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Just realized that I always use Izukus POV so it's always him unless told otherwise

I stretched as I finish making myself some items from the notebook Cyber Izuku gave me yesterday. I hold up what looks like a simple bracelet and put it on. Once it's on I make a fist and move a certain way causing my arm to ring. The ringing nose activated the bracelet which created a big energy shield. I smiled and manually compressed the shield. That's when I got a text from Mei. Shes a bit crazy but she is a brilliant inventor.

Mei: I made his Solar Surfer. It works awesomely. The solar panels turn one second of pure sunlight into hours of power.

Me: Please tell me you didn't overcharge or damage the Solar Surfer batteries used to store the energy.

Mei: does it result in an explosion? If so not yet.

Me: Don't do it. Power loader is mad enough at you. If you want to test it ask to do it in a fake city.

Mei: good idea. Did you finish the watch thingy?

Me: I built the shield but I've not tested its durability. I used plan C so I can use my arm ringing to activate it.

~PowerLoader Joined Chat~

PL: please tell me neither of you built the armor necklace.

Mei&me: Nope just build us a version of it ok?

Mei: He's already at it. Should we leave the bow to him as well?


Me: PowerLoader calm down. I will give you a copy when I get there. I will put a green star next to the ones I'm building. Mei add some symbol for the ones you claimed ok?

Mei: just do a pink star on page 1,4,6,9,22,30,32,40,44,and420

Me&PL: Mei no.

Mei: Mei Yes!!

~Mei Left The Chat~

PL: I will stop her. There's no way shes making instant high gas. She will kill us all.

~PowerLoader Left The Chat~

I sighed and put a note on my door explaining to my Mom that Mei went rogue again. Once I was done I teleported to the school where I saw Power Loader and Mei fighting over the notebook. Using a fire quirk I incinerated it without hurting them. Both were mad until they saw me holding a ball of fire. Mei apologized, "Sorry about making you come in early Izuku. Please don't destroy me." I used The Code to duplicate the notebook with one being pink and the other a nice yellow.

"Yellow book is Power Loaders and has the drug based creations in it with his stuff on yellow pages. Pink is yours Mei, your stuff is on pink pages and devoid of drug items. Do not steal PowerLoaders or my book or I will destroy all of your "babies"", I said as I tossed then their books. By babies I ment Meis' creations. She nodded knowing I would do it. With a smile I showed the shield, "It looks awesome, wanna test it and the explosive power of a SSB?" Mei basically screamed yes grabbing rocket powered weapons and one SSB. Powerloader sighed, "Go to Site X. It's the only one that repairs itself."

After warping the three of us there we placed the SSB in the exact center of the mile wide site. The Solar Surfer Battery looked like a watch battery with spikes along the thin, curved sides. I ran back to nearly the edge of the site before having a very sharp emerald shard impale it. The explosion was almost instant, I barely had enough time to activate my shield and form an emerald wall behind it. The side was ruined all the way to the walls which lost a few inches worth of its insides. Luckily the shield was the size of a crouching Power Loader or we all would have been killed. It even destroyed parts of my emerald wall that wasn't protected by the shield.

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