Dekuverse Again

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This chapter is for another story I just started. Thought it would be a fun way to announce it.

~<Izuku POV>~

I just got back from my last little dimensional swap when another portal popped up. Out came a less muscular version of me with a floating holographic screen and keyboard. "Dimensional test complete. So I can use my quirk to slide between realities. Oh sorry but where am I exactly? I dont know this place," Cyber Izuku asked. Uraraka replied, "um, you're in the UA cafeteria and it's best you go back to your reality. You and our Izuku look very similar." He thinks and suddenly forms holograms over his face.

I sighed and made jade become a headband, "To stop confusion I will be Gem Izuku and our visitor is Cyber Izuku. Why did you slide into our reality?" He summoned a simple chair by typing on the keyboard of his and sat in it. "I'm sorry about intruding. I just came here to see a possible quirk I could have been born with. I'm guessing with your name you're made of emeralds." I nodded and showed him my insides by removing a bit of my porcelain skin.

Cyber Izuku shuddered, "That is creepy as hell. If being a hero fails you can do a lot in horror films as a villain." Kacchan nearly blasted him into next week when Cyber me finished that sentence. "Don't use that word. Because of that word our Izuku was treated like crap." C.I. quickly apologized and said he was quirkless until yesterday so he kinda understands being hated for something out of his control. "What's your quirk Cyber? I'm guessing it has to do with those holograms," I said as I drank some water. He smiled shaking a bit, "My quirk is The Code. It basically let's me do anything I want with reality as if it is a game, program, or rough draft of a story. I also have increased intelligence."

That's when Mei Hatsune from the Support class came running over. "How did you make this hologram system Izu....kus? Um why is there two of you?"
Cyber laughed, "The holograms are a part of my quirk but I have make sketches for a holographic PC the size of a bracelet." He began to look through a small bag pulling out random stuff. What surprised everyone was when he pulled out items bigger than the bag as if it was Mary Poppins carpet bag.

Once he found an odd colored notebook he typed on his keyboard causing the notebook to become three. He tossed one at me and the other duplicate at Mei. She screamed hugged him then ran off to eat lunch and get to work. I opened the one I got and sighed. "Please tell me none of these can explode." Cyber shook his head, "Not one, except a charged Solar Sail Battery. Luckily those take forever to over charge. Will the Mei in my world be like her?" I shrugged as I looked at some designs for a new armor suit. "No clue, you might not have her in your world. My dad is dead here and in another world he is alive."

He sighed, "Damn, I hope she is there and close to yours. Also Gem hows All Might here? Mine was injured badly before I healed him." "I don't  really know. I'm still mad at him for dumping me once he found out my dad was his biggest enemy," I replied and I lead Cyber to the teachers lounge. Once there we saw Nezu and All Might in his powered down form.

Before I could stop Cyber he picked up Nezu and petted him. "This is so cute. I wonder is my All Might has this cute pet." Nezu looked up at him, "Another Izuku and this one loves cute things. What's next, an Izuku that blows stuff up?" I quickly bowed, "Sorry Principal Nezu I forgot to tell him. I don't think He is in UA in his world." Cyper gently put Nezu down and backed up. "I'm sorry, I hope I didn't offend you." Nezu laughed and hopped back onto his seat saying it was ok.

All Might stood up, "How many other Izukus will we end up meeting?" We both shrug as Cyber me looked All Might over. "I can easily heal him back to his prime and add some extra oomph." I was stunned, "Wait you can do that? I thought you were joking but I was hoping you were an All Might fan." He nodded, "Yes I can and I am. Ok SkeleMight how much extra Oomph do you want? 10% or 25% extra from when you were in your primes?"

All Mights jaw dropped as Nezu and I laughed at the name. "At least it's better than Skeletor." This made Nezu and Cyber laugh harder. "Wait someone called him Skeletor? Is it on tape?" I nodded just when All Might suddenly powered back up. Cyber chuckled, "I gave you 20% and I found the clip online. That is funny. I wont save it so no one in my reality will see it." All Might thanked him before Cyber said goodbye and left. "I hope I fit into my UA. Have fun Gem." I of course secretly copied his quirk and rubbed my head.

"You ok Young Midoriya?" All Might asked. I nodded as I head to the door, "He wasn't joking about being smart. His IQ must be through the roof." With that I went back to lunch and explained that Cyber left. We all hoped he would get into UA and that if he does have a Mei that's she is not as crazy. That's when we felt a sonic boom. When we looked out the window we could see All Might running around and doing flips as if he was a kid again. I recorded it on my phone and headed to class as the bell rang. I wonder how many other mes I will meet.

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