First Two Days of Internship

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I walk up to Night Eyes agency and take a step back as a weighted stamp comes at me from above. I look up and see Night Eye glaring from a window. "You ok sir? Need me to bring this weighted stamp up to your office?" I gently pick it up then warp up behind him in the office. "Either way, here you go sir." I place it on his desk then warped down to reception where I give my name and why I am here.

Once that's done I walk back to his office where Night Eye is still glaring at me. "Ok Mr. Midoriya, be honest why did you chose my agency after your father greatly injured my friend?" I sighed, "Honestly I have two seperate reasons. One is to copy your quirk and see if I can use it to see my own future. Something is bugging me and I am hoping I stay clear of my father's path like my dreams and his dying wish. The other reason is hoping that if you support me even more people will stop seeing my fathers shadow over me."

After some silence with me looking down he forces me to look him in the eye. I copy his quirk as he touches me and he pulls away scared for some reason. "Your future is not useable. That's impossible, there's never been anyone I couldn't read." I stiffen and think a bit, "I think it's because I'm a living gem. I'm not flesh and blood like others." I break my arm and show him before I reconnect it. "Wait, I can boost it!!" I hold out my hand nervously.

Night Eye takes it eager for an answer as I greatly boost it easily. I remove the touch and direct eye contact. It can be a reflection or a picture in a high enough resolution now. "Try now. I removed physical and made it so a high enough quality picture and a reflection of a persons eyes can use your quirk." He shook his head, "Sorry but no it's still not working. He looked at an All Might poster and  his eyes widened in shock, "His future has changed but how? His injury. Wait there is two of you in room?" I look at him and use the quirk and adjust the viewing more to add sound, being able to fast forward and rewind it or just instantly learn it all.

"Um Night Eye, I just tried your quirk on you, some guy named Overhaul ends you unless I act now to stop it." He froze and looks at me, "Do you know what he is doing?" I nod and use Cyber Izukus quirk to show it all and watch as his future branches off with one being him living til old age. "If you give me permission now, I will figure out why my future is hidden and arrest Overhaul and his evil crew. His bullets wont work on me."

"I give permission but you will armor me in your gems and bring me along. Need any quirks for your plan?" I shook my head and explained Vamp Izuku and his ability to create quirks. "I don't use his quirk because it takes a lot of concentration to make quirks from scratch but if theres a base to work from it's a lot easier." He asked for a list of base quirks and got people with quirks close to what was needed. After that he put me in a soundproof room where I did what was needed and made  custom emerald armor for Night Eye and his main apprentice with Permiation as a quirk. Togota Mirio seems like a good guy just overly energetic and his hero name, Lemillion is kinda funny but I understand it.

Once I was done I dozed off in the room. When I wake up in a different room I freak out and prepare to break down the door. Right when I punched it Togata opened the door and instantly became intangible so I wouldn't hurt him. I quickly pull my arm back, "I'm so sorry, I was just freaked out being in a random room. People have tried to kidnap me before so." I sigh and show him my emerald insides by removing the porcelain skin on the arm. He was stunned and poked it. "Be glad Nejire isn't here, she would flood you with questions." He laughed some, "Anyways Night Eye loves the armor but I don't think I can wear mine."

I smiled, "I infused the emeralds with your quirk. I would have used your hair as a catalyst but I don't want to force it to grow a lot." We talk and joke a bit before we get to the armor room. He slides it on and goes through the floor with it surprised. When he came back up I see Night Eye in his Gem Armor which looks like a nice emerald suit with a helmet, gloves, and very nice jade soled dress shoes. "Impressive Spite. If this goes well may I keep this armor? I might even get some suits in this color later." I nodded, "Of course, oh also forgot Eraser Heads quirk won't even work through the emerald armor."

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