Chapter 21

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It was finally lunch. Jimin and Taehyung packed their things away. They said a quick goodbye to Seokjin and walked to the cafeteria. "Okay so tell me why Namjoon hyung wanted to see you and Mr Jeon. Did you get caught? Oh my god, did Mr Jeon get fired?!" Jimin rambled out questions. "No and no. Also I don't think hyung cares as long as we are safe." Taehyung said and Jimin nodded. "So tell me why!" Jimin demanded and Taehyung sighed. "It's not that much really. Just Mr Lee overheard us talking about how fat the PE coaches are." Taehyung explained and Jimin burst out laighing.

"Wow. Hey, at least you were saying the truth." Jimin said and Taehyung shrugged. "The truth got me cleaning the storage closets in the Music block after school." Taehyung said and Jimin laughed even harder. "Well at least you can spend more time with Mr Jeon." Jimin said and Taehyung sighed. "I guess so." Taehyung said and the two sat down in the cafeteria. "Oh by the way, Jin hyung said to give you this." Jimin said and handed Taehyung a lunch box. Taehyung smiled widely and opened it. "It looks so delicious!" Taehyung said and started eating the cold noodles with chopsticks. Jimin opened his own lunch box and started eating his own food.

Taehyung looked around the cafeteria and spotted Jeongguk eating with Yoongi and Hoseok. "Mr Jeon, Mr Min and Mr Jung are all eating together." Taehyung said and Jimin looked to where Taehyung was looking. "My crushes look hot as fuck." Jimin said and started staring at the two teachers he had a crush on. Taehyung just carried on staring at Jeongguk until the man looked up from his food. He smirked when he saw Taehyung staring at him. The boy looked down in embarrassment and Jeongguk chuckled. "What are you chuckling at?" Yoongi asked and looked at the direction Jeongguk was looking at. Hoseok did the same and they both spotted Taehyung and Jimin.

Jeongguk carried on staring at Taehyung as the boy looked back up. Jeongguk smiled and winked and the boy. Taehyung smiled at the man, flustered. Jeongguk then frowned when he noticed someone stood behind Taehyung. The boy also frowned when he noticed Jeongguk's frown. He looked where the man was looking. "Hey slut." Jaehwa said and Taehyung's frown deepened. "I still don't know what a slut is..." Taehyung said and looked at Jaehwa innocently. "Search it up you fucking idiot." Jaehwa said and threw Taehyung to the floor. Jeongguk quickly stood up and started walking quickly towards them. Jaehwa was able to kick Taehyung a few times before Jeongguk was able to reach them.

"What the hell do you gain from this?! Huh?!" Jeongguk asked and kneeled next to Taehyung. "Pleasure." Jaehwa said and walked away with his 'minions'. Jeongguk glared at them as they walked away. He also saw Jieun with them and the girl winked at him. Jeongguk cringed and looked down at Taehyung. He picked Taehyung up and the boy wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's neck and his legs around Jeongguk's small waist. Taehyung would've blushed but he was in too much pain to realize that they were still surrounded by students and teachers. Jeongguk carried the hurt boy out of the cafeteria. He walked to his classroom and locked the door after he went inside. He sat Taehyung on his desk and went to hos storage closet. He searched around but realized there was nothing to help Taehyung so he sighed and walked back of out the storage. "I'll be back soon baby. I'm just going to get a few things that could help you." Jeongguk said and Taehyung nodded.

Jeongguk unlocked the classroom door and walked out of the classroom. He locked the door behind him so no one could get in to try and hurt the boy still inside. He went to go get an icepack and some other stuff from the nurse's office. Taehyung looked around the desk he was sat on and lay back on it. His head reach the end of the desk and he rolled over onto his stomach, careful not to hurt himself more than he already was. He liftted the hoodie up a little and placed his bare stomach on the desk. He sighed as the desk was cold and it helped with his bruises. He slid a bit off the desk so his head was fully on the desk. He lay his head on his arms and slowly drifted off into a light slumber in the awkward position. 

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