Chapter 5

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When they arrived at the nurses office, Jeongguk walked inside and placed Taehyung on the bed. He looked around the office and realized that the nurse wasn't there. He sighed and walked to the first aid kid. He turned around and walked back to the boy on the bed. "I'll do your lip first because its bleeding." Jeongguk said and sat on the bed. He got up again and walked to the little fridge that was in the office. He opened it and got an ice pack out of it. He went back to Taehyung.

"I'm going to clean your wound and then put this on for 20 minutes." Jeongguk said and pointed to the icepack he put on the table next to the bed. Taehyung nodded as Jeongguk started cleaning the wound on his lip. He winced loudly as it touched his skin. "I-It hurts." He cried out. Jeongguk said nothing but held Taehyung's hand to comfort the boy. "Squeeze my hand if it hurts." Jeongguk said and carried on cleaning the wound with one hand. Taehyung squeezed Jeongguk's hand once in a while when it hurt too much.

Taehyung stared at Jeongguk as the man finished cleaning the younger's wound. He felt a blush rise on his cheeks as Jeongguk glanced at him. Jeongguk chuckled slightly and put the cloth he was using on the table. "Where does it hurt the most?" Jeongguk asked. "Uhm, my shin. Jaehwa kicked it very hard right on the bone." Taehyung said and sniffled a bit. "Which leg?" Jeongguk asked and moved down the bed towards Taehyung's legs. "My right one." Taehyung answered and Jeongguk started touching Taehyung's bare leg. Taehyung winced as soon as Jeongguk touched the slowly forming bruise.

Jeongguk put the icepack on the bruise and started searching Taehyung's legs for any more bruises. "They seemed to have only kicked that one place on your shin. Where else did they kick?" Jeongguk asked. "My stomach..." Taehyung answered. "Uh, I need you to lift up your shirt then." Jeongguk said and Taehyung blushed slightly. He untucked his blouse and lifted it up. Jeongguk winced slightly as he saw all the bruises. "They look pretty nasty." Jeongguk said and slightly touched the bruises on the boy's stomach. Taehyung winced slightly but they didn't hurt as much as the one on his shin.

Jeongguk sighed. "Do they always do this?" He asked and Taehyung nodded. "Yeah.. Usually they just hit my stomach and no where else because they don't wanna get into trouble because if they are on my stomach, they aren't visible." Taehyung said. "But you can easily lift your shirt up so people can see the bruises." Jeongguk said and Taehyung shrugged. "They are too dumb to think about that." He said and Jeongguk nodded. "Clearly." Jeongguk said and the two chuckled slightly. They stared at each other for a couple seconds until Taehyung broke the eye contact.

After the time was up, Jeongguk took the icepack off Taehyung's leg and onto his stomach. Taehyung flinched slightly at how cold it still was. "Why is it still so cold?" Taehyung asked. Jeongguk shrugged. "I don't know but it will help." He said and Taehyung nodded. "So Mr Jeon, How old are you? You look very young, younger than Mr Jung and he's 23." Taehyung said and Jeongguk chuckled. "Bit personal but I'm 22." Jeongguk said and Taehyung giggled. "You are a senior I think. I checked your class and it said you are a senior." Jeongguk said and Taehyung nodded. "I turned 18 a few months ago." Taehyung said. "When is your birthday?" Jeongguk asked. "30th December. When is yours?" Taehyung asked.

"1st September." Jeongguk answered. "How did you get a job here so young?" Taehyung asked. Jeongguk thought for a second. "I skipped a grade and I graduated early because I was quite smart in school." Jeongguk answered. Taehyung nodded "Did you know, my friend, Jimin has a huge crush on two of our teachers?" Taehyung said and giggled when Jeongguk raised his eyebrow. "He has a crush on Mr Min and Mr Jung." He said and Jeongguk's eyes widened. "He has a crush on my best friend?" Jeongguk asked. "I'm going to guess that's Mr Min and yes, he does." Taehyung answered and Jeongguk smirked. "Well, Yoongi has a crush on Mr Jung and Jimin." Jeongguk said and Taehyung giggled.

"Are we just exposing our best friends asses?" Taehyung asked and Jeongguk nodded. "Yes and watch your language." Jeongguk said and Taehyung giggled. "Yes sir!" He said playfully. Jeongguk chuckled. "You are too cute for an 18 year old." Jeongguk said and Taehyung stopped giggling. A bright red blush appeared on his cheeks and he covered his face with his hands.

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