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~<Izukus POV>~
Due to Endeavor being imprisoned a lot more heros are being reevaluated causing school to be cancelled a couple of days and for me to be stuck at home thanks to everyone hating me more. After they all calmed down I walked to school with Iida and Uraraka and since we left early to avoid the mobs daily arrival we stopped at the park for a little bit. When we arrived I saw a homeless man on a bench and I instantly felt bad for him.

After gently waking him up I gave him a lot of money and told him to get cleaned up and rent an apartment. When he realized what I did he asked what I wanted thinking I was a crook. I told him nothing and he smiled, "Finally an honest person. May I shake your hand?" I let him and felt his quirk force itself into me. "Take my quirk as thanks young man. I cant use it anymore and I know what you learn with it will make you a better man than I was." With that he left whistling a happy tune.

Iida a bit irritated,"Please tell me you didn't take his quirk." "I didn't have a choice. He gave it to me like how my Dad did before he died. I felt it force it's way into my gem body." Iraraka smiled, "I know you'll live up to his expectations. What kind of quirk is it?" I looked at its genetic data only to find out its name was Slider. I tilted my head, "That's odd there is no data on the quirk in its DNA. Maybe I have to use it first?" When the two looked at me confused I explained that as I gained quirks I instantly know how to use them and their name. Once they understood that I told them its name.

Uraraka jumped off the bench they sat as as I explained it. "Maybe you have to go down a slide to activate it? Theres a slide right there so let's see if that'll do it!!" Iida started to say that was a childish idea but before he could finish I was going down the slide as a portal appeared taking me elsewhere. One second I was going down a slide and the next second I was kissing Momo except she had fangs. I quickly backed away and apologized as I learned about my new quirk.

Sliders: This quirk let's you travel between realities with the first time swapping you and your Double of the reality you transfer to. You will be swapped back randomly after at least twenty four hours. This quirk with also save your dimension and any future ones you visit in your dna so when you pass it on to someone else they must start from scratch even if they perfectly copy it.

Momo quickly shushed me, "Izukun I asked for the kiss dont be sorry plus I love the idea of me being your vampire girlfriend." I backed away instantly, "I'm sorry but I may be Izuku I am not your Izuku." When I bumped into a plant pot and rang she instantly checked where I hit it. My porcelain skin was already repairing itself but it still stunned her. "Before you scream or freak out, do you know if my family of this reality is still alive?" She grabbed her phone and called someone. "Hisashi, it's me Momo. I think something is wrong with Izuku. His skin is now porcelain and instead of flesh he is made of emeralds." That's when a portal appeared under me and I ended up on a couch in the livingroom of a smallish apartment, Momo was standing next to me, and Mom was on the loveseat next  to some guy with white hair and freckles like mine.

"Izuku are you ok son? Did one of your creations backfire?" I sat up, "Wait son? Dad is that you? Wait that must mean either he left and came back or he never left. Either that or mom remarried in this reality." This realities version of my mom walked over and looked at my eyes. She hugged me and calmed me down, "I know you're not my son but you're still an Izuku. Where is my son? Were you in a safe zone when you switched?" I nodded, "I was with Iida and Uraraka, they are my classmates at UA. As long as he doesn't attack them he will be fine except maybe a sore rear. I was going down a slide after I gained a quirk called Sliders. Oh crud, I knew that sounded familiar. It's like the old tv series. Oh no, we might be swapped anywhere from a day to a couple of weeks."

Hisashi began to sigh, "Great and we had plans for today too. Quick question who is your father in your world?" I told them and he chuckled softly as he said,"At least that, you nothing going to UA and having quirks match up." "So am I a villain in this reality? If so I swear I wont tell anyone but I won't break the law." They all nodded. "Yep and I joined you last night. Yesterday our Izuku lead an attack on the USJ, which is a training place for heros and hurt All Might for being a major hypocrite. We also started dating and he was going to claim the reason I have Fangs and need blood is because of his "Ultimate Vampire" quirk and that since we are dating it triggered something." I blushed, "I'm glad this realities me has more confidence. I'm still single though Midnight wants to change that." They laughed and I spent family time with them. When Dad and I went outside to play catch he became a white haired clone of me and explained why. When class started up on the following Monday I went straight to Nezu.

"Um Prinipal Nezu, may I talk with you?" When I saw it was an animal thing like mine I relaxed some. I told him that I used a quirk that swapped me and their Izuku and he believed me. After I told him of my world he told me a bit about his then sent me down to class with a note for Aizawa. When he read the note he shook his head. "Izuku please tell me this is a forged note." I shook my head, "Its not, Nezu just gave it to me. I didnt read it like he asked me to." Aizawa then called this worlds Kacchan over and showed him the note.

While they both read it I looked around the room only for a blast to knock my head off. "Damn it Kacchan!! Do you hate this realities me or something?" I formed my body as I usually do, skeleton first and with a jade covering of personal areas before I reach into my bag for some backup clothes. "So Momo wasn't lying when she said Izuku was going to surprise us?" I look at Mineta who looks a lot bigger and more normal sized compared to my worlds. "Mineta is that you? You're definitely different from the one in my world. Did he start school that way or was he a grape headed midget?" This made everyone laugh thinking I was joking until Aizawa shut them up. "Class according to what we just saw and Nezus note this is not our Izuku but one from another reality. Answer his questions and don't bully him. Also sorry about your head. It was an order from nezu."

"It's ok. I dont know how long I'll be here but just in case." I broke my old body into shards showing off my bones and veins in the emerald flesh. I then made everyone necklaces, earrings, or rings to remember me by. "There now none of you can forget meeting me. I'm Izuku Midoriya, Hero in training known as Spite the Green Mineral Hero." That's when the questions started up. "My quirk let's me undo an items gravity, is it same for the me in your reality." "Actually Uraraka I boosted your quirk in my reality removing your drawback and making you able to increase it. Now since I dont know if you guys would be able to handle it here I wont boost you. Now please answer my question about Mineta."

Mineta laughed, "I was a grape headed midget as you put it and a major pervert until our Izuku taught me being a pervert is not a good thing. I got a girlfriend and Vamp Izuku helped my body mature like it was supposed to." Everyone instantly agreed I'd be Gem Izuku and their Izuku would be Vamp Izuku. "Is there a big villain killing heros in your world other than stain?" I instantly shook my head, "Nope just him last I checked. I've been here since Thursday and I hope your guys All Might will be ok. Momo told me about Wednesday. Also Shoto I am sorry about your dad. She should have went to jail like my worlds instead of dying like he did. I heard about how he treated your family from Vamp me's mom." Shoto sat up so quick I thought he would break his neck, "My dad is in jail in your reality?" I nodded, "he attacked me for no reason to try to arrest me and give me a record so I couldn't be in UA then he tried to kill me as I protected people and the mall from his flames. Both times he obviously failed and lost his heros liscense." Shoto smiled, "At least I know karma got him in your world."

After a bit of talking we went to lunch where I suddenly got sucked into a void world with Vamp me. "I know what you are Fire Opal. Don't worry I didn't turn you in. I was just happy to have Dad in my life for a while even though I had to pretend he was my brother. Also good luck with Momo and sorry but I kinda kissed her." He just laughed,"Its ok Spite. I like that hero name. I will use it in my world too if that's ok?" I nodded and handed him the notes I made for his class and he did the same for me. "May I have copies of what quirks you have? I am curious what it is like to have a vampiric quirk," I ask as I think about the pranks I could pull. "Lets both copy quirks but I don't know if I can bite you." I put my arm out for him to try. I was shocked that he could bite me but as he copied my quirks I copied his through his teeth. After he stopped biting me I was dumped into my worlds lunch room.

I slowly stood up and popped my back. "Uraraka, next time I get a dataless quirk make sure I look up its name first." With that she hugged me and everyone welcomed me back. We caught up on what I missed and checked the notes Vamp me wrote. I blushed at the last page. It was taped with notes from people asking me for a date. Looks like I have a lot of girls and a couple of guys interested in me. Now to find out if it's my looks, character, or my worth. This will be a while.

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