Entrance Exam

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~<Izuku POV>~

I have been waiting for this day. The day I make All Might eat his words. For this reason I arrived early at UA and set up what I call Quirk Walk. It's a very thin layer of green diamond and everyone who steps on it gets their quirk copied and added to my collection. Thanks to some odd reason both regular applicants and those who are recommendations are both testing the same day. I came so early I even have the teachers quirks. Present Mic and some talking to animals quirks ombined will be very useful in a forest.

Once everyone else was in I joined them quickly absorbing the QW. I aced the written test and turned it in heading to the auditorium with the other regular applicants. Once everyone who passed came to the auditorium Present Mic started his stupid speech explaining the test. Right when he finished saying three bots are worth points some idiot interrupted.

"Excuse me sir, the pamphlet everyone was given says there are four bots not three. Either the pamphlet is wrong or you are. Now boy in the back in the black outfit, quit standing around and acting like a creep. You scared plenty of people away from testing today." I couldn't help but laugh a bit then remove my black hood. "If I scare them then they are not worthy of coming here and I am not sitting because I will not "sully" UAs precious seats with my villain DNA," I said using Present Mics quirk," Now I know for certain there is 4 bot types but I bet its worthless point wise. Now how about you shut up and let the energetic cockatoo finish speaking." When I finished speaking people got over their shock of me being there and did one of two things: attack me or run to the other side of the room. Needless to say I quickly put them all back into their seats using my emeralds. I sigh, "Trust me if I was a villain I would have killed you all before you got to this room. Now sit down and listen to him."

Present Mic was shocked I used his quirk but quickly continued. "As he stated the fourth bot is a zero pointer and more of an obstacle. Avoid it at all costs. Now, Midoriya, how were you positive there were four types?" I laughed a bit, "You're using my hair in their circuitry. In the months after All Might dropped me like a rotten potato I've learned much more about my quirks." This stunned the entire group of people here and made a nearby door suddenly slam open. It was of course All  Might.

"There you are Young Midoriya. Principal Nezu was looking for you," he said with a smile. I growled, "You will call me Mr. Midoriya. You lost the privilege to call me Young Midoriya." The room gasped and Jerk Might nodded leading me to Principal Nezu. I entered the room and looked at the odd small rodent quickly sending a very thin, invisible strand of hair out to duplicate his quirk since I didn't have it. "Oh, you must be Izuku Midoriya. I'm principal Nezu and I set up your test. You must destroy all the bots in site Gama in 2 minutes." I look at the campus map on the wall to locate Site Gama and then chuckle, "Done. All are now worthless." Nezu and Jerk Might checked and what I said was true. All the bots were shredded from the inside out. Then strands of my hair come through the wall avoiding wiring and pipes. It then became a chair behind me that I sit on. Needless to say both had their jaws hanging. "Wait, the diamond strands we were using were your hair?" I nodded and smirked as I watch fear cover Jerk Mights face.

Nezu was the first to collect himself, "You copied a lot of quirks didn't you? All Might told me that your second quirk is to copy and enhance them." I simply nodded and glared at Jerk Might, "I can also downgrade them. I removed my quirk and mental copy from it before I returned it. When he asked me to forgive him I destroyed the changed version in front of him." "Young... I mean, Mr. Midoriya, I really am sorry. I ..." All Might started to say. "Shut it Jerk Might. I don't want or need your pathetic quirk. I will be a hero without it and I will keep your successor as number 2 as I take the top, " I snapped at him causing him to flinch.

I sigh and absorb my chair, "If you accept me I will be civil to him but never friendly. Maybe one day I may forgive him but not soon." After bowing to Nezu and glaring at Jerk Might I leave the room. I watch the others do their simple tests chuckling at how much some are struggling. I'm about to leave when I hear a girl yell for help. Without thinking I jump down to her from my floating emerald and quickly get her out from under the concrete rubble on her. As I turn to face the zero pointer I have a jade clone move her to safety before I make my hands bigger than the stupid bot and crush it along with the buildings close to it.

Once it was a compressed ball the size of a meatball I eat it then walk over to the girl, absorbing my clone as I get close. I heal her wounds then everyone elses before I walk out. The walk home was boring as no one even bothered to mess with me. I kind of miss the fights and the kidnappings. The human interaction of it is what I crave. Heck even a person booing me would be nice. Once I was home I showered, drank some soda, and waited for Mom. Hopefully the places Mom visits will hire her. She could use a job.

~<All Might POV>~

It's been a little bit since Izuku left the office and saved the young girl. "What did you do All Might? That kid looks like he wants you dead." I flinch when Nezu says that, "He was to be mu successor until I found out who his dad was. I panicked and made him return the quirk even though he used 100% without any problem." Nezu glares then hits me upside the head, "You numbskul!! You could have made him like his father by doing that. He is already partly on that path!! He formed a very thin layer, of what I'm guessing is his green diamond hair, over the walkway and probably used it to copy quirks. He probably copied mine when he came in here. Now if he ever goes evil we can't stop him!!" "I know I'm a fool. Hopefully I can make it up to him and return this quirk to him. It hasn't felt like mine since he returned it, " I sigh, "I really hope that he forgives me sooner than later." Nezu shook his head, "I currently see it as later. You really crushed him. He saw you as his idol over 10 years ago. The worst person to crush a dream is someone you look up to."

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