I took a longer way home which would bring me by him.  Along the way there I went under a bridge and nearly got knocked over by a manhole cover tossed by a mass of slime. "Perfect a bodysuit to hide in!!", the slime creature said before charging at me. When he touched me I quickly coated him with emeralds. "Great I have to add two more emerald marbles to my collection. What's with people wanting to kill me today?", I sigh as I pull my phone from my backpack go call the police. When I find the number for the police All Might pops out of the sewer. "Ummm, thank you for catching this guy. Why do these emeralds look so familiar?" All Might said as he looked the caught sludge over.

I laughed, "Hey All Might, you still have my arm in your trophy case?" When I asked him that he walked over and hugged me, "Young Midoriya, how long has it been since I last saw you? You've grown up like a weed!" I returned the hug, "Two years and 52 marbles ago." "What do you mean by 52 marbles?", All Might asked as I called the police and had them on their way. "I actually started a tally system for how many times I've been kidnapped, mugged, held hostage, and when they try to kill me. I got two more marbles today from a class mate and this sewer dweller.", I explained as I leaned against the bejeweled sludge.

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