Months of Hell

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~<Izuku POV>~
The news revealed who my Dad was and everyone even Kacchan was treating us like the plague. Mom stayed at home as she was fired the second the news finished the report. In the next week or two she was going to sue for wrongful termination but the court keeps delaying it. First it was to happen in the same month and now it's set up to happen right when I go into UA. The jeweler I go to only let's me in at night so his business wont go under because people claim my emeralds and such are cursed.

It has been a week since the news and I hear my phone go off. It's another unlisted number. "Hello?" The caller, "Go jump off a roof Devil Spawn!!" *click* I am actually use to it because it happens often. Usually it's the house phone not my cell. I barely put it down when All Might calls me, "Hey young Midoriya we need to talk. Beach at midnight?" "Sure I have nothing else to do with all the death threats I get." I sarcastically say before he hangs up.

I get to the beach right before midnight using an odd teleporting quirk my father gave me. I sat in the shadows and waited for All Might to show up. When he does instead of saying hi, how are you, how are you holding up, this pompous jerk slaps me. "Why didn't you tell me that your Dad was my rival? Why did you stay quiet as I told you what he has done to me?", All Might yelled as he cried some. "I didn't know, he abandoned me and my mom right before I got my gem body. He came to apologize for ditching us and give me back a quirk he took from me. It was a better version of his quirk," I said as I rubbed my cheek,"I felt guilty even talking to him. I nearly jumped off a roof before I remembered I can't die because of my second natural quirk."

For 5 minutes All Might was quiet. For 5 minutes I waited unable to cry to show how bad I felt. "Give me back One For All. I was wrong to give it to you." After a minute of me looking dumbfounded he repeated himself. "Return my quirk now or I will put you in Tartarus myself." I duplicated it and gave it back the original. "There take it, I have a copy of it anyways. Benefits of my quirk." I formed a crystal that looked as clear as a perfect pool of water. "All Might let's make a bet. This crystal has my better version of your quirk stored in it. Have Nezu set up a special test just for me. If I pass I can use my version like I was going to use yours, as a hero. If I fail I'll destroy this crystal in front of you and do my best to be a hero anyways. Just because I am related to a villain doesn't mean that I am one."

Before All Might could respond I warped home and put all my stuff of All Might in a box and then put the box in the attic with the label: Dream Wrecker.
As the next few months happen I train at multiple different ruined locations. First compact the trash, burn what I can, sell the scrap metal, buy stuff to fix up the place, and make sure plenty of people see me and my Gemions working. At first they threw trash and stuff at me which I quickly used to make ash or scrap metal. When they saw me give the gems I create to orphanages or soup kitchens they lessen up some but not everyone thinks I am a good person.

Once I finished fixing up the second location someone walked over with the cops claiming I robbed him. Some people were eager to agree with him until he said I just mugged him 10 minutes ago. When he said that 4 people who are actually there the whole time recording me stood up for me. Recorder 1, "That's impossible he has been here for the past 6 hours. I have proof. I've been streaming him working online." The other three showed the cops their recordings and the guy was fined for false claims. After that a few other people just wanting me in jail tried to taunt me, threw rotten food at me, and threatened my Moms well being. I never fought them or reacted. I only kept my training going.

At 5 months til the Entrance Exam I got a message from Jerk Might. He wanted to meet up but I ignored him. After a week of him just messaging me he was at my current training area one morning. I asked him to get out of my way and started my training again. No matter what he tried to say or did to get my attention I ignored him. Recorder 1, who I later learned was named Sam, "Oy, Skeletor leave him alone. He doesn't want to talk to you." "Young Midoriya is a friend of mine so please butt out of this." I stood up and looked at him, "Friend? FRIEND?!?! You dare call me that after you treated me like everyone else after they found out who my father was. Something I didn't know until a few minutes before it hit the damn news. Don't you dare call yourself my friend ever again. Leave me alone and make sure Nezu sets up the test as our bet needs unless he is rescinding his offer of me joining UA." When he left I sat down on the ground for a bit and did my equivalent of crying. Instead of regular tears I cry aquamarine in the shape of tears. Something I didn't expect nor anyone watching me.

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