Anti-Villain Rally

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~<Izuku POV>~
Its been roughly a week since I was nearly killed by Kacchan. Since that day I was more cautious when outside not wanting to find out my limits of immortality. This morning was one I never thought I would see. Outside my home was a group of people calling me a villain as they held up Anti-Villian signs with my face, All for One, my Moms, and other known villains faces. I had barely stuck my foot out the door before tomatos, rocks, an eggplant, and lots of eggs. Normally I would just close the door but I wanted to mess with them. I moved quickly eating each item thrown at me.

The crowd stopped chucking stuff after they noticed I wasn't running. I let out a small burp, closed the door and started to walk to the mall. After I get to the corner I turn around and look at them. "Thanks for breakfast but I'm not a villain and neither is my mom. Have a good day." I continued on my way not caring if they follow me of not. Of course they followed calling me many names. Most I heard before with Quirk Whore and Heartless Bastard being the only new ones.

I remembered an old video on an ancient website called youtube. With I smirk I turned around and looked at them in fake pain,"Ouch, oooo, such an insult. How about you come back at me with some original ones you poorly packaged sacks of horse shit. Tell your significant others I said hi snookems." I blew a kiss and kept walking. Some old men on a nearby park bench started laughing. "I see you like the older videos! You'll find better insults if you dig enough!!", One yelled as he nearly hit the ground laughing.

I waved and kept walking as I entered the mall to get what was needed and extra. There was a store that sold stuff from tv like nonstick pans, some odd light up slippers, wall riding RC cars, and super sharp knives. I entered it and before I could even look around I got hit by Endeavors fire. "Yo hot head, you need to stop attacking me when I am simply shopping. You know I am not a villain." He just threw another fire ball which I ate as if it was a spicy meatball. He kept it up as I had Gemions get people away as I slowly lead him out into the street where he will do less damage to property.

After some time of eating his stupid fire balls and forming jade chain mail armor to prevent nudity the police arrived and pointed their guns at me. "Here we go again." I sigh as I recall my Gemions and lay on the ground with my hands behind my back. Hot head used this as an opportunity to try to melt me into a puddle only to find me unharmed and covered in more jade armor. "WILL YOU STOP THAT?!?! THAT IS THE SECOND OUTFIT YOU RUINED OF MINE!" I yelled at him while cops handcuff me and put me in the back of their car.

I chuckled as Endeavor was also arrested and put into a fire proof car. Both of us were taken to the jail where after a few questions showed that Endeavor just wanted to get me expelled since he believed that I wasn't worthy of UA and that "Villain Spawn should be locked up before they can cause trouble". I went back to the mall where the owner themself gave me a bunch of stuff for free as thanks for saving his business from the fiery wrecking ball. Once I was done and had thanked them I headed home. As I entered the door the news made a major announcement which made me and my mom laugh.

"Number two hero Endeavor is under investigation for multiple reasons. He has been caught twice attacking Izuku Midoriya, son of All for One, for no reason with the second time having just happened today at the mall. Instead of fighting back Izuku protected the businesses and civilians from getting hurt as Endeavor shot fire ball after fire ball. In the end Izuku laid down in the middle of the road only for the Number two hero to try to melt him. Police are now investigating every single one of his arrests, complaints placed against him, and making him pay Izuku and any others he has tormented for psychological torment he has caused. His license is officially suspended for the next two years and it is highly likely that it'll be revoked."

My phone then began to ring off the hook. The first few were the usual insults which I now had recorded with their phone numbers. There was jump off the roof, demon spawn, quit lying about Endeavor, and some death threats. Then a new call came through which I didn't expect. It was an anonymous caller giving me thanks that Endeavors horrible parenting will finally be revealed and ended. I couldn't get his name before he hung up but I still sent all the calls and the data collected from them to the cops.

The next day I went to school and apologized to Shoto Todoroki about having his dad arrested. What surprised me is that he actually smiled, "I hope that horrible father loses his license and is imprisoned so I no longer have to deal with him. He drove my mom crazy, treated me and my siblings like trash, and got away with it." I nodded and gave him a bit jade, "How about you keep this as a reminder of his but going to jail?" Shoto nodded and thanked me as I walked back to my seat before our hero name selection class started. I was asked last and I chose the perfect one: Spite the Green Mineral Hero. Everyone loved it and I got another date invite from Midnight in my pocket. Looks like I will eventually have to accept it or she will never give up.

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