Chapter 17

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"Let's go upstairs to my bedroom." Jeongguk said and Taehyung nodded. Jeongguk led Taehyung upstairs to his bedroom. Taehyung looked around in awe until he got picked up by Jeongguk. He squealed loudly and giggled when Jeongguk threw him on the bed. He bounced slightly as his body hit the mattress. Jeongguk climbed on top of Taehyung and they both smiled warmly at the other. Jeongguk softly kissed Taehyung but it quickly heated up as their hands started getting very touchy. Jeongguk slipped his hands into Taehyung's sweatshirt after untucking it from the boy's shorts. Taehyung moaned softly when Jeongguk started playing with his nipples.

Jeongguk started creating hickeys on Taehyung's neck and Taehyung's moans got louder. The man lifted Taehyung's sweatshirt and started kissing down the boy's chest. He then went to the boy's nipples and started licking and sucking them. Taehyung whimpered in pleasure as Jeongguk lifted his sweatshirt off whilst still playing with his nipples. "F-fuck... Gguk please..." Taehyung whined and Jeongguk chuckled. "What do you want me to do baby doll?" Jeongguk asked. "Make love to me..." Taehyung whined. Jeongguk started unbuttoning his button up shirt and Taehyung leaned up and started making hickeys on Jeongguk's neck.

Jeongguk took his unbuttoned shirt off and Taehyung started running his hand on Jeongguk's abs. Jeongguk chuckled. "You like them?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung nodded. "They are all yours baby." Jeongguk said and Taehyung giggled against Jeongguk's neck. Jeongguk suddenly flipped Taehyung onto his stomach and the boy squeaked in surprise. "Unbutton your shorts and unzip them." Jeongguk commanded in a strict tone and Taehyung did as told. "Yes sir." Taehyung said and smiled slightly when he heard Jeongguk growl.

When Taehyung finished, Jeongguk harshly pulled the boy's shorts down his legs. Taehyung squealed slightly and Jeongguk chuckled. "You're wearing panties." Jeongguk said and Taehyung started blushing. "Y-You don't m-mind do you?" Taehyung asked nervously. "I don't care what you wear Tae. As long as you are comfortable, I really don't care." Jeongguk said and Taehyung smiled softly. "Also your ass looks really good in them so that's a plus." Jeongguk said and chuckled when Taehyung hid his face in a pillow. "You're becoming shy now?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung slowly nodded.

Jeongguk slapped Taehyung's ass hard. Taehyung whimpered in pain but also felt pleasure in it. The boy whined and lifted his ass into the air. Jeongguk chuckled and slapped Taehyung's ass again and the boy moaned. "Gguk..." Taehyung whined. "Yes babydoll?" The older asked and chuckled when Taehyung started moving his ass back. "I-I want y-you..." Taehyung stuttered out. Jeongguk moved closer to Taehyung and the boy started grinding back on Jeongguk's clothed member. Jeongguk slightly groaned and grabbed Taehyung's hips. "Don't move or else I will leave you here." Jeongguk quietly growled into Taehyung ear.

The boy shivered and nodded slightly. Jeongguk moved back and started unzipping his pants since he couldn't be bothered to button them after Taehyung had given him a blowjob. Taehyung slightly moved so he could watch what Jeongguk was doing. "Wait, I don't have lube or a condom..." Jeongguk said and Taehyung giggled. "It's fine... Just use spit I guess..." Taehyung said and Jeongguk nodded. Jeongguk took his pants off along with his boxers. He then grabbed the waistband on Taehyung's panties and quickly took them off. He slapped Taehyung's ass again and watched how it jiggled. He chuckled and slapped Taehyung's ass again. "Are you enjoying yourself?" Taehyung asked and giggled when Jeongguk nodded.

Taehyung gasped when Jeongguk slapped his ass harder than before. "I love your ass..." Jeongguk groaned out and Taehyung moaned slightly as Jeongguk squeezed his ass. "Hurry up Gguk..." Taehyung whined. "Don't tell me what to do baby doll." Jeongguk said. He then went closer to Taehyung's ass and licked a strip from the boy's balls to his hole. "F-Fuck..." Taehyung moaned. The man then started licking around Taehyung's hole. The boy started whimpering in pleasure. "S-Sir please...!" Taehyung whined and started moving his ass back. "I have to prep you first." Jeongguk said and Taehyung nodded. Jeongguk put three fingers in front of Taehyung. "Suck." Jeongguk said and Taehyung started sucking on the man's fingers.

Once Jeongguk thought his fingers were wet enough, he took them out of Taehyung's mouth. He teased them as Taehyung's hole and chuckled when Taehyung flinched slightly. "Never done anything sexual?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung shook his head. "You are so pure..." Jeongguk said and slowly eased a finger into Taehyung's tight hole. "Fuck!" Taehyung moaned out and Jeongguk chuckled. "You are so tight around my finger." Jeongguk said. He thrusted the finger slowly in and out of the boy as Taehyung moaned softly. "Does it feel good?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung slightly nodded. "It's a little uncomfortable though..." Taehyung said because he wasn't used to something being put in his ass.

"I guess it will feel better soon." Jeongguk said and Taehyung nodded. Soon, Jeongguk added a second finger and Taehyung's moan got a little louder. Jeongguk started thrusting his fingers inside of Taehyung and the boy started whimpering whilst moaning. "Does it feel alright?" Jeongguk asked in concern. Taehyung nodded and started thrusting himself on Jeongguk's fingers. Jeongguk chuckled and after a couple more thrusts, he added the third finger. Taehyung carried on moaning as Jeongguk thrusted his fingers inside of the boy again. "You fingers feel good..." Taehyung said and jolted forward when Jeongguk grazed his prostate. "I guess I found it." Jeongguk said. "Found what?" Taehyung asked, trying to quieten his own moans. "Your prostate." Jeongguk answered and Taehyung nodded. Jeongguk kept thrusting his fingers against Taehyung prostate and the boy became a moaning mess.

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