Chapter 6

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It has been a week since Jeongguk had started teaching at Big Hit High school. Taehyung had been focussing more in Art class than he did when Mr Choi was still teaching because Jeongguk was actually teaching fun things. Currently, Taehyung was sat in Art class and was staring at his teacher. Jeongguk caught his gaze and smiled warmly. Taehyung blushed as he got caught and looked down at his notebook. He opened the book and started doodling in it.

He soon felt a presence in front of him and he looked up. He gasped when he saw Jeongguk stood right in front of him. "M-Mr Jeon.." He whispered and Jeongguk smirked slightly. "Do you know what your task is for today?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung froze. He didn't know because he was too busy staring at his teacher and then too busy doodling in his notebook. "Uh, No Mr Jeon..." Taehyung said and looked down again. "See me after class." Jeongguk said and Taehyung's eyes widened as he looked at his teacher.

Jeongguk chuckled at the boy's puppy eyes and turned around before he fell deeper in them. Yes, he had a huge crush on his student. He couldn't help it though. The boy was so kind and adorable, anyone would fall for the teenager. Taehyung had a huge crush on his teacher as well. The young teacher was so caring and he was hot when strict. Taehyung sometimes thought he had got a boner when his teacher becomes angry. Taehyung loved his teacher's doe eyes which could turn into a mad glare at any point. He also loved his teacher's bunny smile which could turn into the hottest smirk he had ever seen. The two had already fallen in deep but they both were too oblivious to notice the other had feelings too.

Taehyung started doodling on his notebook again after Jeongguk had walked away. The bell went after another five minutes and everyone, except Taehyung, stood up. Jimin walked up to him. "You not coming?" Jimin asked and Taehyung shook his head. "I wasn't paying attention in class and Mr Jeon asked me to stay back." Taehyung explained and Jimin nodded. "Okay I'll see you in English last." Jimin said and Taehyung nodded. Jimin went out the classroom to get his lunch. The last of the students went out of the classroom leaving Jeongguk and Taehyung alone.

"So Taehyung, why weren't you paying attention?" Jeongguk asked and sat at his desk. "Uhm... because I was doodling in my notebook..." Taehyung said not wanting to say anything else. "Mhm and what else?" Jeongguk asked and smirked when he saw Taehyung's blush. "I-I...." Taehyung stuttered and looked down. "I can wait here all day Taehyung." Jeongguk said and leaned back in his chair. The man chuckled as he watched the younger start to stutter out words.

Jeongguk got up out of his chair and walked towards Taehyung desk, which was at the front. He had changed the seating plan so that Taehyung was sat right at the front. He hadn't put Jimin and Taehyung next to each other as he didn't know that Namjoon had wanted them to be. He stood right in front of Taehyung's desk and placed his hands on it. With one hand, he grabbed Taehyung's chin and tilted it upwards. "Are you going to tell me or just stutter random words out?" Jeongguk asked and chuckled when Taehyung's face went impossibly redder.

"I uhm... I was.. uh.. staring..." Taehyung stuttered out. "Staring at who? Hm?" Jeongguk asked another question and Taehyung avoided eye contact. "Look at me Taehyung." Jeongguk said but Taehyung still avoided eye contact. "Look at me baby doll." Jeongguk growled out lowly. Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes. "Who were you staring at? Was it me?" Jeongguk asked already knowing the answer. Taehyung nodded slightly. "Words baby doll." Jeongguk said. "Y-Yes..." Taehyung stuttered. "Do you like the name baby doll? Hm?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung smiled shyly. "I-I like it..." The boy said and Jeongguk smiled.

"M-Mr Jeon?" Jeongguk nodded. "What is your real name?" Taehyung asked and Jeongguk's smile widened. "It's Jeongguk." He answered and Taehyung nodded. "I'm gonna call you Ggukie from now on!" Taehyung said and Jeongguk blushed slightly. "No one has ever called me that before." Jeongguk said and Taehyung smiled widely. "No one has ever call me Baby Doll so I guess we are even now." Taehyung said and giggled. Jeongguk chuckled at Taehyung's adorableness and slowly caressed the boy's cheek as he still had hold of Taehyung's jaw. Taehyung leaned into the touch and smiled. Neither of them realized that someone was watching them and took a picture of them like that.

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