Perverts Punishment

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I walk over to the perverts cell in the middle of the night. They thought they'd be smart by covering the gem bars with Minetas stupid popoff balls. With a smirk I turn the popoff into emeralds which get absorbed into the bars. What I see is Mineta on Denkis shoulders with popoff holding onto him to lift him up towards the air vents. "Seriously you two? Get down now or I will have Midnight come. 5.....4....3...2.. Fine. I'm calling Midnight." As I counted the two fools just froze as if I wouldn't be able to see them. The second I said I was calling her Mineta jumped off the wall hurting him and Denki.

"Izuku please don't call Midnight. I won't try again I promise!!", Mineta begged as I pulled out my phone and texted Midnight to run down the hall. Denki crawled over to the door, "Please Izuku have mercy!! Don't summon that crazy woman!!" That's when she suddenly appears next to me, "I'm crazy? Who's the bloody perverts that tried to grope every girl in the school?" I looked at her stunned, "Oh my I didn't even hear you come down the hall. Nice job on stealth."

She smirked as Mineta and Denki backed away from the emerald bars. I sigh, "Please knock the two out for the next seven hours. I am already tired if them." She does and once they are out she kissed my cheek. "You now owe me two dates." "You are not the only person after me. Trust me when I say all I can do is one date currently." She scoffed, "Who can compare to me?" I just sighed annoyed, "Mt. Lady, Miriko, N-1 and M-1 has a lot of  girls into me. Main one though is Mocha. Her vampire quirk is very.... Interesting." With that said I went back to room and closed my door.

It took about three minutes for Midnight to knock on my door. "Midnight it's literally midnight and I would like to sleep. I've not slept in over a month and I dont want to get cranky." She tried to kiss me but I formed a wall of emerald. "Cmon Izuku, I will let you test quirks on me and everything. Just become my boyfriend." "Can we talk about this later? If not tomorrow will be hell for you as well as the perverts." I simply stated my voice vibrating some low notes to make my voice sound demonic. With that she left me alone to sleep. Honestly I don't need to sleep but it helps with my sanity.

When morning came I headed downstairs to make breakfast with Kurogiri and some denomued to feed everyone. Once it was all made I smirked, "Hey Stan, how about you wake up the guests? Nothing ear shattering just jarring. Except for the perverts in the emerald barred room. Take Murry with you to eat the bars enough for them to get out." The duo leave and a bit later I hear Stan yell, "Good Morning A-1 and Midnight!!" There was then silence for a bit before  a much louder, "WAKE UP PERVERTS!!" I quickly used a time quirk to fix any damage from his yelling.

After a bit everyone came down and sat at the giant table. I did divert the two trouble makers to a small table by themselves behind a group of strong men including Hood in his human body. Everyone at the big table got along and made jokes as we all enjoyed breakfast. Once we were done eating the girls smirked. "Izuku can we start the punishment? Also they'll do the dishes so dont worry." I sighed and switched Denki and Mineta into females before the duo where dragged away. "I am already regretting this."

Once the duo were dragged away the rest of us did a fighting game tournament with multiple game systems to make it all faster. After about half an hour I turned and saw the duo's outfits. I busted up laughing mid round which made me lose but worth it. The pair were in hot pink maid outfits with the word pervert on different sections of the outfits. Once the dishes were done they were both dragged away again by Midnight saying, "Outfit change time perverts." It wasn't much longer til we saw the next outfits.

We were done with the tournament as the perverts walked out. Denki was in a yellow corset, short skirt, pikachu ears and tail, and high heels. Mineta was in a purple version of the same outfit. "Please stop them, we wont try to peep or grope them again!!" Everyone was laughing at them with some guys wolf whistling and cat calling. I walked over to the girls in charge of the punishment. "Two more outfits and they are done ok? I think they get the point." The girls all glared at me making me back up a bit in shock. Momo stated, "Three outfits per pervert and no less." "Two each an that should be enough. I dont want them traumatized into being gay perverts put of fear of women."

The girls talked with Midnight smirking. I didn't know what was said but I instantly knew it was bad. Uraraka blushed, "Two outfits but you must date all of us as a girl or no deal." I gave Midnight a death glare, "I know that is your doing and not happening. I am not the ones being punished. Now only do two or all of you will be in the pikachu outfit until you leave." To add to my bluff I made thread appear in my hands. The girls quickly agreed but Midnight walked over, "If you can do latex it'll be useful on our date. Anyways I have to go on patrol. See you in class." She kissed my cheek then left.

I glared at the perverts. "It's your fault I have a date with her. Stuff I have to do to straighten you out." With that said i headed into the game room to do another tournament with racing games. The perverts were busy on drink duty with some guys slapping their tears. When I reminded them that they were underaged and once boys and explained the punishment they understood and lessened the groping. Needless to say the duo were ashamed.

Once that tournament was over we headed to the arena to train. This time the duo were I'm skin tight latex outfits similar to Midnights hero costume. By the time lunch arrived both were exhausted. Everyone took showers except I temporarily made them male for theirs before their final outfit. As we ate lunch they came out in a perverted version of our school uniform. Katsuki smirked, "too bad that isnt the girls uniform. It's kinda nice."

That's when he knew, he fucked up. The girls all hit him and Uraraka made him float until he apologized. They set him down and I cleaned the dishes as the girls tormented the duo for a couple of hours. Eventually I was able to change the two back where they apologized profusely to the girls. The rest of the weekend went by smoothly with the training got rougher on everyone. By the time the Sports festivals came on Tuesday everyone was ready.

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