Monday Mayhem

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I sit in the classroom much earlier than anyone else as I grumble. Since the little Anti-villain Federations invasion of my mansion I haven't even been able to meditate. More branches of that stupid group have attacked me multiple times and at random times. Seriously if their main branch fails so will the rest. I am literally one more irritation away from attacking all of the branches to hopefully get my equivalent of sleep.

My classmates came in and I just halfassed waved from how my sanity was crumbling. After a bit I see Mineta walk in and I grew lots of spikes destroying my desk and scaring everyone. "See officer he is a villain!! Why won't you arrest him?!?!" screamed the grape headed fool. "You assaulted me, Mocha, and 99% of the females here and you expect me not to get mad when I see you?!?! I still have to replace over 50 windows from your stupid stunt with the anti-villain idiots!!"

The officer pulled him back and got between us, "I was not told you had history but he is still in this school but on parole and under very close supervision." I growled as I fixed my desk, "If he attempts to grope anyone I will take his quirk and replace it with one that if he is within 3 meters of a female she will get the urge to avoid him." Mineta walks over to me and gets in my face, "That reminds me, I want my full quirk back!!" The officer looks at me, "What does that mean?"

I growled and warped Grapist to his seat which got moved to a corner and surrounded with spikes. "Stay there or else Grapist!! Anyways first day of school I boosted his quirk a tiny bit so he can turn his balls into simple items. When he attacked me a few days ago I removed the boost. His quirk is still there but as it was before the boost." The officer nodded and took a seat near the pervert, "Shut up Mineta, boosts from other quirks don't count as your own quirk."

Class was simple and kinda just a refresher except each teacher asked why Mineta was spike walled and had a cop next to him. Kacchan explained each time so I wouldn't strangle anyone. When lunch started the cop swapped with another and escorted Mineta to a special room where he got his lunch served to him. The rest of us enjoy lunch until class started back up.

I was first into the classroom and ready to trap the Grapist when Nezu walked in with Aizawa and Midnight. Nezu waved to me before we waited for the entire class to come in. "Mineta has been expelled and has been marked on his ID as a dangerous person. During lunch he attacked the cop keeping an eye on him. While he was unsupervised he groped 10 girls and tried to rape the 11th. She fought back and he killed her. I'm sorry Izuku but it was one of class N. He is now in Tartarus and should he ever be released he is to be watched 24/7."

I rushed to the area where the room Mineta was kept in, released the cop, and followed the grape trail to where he was caught. When I found the girl I relaxed as she turned to dust then returned to a flesh body. After covering her with a blanket I took Phoenix to Nezu and explained her quirk. I then told my class mates that she was ok and we did small bits of training as we still had to choose our hero agencies for us to intern under. I of course had hundreds but I'm thinking of going to Hosu or try to get in under Nighteye. I know about his quirk and hopefully if I copy it I can see my own future.

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