Chapter 25

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"Girls please go away." Jeongguk said. The girls didn't move, they just whined. "But Mr Jeon we really like you!" A girl said, it was Jieun. "Yeah Mr Jeon, we like you and you can have all of us as once." A girl, Kangmi, tried to say cutely and innocently but it just sounded horrible. "I'm not some type of man slag." Jeongguk said in a strict voice and all the girls blushed. "B-But we're single and y-you're single so why not?" The third girl, Micha, said. "Who says I'm single?" Jeongguk said and the three girls eyes widened. "Are you married?!" Jieun asked with widened eyes. "Not married but I'm dating someone so I ask you kindly to stop flirting with me." Jeongguk asked and forced a smile.

Jeongguk looked towards his door when he heard it open. He subtly smiled as he saw Taehyung. Taehyung smiled back and glared at the girls. "I need to talk to Taehyung so if you girls could please leave." Jeongguk said and forced another smiled onto his face. The three girls huffed and they all stomped out the classroom. "Why where they in here?" Taehyung asked and slowly sat on Jeongguk's lap. Jeongguk sighed and groaned. "They want to have sex with me, as usual." Jeongguk said and leaned his head on Taehyung's shoulder. "What did you say to them?" Taehyung asked. "I told them I was dating someone but I didn't say it was you because I don't want you to get called names." Jeongguk explained. Taehyung huffed. "They already call me names so what would be the difference." Taehyung asked.Jeongguk sighed, his breath tickling Taehyung's neck. Taehyung giggled as the feeling and Jeongguk chuckled. "What are you giggling at? Hm?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung giggled again. "Your breath is tickling my neck." Taehyung answered.

Jeongguk started sucking on the boy's neck. "Mmm..." Taehyung hummed in slight pleasure. "I was sick this morning Gguk..." Taehyung suddenly said and Jeongguk froze. "That's a sign of pregnancy. Oh my god! Are you pregnant?!" Jeongguk asked quickly and Taehyung giggled. "I'm not completely sure, I would need to take a pregnancy test to make sure." Taehyung said and Jeongguk nodded. "I bet our kid would be very beautiful because you are one of the parents." Jeongguk said and Taehyung blushed. "Stop making me shy Ggukie..." Taehyung mumbled as he shoved his face into the man's neck. "I love you baby." Jeongguk whispered. "I love you too Ggukie..." Taehyung whispered back and they both sat there with smiles on their faces.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Taehyung quickly got off Jeongguk's lap and move to the other side of the man's desk. "Come in!" Jeongguk said and sat up. "Mr Oh! What can I do for you?" Jeongguk asked as he stood up and bowed in politeness. Mr Oh didn't bow back and just went into the Art storage closet in the classroom. "Rude mother f-..." Taehyung mumbled as he watched  the old man walk into the closet. Jeongguk chuckled silently and stared at the boy in front of him. Mr Oh then walked out of the storage room. "Kim, help me with these." Mr Oh said and Taehyung walked over to him reluctantly.

Mr Oh gave Taehyung the heaviest box and the boy quickly put it down. "I-It's too heavy..." Taehyung said. Mr Oh glared at the boy. "I told you to carry it! Be a man and do it!" Mr Oh shouted. Taehyung tried lifting the box, it not even moving off the ground. "You are so useless!" Mr Oh shouted and Taehyung flinched. "I-I'm sorry..." Taehyung said. "Sorry won't make the box magically move now will it?!" Mr Oh shouted. The boy felt tears brim his eyes and he looked down to the floor. "I'll move it." Jeongguk said and Taehyung looked at him. "I told this useless thing to do it, not you Mr Jeon." Mr Oh said rudely. Jeongguk frowned and furrowed his eyebrows. "Don't call him useless. He isn't useless." Jeongguk said. "Well he's useless in sex." Mr Oh said and Taehyung shot his head up.

"What do you mean?" Jeongguk asked and his frown deepened. "I asked him to help me with something and he said no! He's a slut and obviously has had sex many times before!" Mr Oh said. Jeongguk knew it wasn't true. He stood behind Taehyung and put his hands on the smaller boy's shoulders. "I'm sorry but as far as I know, Taehyung only ever goes near Jimin and his brother."  Jeongguk said. "Well he's near you now." Mr Oh said. "That's because I went to him." Jeongguk said, hiding the fact that Taehyung always sits on his lap when they are alone. Mr Oh just glared at them in suspicion. Taehyung kept his head down as he didn't want to remember what happened a few years ago when Mr Oh tried to rape him.

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