Chapter 9

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"Tae! Wake up!" Taehyung heard someone shout. He opened his eyes tiredly and looked at who was waking him up. "Tae! We are going to be late!" Jimin said and Taehyung shot out of bed. The two quickly got dressed. Taehyung got dressed into a pair of short denim shorts and a pastel pink, blue and white striped sweatshirt. He tucked the sweatshirt into his shorts and put his shoes on. Jimin got dressed into a black crop top with denim short dungarees. He then put his shoes on. "Let's go!" Jimin said and they both ran downstairs. "Hurry and eat you two." Seokjin said and sighed as he and Namjoon waited.

The two ate their breakfast quickly but making sure they didn't choke. They all then went out of the house and into the car. Seokjin drove them to school and they arrived there in 10 minutes. "Welp, we are actually here quite early. Earlier than I thought we would arrive." Seokjin said and the three others sighed. They got out the car and walked into the school building. They all parted ways. Seokjin went to his own class, Namjoon went to the office. Jimin and Taehyung was still walking down the hallways. "I'm gonna go find Mr Min. I'm sure you wouldn't want to come." Jimin said and Taehyung shook his head.

"Hell no. I don't want to know what you'll probably do." Taehyung said and Jimin laughed. "I'm going to go find Mr Jeon." Taehyung said and Jimin nodded. "Don't get up to too much!" Jimin said as they parted ways. Taehyung walked to Jeongguk's classroom and just walked in. He saw Jeongguk with furrowed eyebrows looking at Jieun. He could tell Jeongguk didn't want her to be there. "Come on Mr Jeon! Just once!" Jieun whined and pouted trying to look cute. Taehyung cleared his throat and the two looked at him. Taehyung looked at Jieun and hid his cringe at her face.

Sure, Jieun was kind of pretty but she wasn't gorgeous. Also she was such a bitch he had no idea how people can like her. "Jieun, please leave. I need to do something." Jeongguk said and glared at the girl. Jieun stomped her feet but didn't move. "What are you going to do Mr Jeon? Masturbate with the thought of me?" Jieun asked seductively and Jeongguk shook his head. "I'd rather not." Jeongguk said and rolled his eyes when Jieun pouted again. "Look Jieun, I'm gay and your a girl. It doesn't work." Jeongguk said and sighed in relief when Jieun started stomping out the room.

"Thank god she's gone." Jeongguk sighed out and Taehyung giggled. Jeongguk jumped and looked at the boy. "I forgot you came in." Jeongguk said and smiled when Taehyung pulled an offended face. "How could you forget about me?!" Taehyung asked and walked towards Jeongguk. Jeongguk stood up and put his hand on Taehyung's waist. "I missed you." Jeongguk said and pouted slightly. Taehyung cooed at his face and hugged the man. "I missed you too you big baby." Taehyung said and Jeongguk huffed. "You're the baby. Not me!" Jeongguk said and gripped onto Taehyung's waist harder.

Taehyung shivered at the touch and the feeling of Jeongguk's breath on his neck. "Ggukie?" Taehyung got Jeongguk's attention. "Yes Baby Doll?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung blushed. "Can I give you my assignment now? I don't want to lose it because I have you last today." Taehyung asked and Jeongguk nodded. "Yeah I'll take it now." Jeongguk said. They broke their hug and they both pouted slightly. Taehyung opened his bag and got his notebook out. He flipped to the page where his drawing was and carefully ripped it out the book.

Jeongguk stared at the drawing. "Wow. You are very skilled in drawing Tae." Jeongguk said and Taehyung blushed. "I don't think I'm that good." Taehyung said shyly and scratched the back of his neck. He gave his drawing to Jeongguk and he put it on his desk. "I'll mark this with the rest of the classwork later." Jeongguk said and Taehyung nodded.

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