Sports Festival

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I yawn and slowly walk to school. Today is the Sports Festival and I have a date with Midnight after it. The festival isnt what's bugging me, it's the fact that Midnight has a date with me later and she has already planned it all. Is it too much to ask for a villain attack? Honestly I shouldn't want that to happen but I want to avoid that date. I talk with my classmates before we all head to the center of the arena. I was brought in front of the entire audience with a good amount booing me and the usual be gone villain spawn.

"Everyone please be quiet," Midnight said as it began to get worse. I motioned that it's ok then became a giant emerald monster and bellowed, "You are all being very disrespectful. Be quiet so we can get to the games and battles you are all here for. Much better and before I hear anyone else call me a villain let me ask you something. Would you like to be called something you're not because your father was one?" With the audience now quiet I returned to my normal form and quickly reformed my porcelain skin.

"Now all classes from N to A, you all are here to prove you are all able to become heros or support item makers in a few cases. Use this to learn and adapt so you can make yourself better. The only person who can keep you at a low level is yourself. Also class N please no Nomu form unless you are against eachother. Now let's all have fun and prove to everyone that appearances and quirks don't matter when it comes to what we want to be." With that said I walked off the stadium with people asking what Nomu Form was.

Midnight then walked back to the mic, "Usually we would spin a wheel to chose events but we have set up for three events and a special show after it all. Event one is an obstacle course, after that it is a calvary battle, and the third and final event is tournament fighting. Between the big events we will have class M doing their own mini tournament that is 2v2."

After that we all got into position for the obstacle race. When the gun fired to signal our start I just teleported to the end. With my run instantly done I floated over the course to watch it all. Some class N did use Nomu Form on some 3 pointers which were obstacle one but it was funny to see the bots go flying into the air. When the bots were about to crush someone as they came hurtling down I teleported the ruined machines to a pile nearby. For the bottomless pit section I just watched everyone get across in their own way. I did put people back where they were if they fell. Most were thankful at least. When the minefield came up I just watched and counted how many different colored powders they used in them. A few people came out looking like walking rainbows.

That's when Midnight explained the rules for the Calvary battle and that I had a million points for being first. I teamed up with Mei, Uraraka, and Tokoyami with a plan that made them all glad I was on their side. When I saw a flame tornado pop up during class Ms tournament I knew which team made it instantly and smiled glad they learned. We all got to enjoy the first stretch of matches as a few went NF and arm wrestled. It was so funny to see that the audience was laughing as one gave another a wedgie. With half of their tournament done we all got ready for event two.

We had Uraraka on our shoulders, Tokoyami as lead, with Mei and I in the rear. When the round started I made holes and tunnels appear everywhere with emerald siding. We hopped in and everyone basically had to play Calvary Whack a mole to even attempt to get our headband. As we popped out of one hole for a little bit we had Tokoyamis Dark Shadow steal headbands while people had their back turned. Unfortunately Kacchan figured it out and he blasted Dark Shadow causing him to retreat quickly. The buzzer rang soon after so it wasn't too big of a deal.

The same teams and tournament bracket. Everything other than Izukus battles will be cannon.

My first fight was against Shinso. I simply shook his hand boosting his quirk, "Let's have a good fight Shinso." I don't answer himself since he now doesn't need to ask questions to mind control people. We watch the last of Class Ms tournament with Aang and Zuko winning. They both were happy as hell and rushed to hug me. I returned the hug, pass out the medals with second place grumpy. "Its ok you guys did awesome, next year if you practice and train you might win and get first place. Metal and Lightning is a good combo but you need to refine and choose your metals better." I hug them and give out the rest of the rewards with a few little pep talks to some.

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