More Internship

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The next day I was working on my shield watch as Eri woke up. "Izuku why are you up before me? Did you sleep too late yesterday?" I chuckled and finished the modifications I was working on. "I actually don't need to sleep Eri. My body being a gem theres no need." I made my arm ring by hitting a metal bed post. This made her rush over and saw that under my porcelain skin was emeralds. "What are you made of?" I laughed and braided her hair as I explained it to her.

"Izuku, can we get breakfast?" I nodded, "Sure, what would you like?" "APPLES!!"  I chuckled and finished braiding her hair making a jade hair clip with emerald flowers. "How about some eggs, pancakes, and apple juice?" She nodded and tried to drag me down to the kitchen. After breakfast Night Eye walked in. "Morning Spite and Eri. Did you two sleep well?" Eri nodded, "Izuku didn't though." I nodded, "Sleeping is kinda optional but excessive quirk usage or stress can cause me to get tired. Excessive as in using quirk creation or fixing my body a lot."

Night Eye understood and handed me some papers. "You have to go on patrol today and you may take Eri if she is in armor." I take off my watch and put it on her wrist adjusting it some to fit her. "Kinda saw that coming. Eri press pink to summon armor, blue for shield, and red to call for help." She nods as I point to each color just in case. I formed my spikes through my porcelain skin and she hit the armor button. From her neck down indestructible fabric formed. It was snow white with streaks of green. A bit of metal formed over her horn as well.

"Why is her outfit white and green?" Togata asked as he walked into the room. "Simple, shes my sister the snowball of the family." Eri looked up at me, "What's a snowball?" I stiffened up and then knelt down, "You've never seen snow?" She shook her head as she asked what it was. "Um Night Eye, can you find a snow machine for tomorrow? I'll pay for the renting of it." He nodded and I went out on patrol with Eri on my shoulders at first.

After a couple of hours I was attacked by a big fisted moron. I was sent backwards a few feet and I saw who punched me. "Hello again Brick for Brains. How long has it been? 12 years now?" I smirked as I looked at Eri, "Sis fly up and signal for help please?" She nodded and flew up quickly floating out of range and hitting the red button. "I'm surprised you remembered me Emerald Child," my first kidnapper said as he walked out of the shadows.

I shrugged, "Kinda hard to forget you tried to kill me. Your son made sure of that." I got into a fighting stance as he laughed some. He then launched himself at Eri to grab her. She formed her shield and broke his nose as he flew right into it. "That brat broke my nose!!" I laughed as I cuffed the guy. "You forgot I escaped you and other kidnappers didn't you? Of course I would protect my sister. Eri you can come down now." She does and tries to heal his nose. She succeeded to and also healed his injuries from jail accidentally as she struggled to stop her power.

"Wait, she can fly and heal? What else is a surprise in your family?" I held him in place as he looked at his less reflection in a nearby window. "She is adopted and I gave her the ability to fly to train her quirk control. Shes getting much better. Be glad she cut it off before you became a baby." This scared him as heros arrived and took him away. Night Eye showed up and looked him over, "Odd he looks younger than his ID. Spite did Eri.." I nodded, "He launched himself at her and broke his nose on her shield. She healed him since she felt bad. She cut it off at about 12 years. He looks like right before I broke his foot when he first tried to kidnap me."

I filled Night Eye on my history with him and he sighed, "Now people will want her." I shrugged, "Just let them try to take her. My mansion has a ton of very strong guards. Helps that I saved a lot of Nomu." "What's a Nomu?" I picked up Eri and smiled, "Don't worry about it Eri, let's get some lunch. Chipotle or McDonalds?" Eri looked down at me, "Which one has apples?" I shook my head, "Eri you can eat more than just apples. Let's go to Chipotle and get some big burritos. I could use a good meal."

We had lunch and went back on patrol. She enjoyed it as she played and talked to some kids who asked my hero name. After a bit we returned to Night Eyes agency where she played a bit with Togata and a hero called Bubble Girl. Night Eye called me up to his office where he gave me a new heros license. "You are now a pro hero just in case you have to protect Eri or yourself. I also talked to the Hero Board and you are now legally able to fully remove or give quirks to your discretion." I couldn't help but cry jade tears. Finally I am a hero, it may not be how I imagined it but finally I am a hero. He dismissed me saying I could return home tomorrow since heros don't have to intern.

After collecting my nerves I headed to Eri. "Eri, you ready to meet Mom? We are heading home tomorrow." She cheered and hugged me before she asked for me to set up her flying course so she can show off a little bit. "Sure thing but let me get you a reward ok?" She nodded as I rushed off to the toy store and a candy store. I returned with the stuff and set up her course. "Ok this time two laps and you must fully land between laps." She whined, "Why must I land when flying is so much fun?"

I ruffled her hair slightly, "You ment to only heal the guys nose correct?" She nodded, "You rewound him to about 12 years ago. Now fully landing and having to restart your quirk will help you learn control. I'm just trying to help you out ok?" She nodded and thinks a bit putting pink weights in certain spots under the course. "What are you doing Eri?" She smiled, "More landing spots where I gotta do something that requires me to land fully." I gave her an apple juice box, "Smart idea. Now drink your juice and get ready ok? Maybe if you do good enough you and I can fly home instead of riding a train."

That idea made her basically bounce of the wall. Once I got her calmed down I pulled out my phone pulling up the clock app to use the stop watch. "Whenever you are ready go. I'm going to time you and you will have to do this a few times with a break ok?" She nodded then took off. First time was just over 10min, the second was 8min, and the third time was 4min. She was learning faster than I expected. Each time I have her a small toy until the last one. For the last one I hugged her and gave her a big caramel apple. "You are already doing really good Eri. Your first time going through was 10 minutes. The one you just did was 4. That less than half of what you did the first time."

She enjoyed her treat and went through the course eating it for fun. I watched her and smiled as Togata pulled me to the side, "You got her quirk control almost to pro level already. I could have used you as a teacher years ago." I smiled and nodded, "My quirk aptly named Quirk Vault has copied many intelligence quirks. I can plan and understand quirks with it even Eris." I quickly ate an apple then returned it to before I ate it. "You may see my teaching ability as a blessing but eventually I'll end up the immortal teacher of future heros." When Eri finished her treat we had supper, took our showers, and she went to bed. I stayed up thinking. Will being immortal be worth losing the ones I love over and over?

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