Chapter 2

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 They reached the Music class without getting disturbed by anyone. They walked in even though it was still early. They saw Mr Min sat at his desk talking to a very tall man. They looked over to the door as it opened. Mr Min smiled slightly when he realized they were his favourite students. "Good morning Mr Min!" Taehyung said happily and the two students sat down at their desks. "Morning Taehyung." Mr Min said and smiled at the boy. "Who is that Mr Min?" Taehyung asked. "Ah, him? That's Mr Jeon. He's the new Art teacher." Mr Min said. "Where did Mr Choi go?" Jimin asked and blushed slightly when Mr Min looked at him.

"He got fired. I though Namjoon would've told you guys." Mr Min said and the two teenagers shook their heads. "He didn't mention anything." Jimin said. Taehyung nodded and the tall man turned around. The new teacher smiled at the two and Taehyung felt his heart fasten and a blush rise on his cheeks. The but was hot and handsome but also cute and looked kind of like a bunny. "Hi! I'm Park Jimin! This is my best friend, Kim Taehyung! His brother is the principal." Jimin said and Taehyung smiled shyly at the tall man.

"Nice to meet you both. I guess I'll be teaching you guys today?" Mr Jeon questioned and the two nodded. "We have Art before lunch today and first tomorrow!" Jimin said and smiled brightly. Mr Jeon nodded and smiled at them. "Well, I'll get going because the bell with go soon." Mr Jeon said and got up from leaning against the desk. He walked to the door and turned around. "Bye you two. Bye Yongle." Mr Jeon said and went out the classroom laughing as Mr Min glared at him.

Soon, more students walked into the classroom. Mr Min's smile left his face as soon as they all started coming in. Jimin and Taehyung's smiles also faded. They saw their bullies walk into the classroom and they looked away from the door. Once everyone arrived, Mr Min started speaking. "Morning class." He said and looked at the whole classroom. "Today I'll be putting you into groups of two or three." Mr Min said and everyone groaned, except Taehyung and Jimin because they loved group work. "And I'll be picking pairs or trios because I know that you'll just pick your best friend and mess about." Mr Min said and Jimin slightly giggled at the man's voice.

Mr Min looked at Jimin briefly and smiled slightly. No one noticed it except Jimin and Taehyung because they were the only ones fully paying attention. Jimin smiled at him and started staring at the man who was teaching the class. "Okay so here are the pairs." Mr Min said and started naming who would go in a pair and who would go in a three. Jimin and Taehyung cheered slightly when Mr Min called them out to be in a pair. Mr Min hid a smile and carried on naming the pairs/ groups. People groaned sometimes when they realized they had to work with people they didn't know or didn't like.

"Alright, what I want you guys to do is create a song. Write the lyrics and come up with a melody. You can even record it and make it a professional song." Taehyung smiled widely as he already knew some lyrics he wanted to use. He looked at Jimin and the two smiled at each other and giggled quietly. "Hey! Why does Jimin and Taehyung always get to be together? They are best friends!" Han Jaehwa asked from the back, one of Taehyung and Jimin's bullies. "Because they work well together even though they are best friends." Mr Min answered and turned his back on the class to write something on the white board.

Something hit Taehyung in the back of the head and then something hit Jimin's back. They turned around and spotted their bullies pulling faces at them. They turned back around to face the front and both rolled their eyes. "Okay so, it needs to have both or all of your voices in it. Singing or rapping and you both have to contribute to the lyrics." Mr Min said and everyone, except Taehyung and Jimin, groaned. The two teenagers just giggled again whilst looking at each other. "You two seem so giggly today." Mr Min said and chuckled.

Everyone's eyes had seemed to widen as they had never seen their teacher chuckle or smile. His smile faded as soon as it came but he didn't start scolding the two teenage boys like everyone thought he would. "I'll give you guys a space to work in so you aren't disturbing other groups." Mr Min said and everyone stood up. They all got into their groups, most people frowning as they got with their group or partner. "Taehyung and Jimin can come and work at my desk." Mr Min said and the two got up from their seats like everyone else already had. "The rest of you, get two desks and put them against each other." Mr Min said and everyone did as told. Soon, most people were sat down again but a few remained standing as the desks had ran out. "The rest of you follow me." Mr Min said and started walking towards the classroom door. The remaining students followed after their teacher.

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