Chapter 10

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It was third period and Jimin and Taehyung were sat in Music. "Today, we'll just be carrying on with our assignments if you haven't finished already. The assignment is due tomorrow and you get a fail if it's not done." Mr Min said and some of the class nodded. "Okay get into your groups or pairs and get it done." Mr Min said and everyone got up and sat in their pairs or groups. He didn't make people push desks together so everyone could stay in the classroom because of what happened last time.

Jimin and Taehyung smiled at each other and got up from their chairs. They walked up to Mr Min who was now sat at his desk. He was typing something when the teenage boys got his attention. "Mr Min?" Jimin said shyly. Mr Min looked at them and smiled slightly. "What can I do for you two?" Mr Min asked. "Could we use the recording studio to record our song?" Jimin asked and fiddles with his fingers. Mr Min nodded. "Do you guys want to use it now?" Mr Min asked and the two boys nodded quickly.

Mr Min stood up from his desk and started walking to the classroom door. He then stopped and turned back around. "Let me see if Mr Jeon is available to watch the class because clearly I can't leave them for five minutes." He told the slightly shorter boys. The two boys nodded and the man got his phone out of his pocket. He dialled Jeongguk's number and the tall man picked up. "Jeon, you free?" Mr Min asked. "Yeah why?" He asked and Mr Min sighed. "I need you to look after my class for a bit. They clearly can't look after themselves if I'm gone." Mr Min said and Jeongguk groaned. "Couldn't you have asked Namjoon?" He asked and Mr Min sighed again. "He's probably busy in the office." Mr Min said and Jeongguk groaned again. "What are you even leaving your classroom for?" Jeongguk asked.

"Because I'm taking Jimin and Taehyung to the recording studio for them to record their song." Mr Min said. "Fine but if I ask for help at any point Yoongi, You better help me." Jeongguk said and Yoongi chuckled. "Alright, be quick Gguk." Yoongi said and Jeongguk nodded, forgetting he's on a call and not in person. Jeongguk hung up and grabbed some of his paper work, phone and laptop. He walked out the classroom and walked to Yoongi's which was down the hall. He sighed as he opened the classroom door.

"Everyone, Mr Jeon will be taking over for a while. Behave for him because he can get mean." Yoongi said and Jeongguk huffed. "I don't get that mean..." He mumbled but a certain small boy near him heard it. Taehyung giggled and Jeongguk's heart almost jumped out of his chest at the rate it was going. He loved Taehyung's giggle. Yes, loved. The three who were stood up, walked out the classroom and Jeongguk huffed as he sat down at Yoongi's desk. He turned his laptop on as he turned it off to move to this classroom. He started to do a PowerPoint for the next lesson. He usually does this during lunch but since he has nothing else really to do, he decided to do the PowerPoint because he was bored.

After about 10 minutes, someone was stood next to him. He looked slightly to the side where the person was and cringed at the outfit. It showed way too much skin for the public eye and was quite disturbing. The short skirt bearly covering where it should and the top just not even matching the skirt. He then put a blank expression on his face and looked at the girl. "How can I help you Jieun?" Jeongguk asked with no emotions. "Mr Jeon... how about I come to your classroom at lunch and we can have some fun." Jieun whispered into Jeongguk's ear seductively. Jeongguk hid a cringe and then glared at the teenage girl.

"I have work to do and I'm busy at lunch. Please go and sit down." Jeongguk said as calmly as he could. He didn't want to make a scene by shouting. "Are you busy because you'll be with me?" Jieun asked and Jeongguk shook his head. "I'll be going over something with another student." Jeongguk said and cringed at himself for lying. He hated lying to people but he just wanted the girl to leave him alone at least for a day. Jieun huffed and stomped to her desk. She tried to act cute by pouting in her seat but it just made Jeongguk cringe.

The man sighed in frustration when he realized he'd have to find a student to stay with him during lunch. 'Maybe... Taehyung? He knows what is happening so he might stay with me throughout lunch. Maybe I could just go to the teacher's lounge and stay there the whole of lunch.' Jeongguk thought to himself but them decided to go with the first option because he'd rather not sit and talk with the grumpy Math teachers or the fat P.E coaches. 'Aren't P.E coaches supposed to be muscular and fit if they do fitness?' Jeongguk thought to himself. 'I could've become a P.E coach if I wanted to but I'm not so good with soccer or any sport really. Just running and some stuff that might not even be classed as a sport.' Jeongguk also thought.

Jeongguk carried on working on the PowerPoint he was making for next lesson. He always made the PowerPoint the day of the lesson so he didn't forget what it was about. Near the end of the lesson, Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi walked back in the classroom. "Jeon, I'm back." Yoongi said and Jeongguk nodded as he finished the last slide of the PowerPoint. "I need to talk to Taehyung for a minute." Jeongguk said and Taehyung looked at him confused. "Okay, you can talk outside the classroom." Yoongi said and he sat down as well as Jimin. Jeongguk nodded and walked out the classroom with Taehyung following him.

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