Mini Homecoming and Drama

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I woke Eri up at 8 and have her do a couple of laps after breakfast. Togata thought that I am being too rough on her as I shook my head. "All I am doing is giving her an edge compared to other kids and making it so she doesn't accidentally erase someone again." Once she was done I gave her a new outfit that would kinda make her look like a flying squirrel. "Eri this is a glider suit. It's made to let you glide so you don't constantly have to use your power."

I helped her into it as we headed up to the roof. Once we get up there I formed my own so she wouldn't feel silly in a glider suit. After we got ready we jumped off the roof and began to fly off towards my home town. I made sure that she was following me and did some loop de loops to keep her entertained. I saw a kid being beat up near UA and yelled, "Eri stay up here for me." I drove down at hi speeds and did a hero landing behind the bullies.

"Back away from the kid right now. You should know better than to bully anyone." They looked at me and laughed, "Look a quirkless helping a quirkless. What's next? His prostitute girlfriend is gonna run over and offer sex to save them?" They started laughing loudly and I just trapped them in a giant emerald box. With them yelling I headed over to the hurt kid and healed him.

"There you go, I'm guessing they attack you often?" The kid nodded and I checked for his quirk. When I saw the results I helped him up. "You do have a quirk but you must train your body to unlock it. I can speed that up or you can train your body to move faster and stronger." The kid look confused as Eri landed next to me, "Izuku, do I need to heal him?" I shook my head and ruffle her hair, "I took care of it already, you need to train your flying and rewinding more ok?" She nodded and flew back up into the air.

"She has two quirks?" I nodded, "I gave her flight to make it easier to control her other one and for us to get home. She has severe claustrophobia. Now your quirk is muscle based. Unfortunately it's similar to muscular, and you can form muscle fibers to increase your strength and speed. Unfortunately you can only spawn up to 1000x your bodies amount of pink muscles. You have none in your body." I explain it to him and give him a training regimen to convert all of his muscles to pink. He thanked me and ran home as I scolded the two bullies.

Of course they wouldn't listen until I showed them my license, "I am a pro hero and it's not part of my job to stop bullies but I do. I am making the world a better place." I warned them if I saw them bulky anyone again I would toss them into juvie. After that I let them go and joined Eri in the sky before we continued to my mansion. When we landed my Mom greeted Eri and gave her a your of the mansion. Eri loved her new bedroom but asked why there were multiple beds.

I laughed a bit and knelt down, "I have saved many who were tested on. We are kinda short on room at the moment but the twins said they would love to share their room with you. They go by their nicknames so you might get called the Neopolitan Trio." Eri looked at me confused before the twins came in, one with chocolate colored hair and the other with strawberry colored. They greated her and played with their toys.

It was during lunch when Eri asked, "Izu what's neapolitan? I couldn't ask earlier." I laughed and asked her to give me a second. With a quick walk to the massive freezers I pulled out a giant tub of Neopolitan Icecream and showed it to Eri. I then explained the joke and she smiled, "I get it but I rather be apple flavored instead of vanilla." This made me and the twins laugh as they helped explain it some.

For the next couple of days Eri met with all the NomuForm and adjusted to being cared for. She was curious about everything and I answered all I could. When we took a bus that my Mom bought to school Eri sang songs with the little kids as we headed to UA. The bus was parked and we all headed to our classes. Well, almost everyone. Eri followed me to A-1 where my entire class awed.

Iida spoke first, "Midoriya is that a new NF?" I looked at Eri then snapped at him, "Eri is a she not a that. Also she is my younger sister." Eri waved then looked up at me, "Was I supposed to follow Strawberry and Chocolate?" I nodded and sighed, "Yeah you were but it's ok. I'll take you to that classroom in a second. Can you guys tell Aizawa what happened please?" They nodded and I took Eri to her class. "Ok Eri, be good, listen to the teacher, and if you have questions I am sure they will be able to help you ok?" She nodded and I went to class.

Aizawa waited out in the hallway for me and I could hear my class mates talking. "Congrats Midoriya, you're the youngest hero ever. You can now drop out and start your hero career right now." I shook my head, "I want to finish school. I may be a pro but theres always more to learn." We went into the classroom and I saw that Jiro, aka Earjack had eavesdropped on me and Aizawa. "Tell anyone and I will make you into a Nomu, understood?" She nodded and I went to my seat.

Morning classes went by normally except Present Mic and Midnight giving me odd looks. Everyone noticed but decided not to ask during lunch as Lunch Rush tried to make Eri some apples and other healthy food she might like. Every girl loved Eri and asked when she was adopted. I told them about the raid on Overhaul but I left out a lot of details. When I got to my mom adopting Eri and her and I flying home I said, "Eri does have another quirk but no asking please, she needs to work on controlling it."

After lunch Eri went off with the twins and my class got ready for Hero studies. This is when the fecal matter hit the air circulation device. All Might walked in and when he saw me he could stop himself in time, "Hey Young Midoriya, I heard about the raid. Congrats on becoming the youngest pro hero ever." Aizawa groaned, I nearly cussed, and Bakugo lost his shit. "Deku!!! What the fuck does he mean you are a pro!?!?" I glared at a now scared All Might, "All Might you owe me big time!! I was going to tell them after the summer!! You tell them but leave out Eri's true quirk." I avoided Bakugos attempt to grab me and floated to the ceiling. When Bakugo tried to use his quirk I erased it temporarily and I warped everyone to Site Beta.

We let him destroy buildings in rage as we let him cool down. "Midoriya, you might need to talk to Cyber Izuku to make an anger management box for Bakugo." I nodded and told him I would later. When he calmed down All Might told them all about the raid but I cut him off when he nearly mentions something I don't want them to know.

They all congratulated me for becoming pro and then Uraraka asked a big question. "Wait, if you're a pro why are you here?" I groaned, "I still have stuff to learn so I'm here. I'm not going to pull a Nuclear Pomeranian and dive in head first." That makes everyone but Bakugo laugh. He tries to attack me but he gets dive bombed by Eri. "Leave big bro alone!!" I floated up, "Eri, what are you doing here?" She pointed to her class just walking in and looking at the damage caused by Bakugo. "Training day!"

I sighed and shook my head, "Ok Eri we gotta break the quirk rule. Let's fix this place up. Aim for about two hours ago." After that we turned back time on all the damage. She took care of the smaller things as I repaired totally or mostly destroyed buildings. Everyone was watching and when we finished Eri needed a nap. Momo made her a pink sleeping bag with apples on it which Eri got into and dozed off. I then explained her quirk and that Overhaul used her body to make quirk erasing bullets.

I pull one out of my pocket. The small bullet was encased in emeralds but you could see what it was. "This prototype could have erased a persons quirk for a month. They were not far off from permanent ones." I held Eri on my lap in her sleeping bag as I cried some jade tears. "No one should have to deal with stuff like that let alone a child." After that we did our lessons and I carried Eri home as she got really tired using her quirk. I woke her up for supper and then put her back to bed. I hope she never feels pain again.

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