Midas What?

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I yawn as I headed downstairs after a long day of dealing with Midnight since I blew her off. Instead of what would have been a few hour date became an all day thing. First we went to Disney Land Tokyo and rode almost all the rides. For an ancient theme park it was a blast except I had one question. Why is the mascot a giant talking rat? I got hit by Midnight when I asked that and she told me his name is Mickey Mouse and he is not a rat. Honestly I don't care but I admit that some movies I watched from the 1900's weren't that bad. Didn't understand Sleeping Beauty or something called Muppets but oh well.

Once we were all done at the park she dragged me to a store where she bought me a tux. The dress shirt was a light powder blue, black shoes with golden striped soles, dark jade green pants, and jacket. "I feel like a money in a jade suit," I muttered thinking Midnight wasn't close enough to hear. "Well you're my monkey tonight Izuku. Just so you know it was jade or fire opal." I snickered at that and looked at her, "I rather not dress up like my evil dimensional copy." She was in a jade green dress with random veins of golden yellow. Honestly she looked nice but I still don't think she is my type.

We headed to the most expensive restaurant in Hosu. I tried to signal to the host to stay quiet about me owning the place but of course it was a new guy. "Oh Mr. Midoriya, I wasn't told you would be coming today sir. Please follow me." He lead us to a balcony table which very few knew about. Once we were seated Midnight had to know, "Do you come here often? It seemed like he was nervous. Did you though a fit when they ruined a meal?" I laughed and shook my head.

As I was laughing the head cook ran up to me, "Hey boss. I hope you're doing fine this evening." I smiled, "I usually am when I come here. Judging by how fast you came here, you found another old recipe?" He nodded so fast his head actually fell off. Midnight screamed as I caught it. "Carl you need to wear your connection gear when you work. You're literally falling apart." I toss him back his head as it laughs. "Midnight, meet Carl Ramsey. Quirk is Dismemberment and he is the best cook around. Yes he is related to Gordon Ramsey the cook from a few centuries ago." He greeted her and apologized for falling apart.

"I actually found a few recipes this time. One is a small cake called a Bundt Cake and another is a soup called. One second, where's that note?" I watch him fall apart looking for the note until I remove it from his hat. "Carl, check your hat first next time. Seven can soup? Sounds simple and good. Midnight if it's ok with you, do you want to try these out along with the regular meal?" She nodded and I helped Carl put himself together. He rushed off happily as Midnight and I talked. We ate our meal and she had some wine as I drank some tea.

After our meal we headed home with her giving me the evil eye. "Anything else I need to know?" I shook my head as we passed by a store. The manager rushed out and hugged me. "Yay you came back to town Izu!!" I chuckled and patted her head, "Hello Toga, how are you doing working at my store?" She smiled showing her fangs, "Its fun except when people ask someone else to ring them up." I sighed, "You know you can deny them service if they do that? It's literally on the wall behind the registers." I point it out through the window and she facepalms. I get her back to work and I freeze feeling Midnights murderous aura.

"Who was that Izuku. Don't tell me you already have a girlfriend." I told her that Toga tried to kill me after her quirk made her a bit crazy. I just had her go to therapy and gave her a job when she got out. Midnight calmed down and I get us both to our respective homes. Of course Midnight wanted more but I told her no. When I got home I laid on my bed until a notification popped up on my pc. "It's fucking midnight. I hope this is important and not the hero Midnight. I want to relax some."

I check and it was an email from an unknown person who called himself Midas. "I want you to join the Elementals. I am Midas, King of gold. We have Neptune, North Wind, Hephaestus, and Zeus. If you join us we can get rid of the hero system." I sighed and looked up their code names to find out what they all were and assumed their names matched their quirks. I responded a bit later, "No offense but I don't want to join any random team of people who literally used codenames that match their quirks. Midas you must turn stuff to gold if you touch it. Zeus uses lightning I'm guessing, etc, etc. Message me again and I will find you."
I didn't hear back from them that night but knowing my luck, I will meet them soon.

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