Long Weekend

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This weekend was horrible. I might as well start from the beginning. On Friday I decided to ask Momo out because I know for sure she isn't after my money. "Um Momo, can I talk to you in private after school?" She nodded and I went to my desk to slowly drudge through class. Near the end of the day a notice hits all our phones saying a lot of prisoners broke out of prison due to the Anti-villain idiots breaking them out. You can guess which two are on that list.

Once the day was over Momo and I waited for everyone else to leave. I slowly walked over, "I know both our lives are crazy and since those two broke out of prison it's bad timing..... Screw it I'm just going to ask. Will you go out on a date with me?" She was stunned a bit but then nodded chuckling, "Timing may be bad but you can't control everything. I will go out with you. Tomorrow all day sound good? I wanna go to the new amusement park." I nodded and headed home.

On my way home my gravity was suddenly greatly increased and I knew one found me. I looked at Uraraka, "Hello heartbreaker, how are you this dreary day?" She growled, "Go to hell and die you worthless emerald!!" She kept increasing my gravity as she tries to flatten me. I let her keep trying before I get really mad. I teleport behind her and knock her out.

With her done I put her in jail and have them increase her security so she cant escape again.  Thinking I was done I headed home only for a horde of the stupid Anti-villain nitwits to follow me like I'm a mouse and they are cats. They  never learn to leave me alone. They might learn today, maybe not but I can hope.

After a bit I glared at them and said, "You guys cause more harm than good. You released a murder and a rapist who murdered someone. They may have been in the hero course but they killed people. I have not broken a single law and you harass me, they have and you break them out of prison?! How does that make any sense? You're nothing but idiots without common sense. Get a brains you worthless Karens!!"

The entire group was female and they gasped as I called them that. With them stunned I started to walk home again as I grumble. After a few steps a tomato hit me in the back of the head. I froze and turned to look at the group who had a plant quirk person growing tomatoes to launch at me. They pelt me and I just looked annoyed as I grab my phone, "Sick the suitors." I literally counted down from 5 and a flood of people that wanted to date me saw me and froze as they saw me get pelted by tomatoes.

The Anti-villain dinguses kept hitting me with the tomatoes when I say, "I'm not a villain now stop it. You're truly acting like Karen's." They kept it up and I saw my "suitors" as they call themselves get really mad. When one tried to attack the Karen's I stopped them, "No, don't stoop to their level." This made both sides go absolutely crazy. My plan didn't as planned and an all out fist fight broke out.

After cleaning myself up I started rounding everyone up. I put the two groups in seperate emerald cages and sighed irritated. "Anti-villain Association you guys are going to jail for assault of a hero, defamation of my character, spreading slander, libel, and helping a jail break. The rest of you will have to go to jail for processing but it will just be aggravated assault caused in the defense of another. I told you not to stoop to their level."

After prison visit number 2 I headed home. By the time I got home it was dark and a good portion of my porcelain skin was breaking just from how tired I am. My Mom freaked out until I explained what happened. I ask her to tell the cooks to start early and make my energy drink slush tomorrow morning. When she asks why I tell her about my date with Momo and she agrees. Thinking I was set I laid on my bed only for it to explode.

I try myself from the ceiling and look down at once was my bedroom. All the Nomu-Forms and my Mom rushed in with me hanging from the ceiling. All my porcelain is gone and what was left was my emerald flesh, my jade bones, and my green gold veins. "I am now beyond mad. This shit needs to stop." I call Momo and reschedule for Sunday before I look at the cooking NFs. "Time for the anger feast. I'm going to have to hunt down a bunch of prisoners and whomever just tried to kill me."

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