Battle Training

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~<Izuku POV>~
I wake up and take a shower to clean off my porcelain skin. Once I was dry and in today's uniform I head downstairs for breakfast. I eat my breakfast and begin to cough. I cough for a couple of minutes before I spit up a giant lump of emerald equal to my breakfast in size. My mom looks worried until I chip off a bit of my arm equal to about half a piece of bacon which quickly heals. I eat the bacon only to cough up a piece of emerald about half a piece of bacon. "That is very new. I'm guessing that I can only eat so much as backup matter before I dont need to eat anymore. So as long as I am not hurt I can't eat nor do I need to. Well at least our jeweler can use the results of my Midas touch." We laugh at my joke as I kissed my Mom on the cheek and left for school.

On the way there I gave some kid money for a quick breakfast at a local fast food place. He was just short of it but I paid and gave him extra. Once I got to school I got into my seat and messed with a small chunk of jade as I got lost in thought. I couldn't eat lunch without coughing up emeralds or maybe some jade but I didn't want to offend Lunch Rush our food based hero that runs the cafeteria. I was distracted until Momo tapped me on the shoulder.

"Oh sorry, I was lost in thought. Did you say something?" I rub the back of my head embarrassed. Momo giggled, "It's fine but you were muttering out loud and scaring everyone. What's this about offending Lunch Rush?" I sigh, "A new aspect of my quirk showed up. I apparently don't need to eat but if I get hurt it helps to eat to replace future damage. I coughed up my breakfast until I damaged my arm a tiny bit. If I eat I cough up emeralds upsetting everyones stomach or I dont eat and offend lunch rush." Momo's eyes went wide for a minute before chuckling. "Maybe make the food into emeralds and give it to him as a trophy?"

We all sat down and waited for our teacher for this morning to show up. That's when the door open and I heard All Mights voice. "I'm here, entering like a normal person!!" The class was happy and I grew jade spikes and turned my nails into daggers as I growled. Needless to say everyone was stunned and All Might fell backwards back out into the hallway. I couldn't help but fall onto my own rear laughing. The entire class was confused until I walked over to Kacchan and boosted him, retracted my nails and spikes, and helped All Might up. "That was for ditching me. Be glad I am easy to forgive and forget but next time it wont be as easy. Same goes for you Kacchan. I will deboost your quirk." I go back to my seat and smile.

All Might coughed, "I'm glad you've forgiven me Mr. Midoriya. Now everyone today you're all doing battle training at Site Gama. This will be random teams one acting as heros and the other as villains. The heros will be trying to catch the villains or the weapons as the villains have to stop the heros for fifteen minutes or catch the heros. Now heros need costumes." He pressed a button on something and a bunch of cases with desk numbers show up. We all grab our cases and go change. I didn't have a case since I never submitted a costume design. Instead I broke my porcelain skin and became an emerald based x-ray man. I made sure to hide my junk just in case my gym outfit get ripped. We all meet in front of All Might where he announces the teams. I ended up with Momo and were were against Bakugo and Iida. You can already guess what team I'm on.

I put the weapon in the middle of the building and encase it with emeralds. I then looked at Momo. "I have a plan but it'll be a bit risky. You set up tripwire and such on the floor below and the floor above with them getting much more common in different corners. I will taunt the living bomb." She nodded and got to work as Iida and Kacchan argued about a plan, I could hear them thanks to a quirk Dad stole then gave to me.

I set up some Gemions on the top and bottom floor before I walk onto the roof and yell down, "Be glad I boosted you. Now you might be at least an entertaining  opponent. Actually, Iida how about you meet me up here? Your boosted engines can easilly get you up here." I laughed maniacally and thanks to some villain movies I watched it scared everyone. "Actually just give up you two. Neither of you will ever beat me." I quickly ran down and gave Momo some useful quirks. The simple list is speed, strength, erasure, and a cloning quirk. We split up as I heard explosions heading up to the roof. "Have fun Momo, also if you want to keep them tell me."

Once I got to the roof I'm immediately laughing my ass off. Bakugo was busy removing his ruined boots as they were melted, exploded, and on fire from the boost I gave him. The boost just added his explosive sweat to his feet but the results were funny. Of course this made Kacchan mad so he launched himself at me. Wrong move Kacchan, wrong move. I roll out of the way and two Gemions grab Kacchan before fusing together becoming a case around him from the neck down. "Don't try exploding it. You might kill yourself because even All Might can't break my emeralds. Have a good time waiting you Nuclear Pomeranian."

I rush downstairs to where the weapon was only to just catch the tail end of the fight. What I saw was Iida suddenly being lifted to the ceiling in a net and held up by four Momos. We got called the winners and I undo my Gemions and take the quirks from Momo since she didn't want them. I then turned around only for Bakugo to pull the pin on both of his gauntlets. Iida sped Momo out of the way as they basically see my body completely destroyed in front of them. All Might came running and watches as one of my shards,which I quickly tossed to the side out of instinct, form into my body with a green gold and jade version of a gym outfit forming over my body before my more private bit form.

"Damn Kacchan, I may be immortal but that hurt like hell. I was taunting you to make you lose your common sense and attack blindly." I pop my shoulders and move to the door shakily, "I must thank you though Lunch Rush may get mad. You damaged me so much I'm starving."  All Might excused Momo, Iida, and I to lunch early with a note to give to Lunch Rush. Momo, Iida, and even Lunch Rush was surprised with how much I was eating even though it was basically just after breakfast. I was still eating when lunch time started. When everyone got to our table Kacchan sat next to me. "That blast was for calling me a pomeranian. You know I hate dogs." I shrugged and kept eating until I burped up a chunk of emerald.

I sighed and relaxed finally full. "Guys he has been eating non stop for hours. Even Lunch Rush was worried and was cooking triple time to make sure there was enough for everyone." Everyone looked at Iida confused then at me as I handed Lunch Rush the emerald. After I apologized to Lunch Rush for my eating frenzy I returned to my table. We all chatted and joked as Kacchan and I caught up some. We even got on the phone with my Mom who was with Auntie Mitsuki. Everything was now back to how it was but everyone knew not to make me a villain.

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