Hope Crushed

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I walked to my seat with a groan as I popped my back some causing some loud popping. "Um Sato can you power up and punch my back? I have a few vertebrae out of place." He quickly did it and I sighed, "Thanks. I guess the bed bomb hurt me more than I thought." I then sat down with everyone looking at me scared. "I'm immortal nothing can kill me, even Lady Death from Cybers reality can't kill me." That made everyone calm down and class started.

We barely got an hour in when Anti-Villain idiots broke into the school and hunted for me. When they found me they tried to attack me only for all of them to get tied up by Catzawas scarf and Seros tape. They were escorted off the property and released, only for them to break in again. This time I walked down to them.

I only had to wait about 3 seconds for them to attack me. It was Tomato Karen again. With a smirk I grew a new special attack I call the Emerald Garden. Vines of emeralds grew out of the ground and grabbed all of the Anti-Villain fools. With them trapped I walked over to Tomato Karen, "Hello again Karen. I guess you met bail. I have a restraining order on you and the Anti-Villain group. You all are breaking that and now will serve jail time without bail or parole. Bye, bye."

Once they were hauled off I headed back to class for English with the loud cockatoo that is Present Mic. Well half way through the lesson a bug got into the room and he screamed like a little girl. I shattered along with all the windows on the property. Everyone was shocked to see me suddenly shatter but I grew a new body annoyed. Tsuyu used her tongue to catch and eat the bug grossing out the girls and helping Present Mic calm down.

After class I swept up my shards and handed them to Nezu for much stronger windows and for future repairs. When he asked why I sounded so sure there would be more I said, "Today has already sucked. If it keeps up I'm going to need therapy." He nodded and I went into class.

I walked in and dodged under Midnights hug easily. "I have a girlfriend Midnight also theres still two weeks left in the deal we made." We did our poetry and creative writing class with the occasional Midnight simp... I mean fanclub member professing his or her love. It gets annoying very quickly. I created an emerald dome over the school property and kicked out her fanclub. "Who the fuck left the doors open to the loony bin?"

That comment made Katsuki laugh and reply, "No clue but I bet they will regret making you mad." Lunch was uneventful except Hood and Kurogiri was helping Lunch Rush since I was shattered, formed a massive dome, and I made Emerald Guarden permanent in a section of the school yard as a way to train dexterity and agility. During lunch I was put in a room by myself where I ate a lot of food.

When class started back up I saw All Might walking to our classroom and he saw me through the door eating, "Young Midoriya, why are you still eating? Lunch ended a few minutes ago." I swallowed a giant bowls worth of bacon and eggs, "The cockatoo shattered me when a ladybug landed on his nose, I've made an emerald dome because of Midnights simps, and I had to make Emerald Garden which is a very draining move. Which site are we training at this time?"

All Might paled and said, "Site Delta, also you might want to befriend FatGum. He eats almost as much as you." I nodded with a chuckle and I motioned him to move on, "Its best you leave before I hurry up to finish. Not everyone can withstand me unhinging my jaw." He nodded and ran off with me finishing my massive lunch.

By the time everyone was changed I was already at the site and holding a massive chunk of emerald. No one asked knowing how I eat sometimes. It was battle training again. Momo and I against Kirishima and Katsuki. I was ready to go against them with me as the villain again. That's when another bandwagon of idiots showed up.

"WE ARE HERE TO KILL THE FAKE HERO THAT PUT STAIN IN PRISON!!" I was done. By this point if I had blood it would now be steam and I'd be melting the metal around me with ease. I marched over to them and yelled, "I'm only warning you Stain wannabes once, leave now before I am forced to go nuclear." The idiots attacked me only for their swords and daggers to break.

"I warned you idiots. Now time to pay the piper!" I formed a flute of emerald and started to play music on it. The thugs heard it and was forced to dance themselves to jail. My classmates didn't hear the music but All Might did as he still felt guilty that he took his quirk back.

Once I was done playing I crashed again with Momo and All Might rushing over to help me up. They helped me to a wheelchair and I sighed, "I need more sleep. I've used too much of my energy for this bs. I've not figured out limiting it at all yet All Might." Momo heard of course, "Limiting what Izuku? Tell me right now." All Might sighed, "Tell her. I'll oversee the others test and set up a 3v3. 

As he walked away I told Momo about One For All and its history. I also explained that since I rereceived the quirk from All Might I was using a lot more energy but each time I rested it came back and I've been able to hold more. After class I got a ride home and Mom was worried until I told her about me getting back All Mights quirk and I have to redo my training to control it.

Momo stayed the night and fet me at dinner. Of course I got teased by the Nomu Forms until I said, "Keep teasing me and I'll destroy your crystals keeping you guys as Nomu forever!" That shut up all but Mocha. She kept it up and I had her crystal become a spider. Her reaction was hilarious since she keeps her crystal in her cleavage.

She looked confused at first as the changes finished. When she reached in to find out what was moving she freaked out when she pulled out a mini crystal spider. She screamed and threw it across the room with Hood catching it. She ran to the bathroom stripping thinking there might be more.

Mom was laughing, Momo was blushing, I was nearly asleep, and the rest of the NFs were laughing there heads off. Eri walked over and poked me, "Go to bed Daddy, you're about to doze off into the potatoes." I nodded and told everyone goodnight as Kurogiri warped me and Momo to my bedroom. Momo and I slept in the same bed and I began to hope again that tomorrow isn't a complete pain in the ass.

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