Chapter 13

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When they walked back into the classroom, everyone was either talking to their friends or secretly finishing their assignment. "Everyone, please sit back down in your own seats." Jeongguk said and everyone got up to move to their own seats. Taehyung sat down at his desk and started doodling in his notepad. "Everyone please hand in your assignments. No excuses." Jeongguk said strictly and most students got up. Taehyung got up even though he handed his in that morning.

He was near the back of the line so by the time he got to Jeongguk, most students were sat down again. He placed a piece of paper in Jeongguk's hands and then whispered something into his ear. "Jieun drew something inappropriate again." He whispered and Jeongguk scrunched his nose in disgust. He then nodded and Taehyung went to sit back down. Jeongguk looked at the sheet of paper Taehyung had given him and noticed that it had Taehyung's number on it. He smirked as he looked at Taehyung. Taehyung winked at him and then the boy blushed madly when Jeongguk winked back.

Students carried on handing Jeongguk their work and it finally came to Jieun. Jeongguk sighed as the girl winked at him after giving the piece of paper which was facing down. Jieun sat down and Jeongguk put the papers on his desk. "You all can draw what you like for the rest of the lesson. I had something planned but we don't have enough time to do it." Jeongguk said and most of the people in the room cheered as they didn't want to do work. Taehyung pouted slightly as he wanted to do one of Jeongguk's fun lessons. He started doodling in his notebook again.

Jeongguk walked up to Taehyung and crouched down in front of the desk. "You gave me your number Baby Doll..." Jeongguk whispered even though no one would hear him if he spoke normally because of how loud everyone is talking. "Yeah I did. So what?" Taehyung asked and Jeongguk smirked. "Also thanks for telling me Jieun drew something disgusting." Jeongguk said. "Your welcome." Taehyung said and Jeongguk smiled. "Stay behind after detention." Jeongguk whispered into Taehyung's ear and stood up. Taehyung blushed when Jeongguk's breath hit his ear and nodded. "Okay sir." Taehyung said mischievously and Jeongguk smirked. "You are going to get it so bad." Jeongguk growled out and Taehyung blushed slightly.

Jeongguk stood up fully and walked back to his desk and sat down. Taehyung started drawing in his notebook. He decided to try and draw a portrait of Jeongguk. He started with the face shape and then started the neck. Once he finished the outline of the neck, he started to do the outline of the body. He drew a plain shirt and a plain jacket on Jeongguk. The bell then went as soon as he finished the outline of the body and clothes. It was only a rough sketch that he could easily erase and go over. "Everyone who has a detention, stay sat down. The rest of you can leave." Jeongguk said. Most students got up from their seats and walked out the classroom.

Taehyung felt a presence in front of him so he looked up. "You got a detention Tae? Off who?" Jimin asked. "Mr Lee, he heard me and Mr Jeon talking about how fat the P.E coaches are." Taehyung said and leaned back on his chair. "Well, when will you come home?" Jimin asked. "I don't know. If I'm not home by 6, I'm probably dead or something." Taehyung said and the two boys giggled. "I'll see you at home later or tomorrow here." Jimin said and left the classroom. Soon, the only students left where the ones who got a detention.

Jeongguk decided to do some work whilst the students did their own work. He started marking the assignments he just got handed by his senior class. He marked Jieun's assignment as inappropriate and wrote to do it again. he soon got to the piece of paper Taehyung had given to him. He chuckled as he saw the numbers written on it he took his phone out of his pocket. He added Taehyung as a contact using the name 'Baby Doll💜💞'. He smiled and send Taehyung a message so the boy knew his number. 'Hi it's Ggukie!' He sent. He heard a phone buzz and looked at Taehyung. They made eye contact as Taehyung pulled out his phone.

The boy read the text he got and then looked up at Jeongguk. 'Really?' Taehyung mouthed to him. Jeongguk just smirked and Taehyung sighed. He saved the contact as 'Ggukie💜💕'. Taehyung smiled slightly as he looked back up at Jeongguk. The two kept texting each other and being weird. Taehyung had to hide his giggles because he found Jeongguk quite funny over text. Jeongguk had a huge smile on his face as he was texting the younger boy.

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