Return of Crazy Events

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It has been a very long month since I stopped the League of Villains. Mom, the Nomu, Gigantomachia, Kurogiri, and I have moved into a giant mansion and we had multiple houses built for Nomu overflow and a special play area for the Nomu that can rebuild itself. There were a lot more Nomu than Kurogiri knew of and there were 10 others sentient like him. They help keep the normal Nomu in line and we all talk. They all enjoy being Nomu but they dislike the hate aimed at them because of their appearance.

After a few days of talking I decided to make quirk holding crystals out of boredom. Each crystal holds a different quirk and if someone holds has their skin touch the crystal they can use the quirks in it. That's when I came up with an idea. I rushed over to a Nomu called Hood. He is an expert fighter and I have trained with him some which will hopefully me win the sports festival in a week. "Hood I have an idea but I want your permission first." Hood looked down at me from the tree he usually is in.

"Izuku tell me your idea first. I will decide afterwards." I nodded, "I think I figured out how to make your Nomu form into a quirk and give you a human form so you can blend into society! I can create crystals that store quirks and since I can edit quirks." Hood jumped down and knelt down so we were same eye height. "You can make the quirks that ruin body into a new one which you can store in crystal that I can use when needed." "Kinda I want to test it on a normal Nomu first. Might be able to make them sentient again. Do you know of any close to expiration due to quirk imbalance?"

Hood grabbed a flying Nomu and brought him to me. I tried it on the chosen one and adverted my eyes once it was done. I quickly covered the now female human in a blanket and waited for her to wake up as I tinker with the quirks I crystallized. She soon woke up and looked around confused, "Where am I? Who are you two and what happened to the tests?" "Hood get Kuro. Tell him Female deNomu. I am Izuku Midoriya and I just undid what a scientist did to you. You were made into a creature called a Nomu. A brainless creature that obeyed orders and fought heros."

She cried when I finished that explanation. I gently hugged her and told her its ok and that she is safe. "I hoped that was a nightmare. I'm sorry that I fell for his trick. I just wanted a quirk!" I smiled as Kurogiri walked over. "Its ok ma'am. Look I can give you a quirk or you can use what you were to make amends. This crystal holds what I call "Nomu Form". It is what you used to be. I have changed it to let you keep your mind and stay in control. You just have to wear this crystal to use it" She looked at me in shock and then blushed as she is lead away covered by the blanket. "If possible I would like both options. One for everyday use and the other to hopefully be a hero."

I smiled and called Nezu happy for what I had done. "Principal Nezu I undid one Nomu. The female remembers all she did as a Nomu and wants to be a hero to atone for what she did." Nezu laughed, "That is good to hear. Do you want her in A-1?" I sighed, "Unfortunately no. Mineta would try to seduce her since she looks about twenty and is attractive. If the other Nomu act the same way after I undo it all can you make a new class called class N-1 for them?" I tried not to laugh as I hear him start yelling for Cementos to call in a meeting. "I will see if it can be done. How many Nomu are there?" I sighed, "Sixty not including Kurogiri. He wants to be my friend and butler not a hero, I've asked." He laughed and said bye hanging up to do the meeting.

Once I was done with the call I began to undo the notification on the normal Nomu. It was a mix of men, women, and a lot of kids. Most were quirkless except a few who had weak quirks. All of them especially the kids wanted to be heros to make up for all they were ordered to do. Very few wanted to keep their Nomu Form but I did give people quirks they wanted. Some got two not including NF as they wanted their parents quirks or a better fusion. I got them all enrolled and reunited with family if they had any. Unfortunately most were kicked out of their family because of their quirkless nature.

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