Dealing With Feelings

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It's been a week since I put Uraraka back into jail. I found the eater and the crystal dudes again when I was just randomly warping around. Both thanked me and I invited them to join the others I have helped. They both join and I notified Nezu about two more class N students. After a bit of talking and me doing some rounds as a hero I took them to an apartment complex I had bought and put them in their own rooms. With them settled in I headed home where I got tackled by Eri.

"Ow, I forgot you're not soft Izuku." I chuckled and ruffled her hair, "Sorry Eri. You have a good afternoon?" She nodded and showed me a clay figure she was working on. It was detailed and looked like a young person. I couldn't really tell who but it was cool. "That looks good Eri. I can't wait for it to be finished." She smiled and went back to the art room.

With her happy I headed to my room and looked at a pile of letters, printed emails, and texts. I began to sort through them and sort them out some. Using a quirk I created from scratch I would look at the writers/texters true intent. Most were gold diggers, a couple were after a super quirk baby, and a handful of psycho stalkers. I threw all of them out after putting their names on a spread sheet I made. "Wow this world is messed up. So many teens after the wrong things. I'm starting to sound like an old man."

I looked at the last three and groan as I knew who each of them were from personally. One was from Midnight and you can guess what she wants. Mocha was the second one and she was close to Midnight in her intent but she felt it was more for paying back what I did for her. The last one was actually from Momo. I knew she was a nice and rich person but she was doing it because her father wanted her to and she has a crush on me. Out of irritation I groaned and pinned them to my wall before I headed down for supper.

Supper was uneventful until one of the female NFs started to read some of the letters I've gotten from different girls. The girls blushed and the males all cheered until I grabbed and incinerated them. "I am sorry but they are all after a quirk baby, the money I use to help you all, or they are insane. They are not worth looking into." I left the table and created a mini incinerator in my room for future use. The house was pretty silent after that until Eri walked in.

"Izuku, I am sorry about earlier. I was helping with garbage duty and saw the letters. Before I could tie the bag she grabbed them." I chuckled and hugged her, "It's ok Eri. You didn't plan for it to happen. Now isn't it your bedtime? Go shower and get to bed. We have school tomorrow." She hugged me and went her way as I just laid on my bed. I spent the night trying to decide who and why to pick them. That's when I thought about visiting my doubles, Vamp and Cyber me.

I opened a portal to Cybers and hop though it looking at All For One, ALL Might, Cybers Mom, Cyber Izuku, Eri, and Mei all looking at me confused. Cyber tapped my leg and when he heard the note sound from it he chuckled, "Odd timing for a visit Gem Izuku. What's the occasion?" All Might pointed to me, "This is one of the two you met during training?" He nodded, "Yes he is Dad Might." This made him and his Mom blush but All For One clench his fist for a few seconds.

"I guess it's best I update you on how far my world is and since your sliding quirk isnt very accurate you might have some time distortion. I got into UA both support and hero class with Mei, I saved Eri, became a full on pro hero, beat up my Moms ex and Dumpster fire multiple times. Oh, I found out I'm a Reaper of Lady Death, the literal goddess of death. Had a summer training camp which ended yesterday, found out my Dad is AFO and Dad Might is dating Mom." I looked at him for a minute as I tried to register all he said.

"Wow, you've done a lot. Well I saved Eri too. I've given her the ability to fly to control her power, became a pro, found out my crush is evil, put her in jail twice, and now I'm lost." At the last bit I sigh and Mei hugs me gently. "Its ok Gem, not everything goes as planned. He got turned into a cat by a female neko version of himself." I chuckled, "Wait you're not joking?" Both shook their heads and pointed to Eri. Cyber chuckled, "She liked the neko version so much she wanted to be one. I've kinda spoiled my snowball of a daughter." I smiled, "My mom adopted my Eri and shes being watched over by ex-nomu I was able to save."

For the next couple of hours we talked and joked around some hearing everyones stories and me learning at least some more of what my father might have been through. After that I asked for tips to get over a broken heart. They told me some good ones but reminded me that if she wasn't ment for me it was going to end badly either way. Plus sometimes you gotta look at all options, even if it's the same gender. I thanked them and created a portal to head to Vamp Izuku.

I left and ended up in what looked like a castle in the middle of nowhere. Before I could figure anything out I was pinned to the wall by some bedazzled bunny girls which looked somewhat familiar. "Midnight? Mt. Lady? What happened in this reality?" They dragged me to a big throne room where I saw an older version of Vamp me on a throne with Momo on his lap. At first he was confused until my leg hit against a statue. "Gem Izuku? Is that you my good me?" I nodded, "Hey Fire Opal, what have you been up to and how many years have passed? I must have gone far for you to be in your twenties."

He laughed and had the two release me, "I'm sure you've had your internship and summer camp by now. It is honestly just a bit after camp if our time lines match up some. I went through a loop into the past and replaced the current loop of myself. I'm very old but still only 15." He laughed and got off his throne and walked down to me. "So what brings you by? In the dog house with your girl? I'm sure Uraraka will calm down."

I groaned, "Was it that obvious I liked her? Anyways she was a bad person and I had to put her in jail, twice." He looked stunned, "That's a shocker, my Uraraka is so innocent it makes me sick. We can trade Urarakas if you want." I shook my head, "I just need tips about hearbreak." He winced, "Never had it happen so I'm useless in that department but it shouldn't be hard to find a new girl. You're a what trillionaire by now? Most girls would love to snag you." This made me groan and sit on the floor.

"I know but I want real love not some stupid gold digger only after my money or a quirkist after a super baby. I literally have 5000 emails a day asking for a date. Even some of my ex-nomu want me." Vamp sat next to me, "Ex Nomu, as in you made them human again? How?" I told him how I did it and he relaxed some, "I'm going to have to do that, Toga was accidentally made into a Nomu. I keep her around because it's so much fun seeing her shapeshift." I nodded, "I know, I got my Toga into therapy and shes working at a store I own. Shes nice to talk to but sometimes her bloodlust hits and she ruins my shirts." We both laugh and he stands up, "Maybe try her, Shoto, or Midnight. Your Shoto might be a better Shoka if you get my meaning."

I groaned and punched him, "Not going to genderbend him. Anyways thanks for the help. Good luck taking over the world." I hopped home and meditated. Those two realities are vastly different. I wonder what path I will end up on.

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