That Is New

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I walked into the classroom, froze, backed out to check the room, A-1 ok, I then walked in looking at everyone. "Ok what's going on here and why is everyone wearing or putting on green wigs?" Everyone froze and looked at me. The only one not participating was Bakugo who had a very burnt wig on his desk. As I looked around everyone had green wigs of their hairstyles. The funniest was Shotos as he had green on one side and black on the other. Momo walked over to me, "We noticed you've been feeling down and wanted to try to cheer you up. Plus you're usually late so we though we had time to set up and convince Bakugo to join in."

I laughed and shook my head, "He has too much pride to cover his hair. He literally uses 90% of his allowance on hair gel, hair spray, and burn resistance spray so he doesn't singe it." He growled as I said that and I just laughed more. "You growling is making me remember your aunt's pomeranian. What was his name again? Oh yeah, Kacchan." That made him come flying at me only for me to sidestep and him to embed into the chalkboard into A-2.

"Wait, your nickname for Bakubro came from a dogs name?" I shook my head, "No it's the reverse. Growing up I couldn't say Katsuki so I called him Kacchan. His aunt heard me call him that and soon after found a naturally spiky haired, angry looking, yet very nice, pomeranian and called him Kacchan. The next time she visited drove him crazy." Momo was laughing, "So what happened? We gotta know"

Bakugo then got himself out of the wall and sighed. "That beast attacked me each time I answered Deku. The little spikey mutt hated everyone but Auntie and Deku. Seriously the thing would be the sweetest thing around Deku but if I tried to pet it or get Deku to go outside to play that monster bit me." This caused everyone to burst out laughing. Mina was the first to partially pull herself together. "So, is Kacchan still alive?" This made everyone laugh even harder until Bakugo started to make explosions in his hands.

I shook my head, "You can't keep scaring people or you'll only have me and the Bakusquad as friends." He groaned as Cementos fixed the wall where he broke it. I headed for my seat, "Also yes Kacchan is still alive. I saw him yesterday during patrols. Auntie was surprised to see me in Hosu on a school night. She told me to tell you hi and that she's visiting next week." "NOO! PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE JOKING!!" I shook my head, "Nope, she's also bringing Sabrina and a friend of hers."

Bakugo turned pale and face planted into the floor. Kirashima poked him, "Um, he's not reacting." I shrugged, "He hates Sabrina. Each time she visits she sends him flying in their battles. Her quirk is C4. Auntie has the same quirk as his mom while his uncle is a clay based quirk of some sort. Let's just say, never accept a clay figurine from her." Everyone nodded and Aizawa walked in, looked at Bakugo, looked at the green wigs, and left the room. "I need to talk to Nezu about a raise. This class is going to be the end of me."

I laughed some, "I guess home room is a free period today." Everyone laughed while Kirashima and I put Bakugo into his seat. We all joked around and that's when Shoto asked a question, "Izuku have you talked to Vamp or Cyber lately?" I nodded, "I visited them yesterday actually. Vamp was sent through a time warp and got corrupted by a quirk. I don't know what quirk but I can't interfere in another reality. Cyber is actually doing awesome. He saved Eri, adopted her, and is engaged with his Mei. His Mom is dating his All Might and his real father is All for One just like me. He's a pro hero and, as a funny side note, him and Eri are now nekos."

"What?!?!" Everyone said at the same time, even Bakugo. I explained what I knew avoiding the truth about Vamp always being evil and everyone sighed a bit at Vamps fate. "Wait, you said Cyber is a Neko now. How is that possible?" "Um, that part is kinda sketchy for me. Apparently a female neko version of me blasted him with a cat ray. His Eri loved it and he decided he could use his quirk to give her and Aizawa a neko quirk. Needless to say he kept it for himself too." Everyone was stunned until Denki had to ask, "Is female you hot?" This got him jabbed by Kyokas earjacks.

I shrugged and thought for a bit, "No clue but if it was like when I gender bent you then definitely not." Everyone laughed at this and Bakugo smirked making everyone look at him worried. "I have an idea. Who wants to mess with Aizawa some?" Everyone looked at him confused until he said, "I'm guessing Cyber gave you a copy of the cats paw?" I nodded and smirked, "I'm guessing you're saying everyone becomes a neko to mess with him?" When his smirked grew bigger everyone joined in and removed their wigs.

With a couple minutes of quirk editing, copying, and giving everyone their version of the quirk and we all sat in our seats as we heard our target walk down the hall. He entered the room, stopped, took a few steps back, walked back in and shook his head. "Ok either I have a class room of neko students because I went to another dimension or someone drugged my coffee." I was the first to talk tilting my head some, "Are you ok Aizawa? You look like you're seeing something impossible."

Everyone could barely hold back their snickering as he nodded, "Midoriya do you have a healing quirk?" I nodded and walk over to him. With my paws I moved him over to his chair and pretended to heal him. "Did that work Aizawa?" He shook his head, "Nope I still see nekos. Wait a second, I felt you have paws. Ok what's going on?" The entire class started to laugh as he groaned. Bakugo was laughing the hardest until he suddenly starting barking like a pomeranian.

That made everyone laugh harder but made him mad. "DEKU!" Bakugo came flying at me until Aizawa temporarily erased his quirk. When that happened he face planted again and I removed the neko quirks from everyone. I explained the prank to Aizawa and he sighed, "You all are problem children. Don't prank me again." I smirked wiggling my ears before retracting them, "No promises. Want the Neko quirk?" "Do I love coffee?"

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