Chapter 23

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"Can you wet my cock baby?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung got up off the desk. Jeongguk sat down on the chair and Taehyung knelt down in front of him. He unzipped Jeongguk's pants and pulled them down along with the man's boxers. He grabbed Jeongguk's member and licked the tip. Jeongguk hissed slightly and ran his fingers through Taehyung's hair. The boy looked at Jeongguk innocently as he kitten licked the man's member. "Don't look at me like that little puppy. I know you're not innocent." Jeongguk said and Taehyung took more of Jeongguk's member into his mouth. 

Jeongguk groaned and pulled on the boy's hair. Taehyung gagged slightly as the man's member hit the back of his throat. "You're taking my cock so well pup." Jeongguk said huskily and Taehyung moaned around the older's member. Soon, Jeongguk started thrusting inside of the boy's mouth and Taehyung stopped gagging. Jeongguk's thrusts got quicker as Taehyung kept sucking his member. "Fuck baby.." Jeongguk groaned out and threw his head back. Taehyung suddenly stopped and stood up. Jeongguk was panting as he looked at the boy. "Why'd you stop?" Jeongguk asked. Taehyung didn't answer and just sat on Jeongguk's lap.

Jeongguk groaned at the boy sat on his dick. Taehyung started grinding his own member against Jeongguk's. The mane groaned again as Taehyung started moaning softly. "I w-want to r-ride you..." Taehyung stuttered. Jeongguk chuckled and lifted Taehyung up slightly. He grabbed hold of his own member and put it at the rim of the boy's hole. He slowly entered his member into Taehyung's hole and Taehyung whimpered loudly. "Shh." Jeongguk hushed. Taehyung tried to hold in his loud whimpers but it wasn't working very well. "Bite on my neck if you need to baby." Jeongguk said and Taehyung quickly latched his mouth onto the man's neck.

Jeongguk slowly started thrusting upwards into the boy. Taehyung started harshly biting the man's neck. "Fuck..." Jeongguk grunted as Taehyung's hole clench around his member. His thrusts started to get faster and Taehyung started to try and quieten his own moans. "F-Fuck... nghh..." Taehyung moaned out accidentally, even though he was trying his best to stop his moans by biting Jeongguk's neck. Taehyung started moving his hips slightly, making Jeongguk hit his prostate. He almost screamed as he threw his head back, away from Jeongguk's neck. "R-Right there.. Oh my god..." Taehyung gasped out and Jeongguk started thrusted at the angle.

"Can I change our position? The a-angle I'm at isn't very c-comfortable." Jeongguk asked and Taehyung nodded. Jeongguk lifted Taehyung off his lap and stood up himself. He turned Taehyung around and leaned the boy's upper body on the desk. He harshly slapped the boy's ass as he entered him roughly. Taehyung bit onto his hoodie's sleeve and he had to keep himself from screaming in pleasure. They heard the bell go, which was the end of lunch. They ignored it and Jeongguk carried on thrusting into the boy on his desk. He leaned over Taehyung and started whispering dirty things to the boy. "You like this don't you. Hm? You like  the thought of people catching us in this position. Me fucking into you whilst you lay on my desk like a good puppy."

Taehyung couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips at Jeongguk's dirty talk. "Answer me puppy." Jeongguk said and harshly slapped Taehyung's ass. "Y-Yes... nghhh..." Taehyung moaned out. The boy started biting his sleeve as soon as he felt Jeongguk hit his prostate. "Right th-there l! Argh fuck!" Taehyung moaned out loudly. Jeongguk quickly connected their lips to muffle Taehyung's moans. The boy soon felt a knot forming in his stomach. "I-I'm c-close..! I need to cum! Can I cum?" Taehyung asked desperately. Jeongguk chuckled. "Cum for me baby." Jeongguk said and Taehyung came all over the desk. Jeongguk's thrusts quickened as he also felt his own orgasm nearly. He thrusts soon became sloppy as he groaned out. "Fuck..." Jeongguk grunted as he came inside of the boy.

Taehyung's eyes widened. "G-Gguk..." Taehyung said in panic. "Yeah?" Jeongguk asked and then his eyes widened. "Oh fuck..." Jeongguk said and quickly took his member out of the boy's hole. Taehyung whimpered slightly at the feeling. His hole clenched and unclenched around nothong, cum dripping down his thighs. "Y-You came inside o-of m-me..." Taehyung said and Jeongguk was quick to pick the boy up. "I'm sorry... I didn't even pay attention to where I was cumming." Jeongguk said and Taehyung lightly pecked Jeongguk's nose. "If I end up pregnant because of you, I'm living with you. You know that, right?" Taehyung asked and Jeongguk shook his head. "I didn't know that but I don't have a problem with it." Jeongguk said and Taehyung smiled. "I-I'm sorry for cumming inside you when I knew you could get pregnant... You're 18 and I don't want you put you through any of that..." Jeongguk said, guilt washing over him.

Taehyung frowned sadly. "Gguk it's okay... I'm sure I'll be fine if I am pregnant. I'm strong baby." Taehyung said and Jeongguk smiled sadly. "I love you so much doll." Jeongguk said and Taehyung hummed happily. "I love you too Gguk." Taehyung said and pecked Jeongguk's lips. They both put their boxers and pants on. They waited for the bell to ring for the end of the day. "I'll see you tomorrow Ggukie." Taehyung said, getting up off Jeongguk's lap and walking towards the door, which was now unlocked. "See you tomorrow doll." Jeongguk said and quickly got up. He quickly pinned Taehyung against the wall and kissed the boy on the lips. Taehyung blushed and left the classroom when Jeongguk pulled away from him completely.

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