Angers Grasp

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I walked through the city at night. It's been a week since Uraraka escaped jail and it's only made me angrier with each day that passes. My classmates are getting worried as I talk less and snap more. Honestly, I don't care. I just want the bitch caught and in Tartarus. Her betrayal hit me harder than most and Bakugo knew it.

After a night of patrolling I came home, showered, got dressed, and headed to school. I promised them I would keep going to class and I will keep it. Even though it's the least worrying thing on my mind currently. While I help Kurogiri make breakfast I hear Eri ask why I'm not so nice anymore. Though I froze for a bit I got back to cooking and doing the dishes. I go through the school day and instantly go on patrol once it's done.

I warped from time to time to different towns and areas I don't look through often. When I bumped into FatGum he tried to talk to me I was courteous but that's it. When he noticed I had other things on my mind he sat me down. "Ok, Spite what is wrong with you? You look like you want to remove someones head." I sighed, "It's about Uraraka, the UA mole. I was going to ask her out and the literal day before she accidentally gave herself away. She made a disgusted face as I told them all about how I saved Eri."

FatGum was stunned, "Wow that is very, um, I want to cuss but on duty." I nodded as I snapped my fingers creating a temporary sound barrier around us. "Go ahead. I put up a sound Barrier so sound comes in but doesn't go out." He let out a flurry of cusses, some of which I never heard of. "That sums out how I feel FatGum. Potential girlfriend found out to be evil." I sighed and removed the barrier.

FatGum nodded and stood up, "I get off work in a little bit. There's a club nearby that I visit. How about we get some drinks and you meet some new people?" I shrugged, "Sure but I can't drink. I have school tomorrow." FatGum laughed, "I will call in a favor. You need to relax bud." I nodded and walked with him helping him with some random thugs. People asked who I was but I stayed quiet as FatGum just called me a hero in training.

He gets off his shift and we both go to the club. I met lots of heros, heroines, a few in training, and very few civilians in the club. As I was enjoying a story from a newer hero as I spotted Uraraka. The only reason I was sure was that she flipped me off and ran away. I apologized before I chased her into an alley where she laughed. "You are so easy to trick. Get him boys."

That's when a person who can almost infinitely eat and a person who can form crystals attacked me. I simply froze time and edited both of their quirks. I removed bottomless pits hunger and made it so crystal dude can fully retract any he forms without pain or breaking them. With them dealt with I trapped Uraraka and dragged her to the police station. She was stunned and tried to use her quirk but I stole it.

She cussed me out for ruining her plans as I simply stated, "You also ruined mine. I hope you learn your lesson that quirks are not everything. My father learned it as he was dying. Don't make his mistakes." I left with the entire police force jaws dropped as I returned to the club. FatGum saw me walking in, "Who did you chase after? She looked familiar."

I told him as I got some pretty heavy drinks. Found out another benefit or a curse of my body, I can't get drunk. I can drink everyone under the table and feel nothing. With anger still flooding my brain I left the bar and headed home. I spent the next few hours fighting Hood since he can't sleep either. By the time I was supposed to be getting ready for school I had beaten Hood in every fight.

I healed him up, showered, then ate breakfast with everyone. I had gotten rid of most of my anger but I still felt it. While we headed to school on our bus I meditated to get rid of my anger fully until I found its source. My green gold heart was broken. I had more than a crush on Uraraka, I loved her.

Class went on boringly but during lunch Midnight called me to her office. "Ok Midoriya, what's wrong with you? For the past week you have been angry, you nearly broke Bakugos nose. Today you're moping. What's going on?" I sighed and explained it all. Me catching Uraraka and figuring out why I felt so angry which turned to sadness when I figured it out. She sighed and hugged me, "Heartbreak is natural for everyone though it's never physical like yours. Theres multiple ways to get over it though really limited for you."

We spent lunch talking and she made me feel better. When lunch was over I headed back to class and looked at the page of people wanting dates from me. I was still mad and upset about Uraraka but maybe I do need a girlfriend. I may never fully get over her but I have to try.

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