Chapter 14

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Whilst the two males were texting, Taehyung suddenly felt something hit the back of his head. He turned around and saw Jaehwa aiming paper balls at him. The boy frowned and turned back around. He kept feeling paper hit the back of him in different places. He suddenly felt a presence sat next to him on the desk. He looked to the side and saw Hyunshik, one of Taehyung's bullies. He scooted a little away from the older senior but Hyunshik grabbed his thigh and stopped him from moving.

He looked up at Jeongguk to notice the man was on his phone and also marking some work. Taehyung grabbed him phone and started texting Jeongguk. 'Ggukie, Hyunshik is touching me and it's making me uncomfortable...' Taehyung send and Jeongguk looked up. He frowned when he saw the male next to Taehyung. "Hyunshik, you had your own place, move back to it." Jeongguk said strictly but Hyunshik didn't move. "Taehyung doesn't mind a little bit of company, right Kim?" Hyunshik asked and Taehyung shook his head. "I don't want you near me..." Taehyung said quietly but loud enough to be heard.

Hyunshik growled which frightened Taehyung a little. "Hyunshik, move back to your own place." Jeongguk said still in a strict voice. Hyunshik stood up angrily and walked back to his place. "Taehyung, please may I speak to you outside." Jeongguk said and stood up. Taehyung nodded and also stood up. He followed the man out of the classroom. Jeongguk closed the door behind them. The man quickly connected their lips and Taehyung sighed in pleasure. "We kissed less than an hour ago yet I still missed kissing you." Jeongguk said as he broke the kiss.

"Me too." Taehyung said and wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's torso "Your lips are so addicting." Taehyung said and Jeongguk chuckled. "So are yours." Jeongguk said and they both smiled. The kiss soon got heated as Taehyung got pinned to the side of the lockers by Jeongguk. Jeongguk broke the kiss as Taehyung whined. The man started sucking down Taehyung's neck, moving the sweatshirt so he had access to the boy's collarbones. Taehyung gasped as Jeongguk sucked on a sensitive spot. He let out a small moan as Jeongguk's hands travelled down to his ass.

"G-Ggukie... W-We are s-still in s-school... nghh.." Taehyung stuttered out whilst moaning quietly. "I know... but we can still have a little fun." Jeongguk said and smirked when Taehyung moaned louder. "You got to be quiet. People are still in the classroom." Jeongguk said and Taehyung nodded slightly. Jeongguk lifted Taehyung up and the boy wrapped his legs around the man's waist. Jeongguk held Taehyung up by cupping his ass and kept him up. Their lips connected again in a heated kiss. Jeongguk started thrusting his clothed dick onto Taehyung's and they both moaned quietly.

Jeongguk started thrusting faster and Taehyung arched his back. "F-Fuck..." He stuttered out as Jeongguk was going really fast. "I-I'm gonna c-cum..." Taehyung moaned out quietly. "Me t-too..." Jeongguk said. "I-I really don't w-want t-to c-cum in my sh-shorts.." Taehyung stuttered out. Jeongguk quickly unbutton Taehyung's shorts and pulled them down to his thighs as well as his panties. Jeongguk started jerking off Taehyung's small hard member as he carried on thrusting against the boy.

Taehyung came all over Jeongguk's hand as he moaned quietly into Jeongguk's shoulder. He felt Jeongguk carry on thrusting and he arched his back in pleasure. "I-I want y-your c-cum..." Taehyung stuttered and tried to get out of Jeongguk's grip. Jeongguk put him down on the floor and Taehyung went onto his knees. He unbuttoned and unzipped Jeongguk's pants and pulled them down. He pulled Jeongguk's boxers down and gasped at the size of Jeongguk's dick. "I-It's huge..." Taehyung stuttered and looked at Jeongguk innocently.

Taehyung kitten licked the tip of the member and Jeongguk hissed at the foreign feeling. Taehyung then took the tip of Jeongguk's dick in his mouth and started sucking on it. Jeongguk moaned quietly as the boy also stroke his length. The younger boy started bobbing his head as he took more of Jeongguk's dick into his mouth. "T-Tae... so good baby..." Jeongguk praised making Taehyung moan around Jeongguk's member. Jeongguk groaned and accidently thrusted into Taehyung's mouth. The boy gagged but didn't stop. He took the length in deeper as it went down his throat.

Taehyung then took the dick out his mouth and caught his breath. "Choke me with your cock please..." He whispered out and Jeongguk looked at him with lust filled eyes. "Open your mouth." Jeongguk commanded and Taehyung opened his mouth wide. Jeongguk shoved his whole dick into Taehyung mouth making the boy gag. Taehyung gripped onto Jeongguk's clothed thighs as he bobbed his head. Jeongguk slowly thrusted into Taehyung's throat. "F-Fuck baby I'm going to cum..." Jeongguk said and Taehyung quickened his pace.

Jeongguk groaned as he shot his cum down Taehyung's throat. Taehyung eyes started watering and he gagged as the thick liquid travelled down his throat. Taehyung let Jeongguk's dick fall out his mouth. Cum dripped down his mouth because of how much there was. "Are you okay baby doll?" Jeongguk asked and looked at Taehyung in concern. "I'm fine..." Taehyung said in a hoarse voice. Jeongguk chuckled. "Your voice is a bit..." Jeongguk trailed off. "Fucked?" Taehyung said and they both laughed. "Quite literally." Jeongguk said and Taehyung giggled. "Let's go back into detention, yay." Jeongguk said and they both groaned. They pulled their own pants/shorts up and zipped them up. They walked into the classroom looking almost as neat as they did when they left.

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