Explosive Reation

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It was middle of the night and I couldn't even meditate like I wanted to. Something was bugging me but I didn't know what. The look in some of my classmates eyes when they saw her quirk? Well only two but still. Wait, only one didn't cry when I told the story. She almost seemed very mad about it being found out. I hope my hunch is wrong.

Using Cyber mes quirk I hack into all the cameras and see the person walking  down some dark alleys. I watch her go into an abandoned building basically kicking the door down. She is barely in there for a few seconds before I see the flash of gunfire and see shadows moving on the walls. After a minute of gun fire it stops and she walks out holding a briefcase and a file she definitely didnt have before.

I decide to warp on a nearby roof and watch her as I hope I am completely wrong. She heads into an illegal club after the bouncer greets her saying, "Welcome back Zeena. Been a while since you came here." I groaned and used Togatas quirk to get into the club. Luckily she somewhat stood out as she headed to the back and vanished from view. "Why can't it ever be easy?" While mentally cussing I snuck into the back and watched what was going on.

"Zeena it's been a while. Got anything on the living gem to use against him? I want him either dead or making me money. He ruined the quirk bullet plan." The girl smirked as she removed her blood soaked boots, "He has a sister, his Mom adopted the girl used to make them. He cried jade tears thinking about what she went through. I bet if we get her we can do both schemes. The bullet and his body." The guy she was talking to laughed. His body jiggling as he looked like if Santa shaved and became a pimp.

"I will send my best assassins to grab her later, first I want him to meet me so I can talk him into surrender but backstab him anyways. Your parents will no longer have their money problems. Consider their debts paid." Uraraka smirked, "If possible just kill my parents. I am sick of them telling me what I can and can't do. Seriously, I have full gravity control and they are quirkless thanks to the gems father. I hate the stigma of being their child."

I coughed making myself known, "I really hoped you weren't the mole. Unfortunately, you threatened my family. No one fucks with my family." The guy shoots me with bullets and it just sounds like an off key piano is being played. When his clip is emptied I knock him out and cuff him. That's when Uraraka increased my gravity.

"I knew I should have cried earlier. You're too smart for your own good Deku. I wish I had found a simpler way to kill you." She laughed as she kept increasing it while I let her think she was in control. "Why do you hate your parents so much?" She kicked me in the face, "Because they are quirkless. They were both born quirkless and I luckily formed one. The stigma of them being my parents made me a target of bullying. Maybe with them dead I can finally be free of them."

I sighed and just stood up as if it wasn't a problem, "You truly are an idiot. You're under arrest Uraraka. I was really hoping you weren't the mole, I was going to ask you out." With her stunned I knocked her out, arrested the entire club, and called the cops. By 4 am there were 600 arrests, a mole in jail, and a Santa wannabe singing like a canary blaming Uraraka.

I went to school late and grumbled as every single one of my classmates ask if I knew where Uraraka was. After the 14th time I was asked I basically screamed, "She was the fucking mole and is in jail! She planned to have her parents, Eri, and I killed. If you don't believe me I will willingly show the arrest cause I was there." I punched the wall destroying a good section of it before I headed up to the roof.

After a little bit Bakugo walked up and sighed, "So round face was the mole. I am sorry the first girl you liked was a villain. Who knows what else she would pull if you didn't catch her so soon." I just groaned and curled up, "I am an idiot. I saw flags from the damn start and didnt trust my gut." Bakugo  chuckled and hit me upside the head, "Finally something human from you. You let hormones win." After he calmed me down we went back to class and Aizawa made sure I saw a small note when I entered. She escaped but left a note.

During a break he handed me a copy of the note. "Deku, when I get my feet back on UA soil or near your mansion you are dead. I dont care if I have to use my quirk 100 years to do it. You ruined my freedom, I will crush yours." I burned the note and called Kurogiri, "If you see Uraraka get her to the police. She is threat level 6. She lied about her quirk and is out for blood." I heard clattering pans as Kurogiri replied, "Understood Izuku, should I activate the patrol plan or just the be looking for one.?" I growled, "Go full alert, she is not getting any of my family. Alert all of M and N and I will tell Eri."  I saw Eri at lunch and warned her about Uraraka and that she is as dangerous as Overhaul but for different reasons.

Eri nodded and went along with her day. Today has gone from bad to worse. Why did I get infatuated with a villain and why do I feel so betrayed by her? Either way, I have to stop her and soon.

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