Chapter 4

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 Jeongguk had let his class out early as they had all finished their work and he had nothing else for them to do. He suddenly heard shouting and painful sobs. He walked closer to them and realized it came from Yoongi's classroom. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he walked to the door. He opened the door and looked around the classroom. The students that were sat down, were looking at him.

He looked towards the desk where the noise had come from. The raven haired man walked more into the classroom and stood behind the people who were kicking someone. The person on the floor was sobbing kind of loudly when it suddenly stopped. Jeongguk pushed past the what he assumed the bullies. He gasped as he saw the cute boy from this morning lay on the floor, lip bleeding and tear stains on his bread cheeks. He looked back up and glared at the students who were responsible for the whole thing.

"Why did you do this? Huh?" He asked angrily. "Because he's a gay piece of shit!" Jaehwa answered and Jeongguk refrained himself from punching the teenager who should've graduated last year. "So you just go around hurting people who are gay?!" Jeongguk asked whilst shouting. "Yeah? So what? It's not natural to be gay." Jaehwa said and shrugged cockily. "So will you go and punch Mr Min?! Huh?!" Jeongguk asked angrily saying sorry in his head as he just exposed his best friend.

"U-Uhh..." Jaehwa stuttered. "N-No?" He then answered. "Why not?" Jeongguk asked. "If you punch people for being gay, punch him then." Jeongguk said and the bully shook his head. "So why did you punch him?!" Jeongguk asked. "Because he's weak! He's a little shit who cross dresses and is a weak little bitch!" Jeongguk was so close to punching the bully in the face but he couldn't as he was a teacher and the bully was a student.

Jeongguk sighed in frustration and turned around. He crouched down next to Taehyung's body and checked his pulse. He sighed in relief as he heard the steady heartbeat of the boy on the floor. He looked up and glared at the bullies. Some looked frightened and the rest just had a blank face. He then looked at Jimin and saw the boy crying. "Why is the door o- what happened?" Yoongi asked and walked towards them. "Ask the idiots." Jeongguk said. "We aren't idiots!" Jaehwa exclaimed angrily. "Really?" Jeongguk asked sarcastically. "Yeah! The little shit is an idiot! He doesn't even know what a slut is!" Jaehwa laughed and his friends laughed along.

Jeongguk looked back at the boy passed out on the floor. "I'll take him to the nurse." Jeongguk said and Yoongi nodded. "Okay." He said. Both of the teachers looked over at Jimin. "You want to come or stay here?" Jeongguk asked him. "I'll stay here..." Jimin said quietly and Jeongguk nodded. He put his arms under Taehyung's knees and on his back. He lifted him up with ease. Everyone's eyes widened when they noticed how easily the man had picked the boy up.

The boy was small, at about the height of 5'8, he was also quite thin but not unhealthily thin. Jeongguk carried the boy out of the classroom and then he heard shouting coming from Yoongi. He chuckled as he knew Yoongi would be trying not to lose his shit. Jeongguk looked down at the boy and smiled slightly. 'He's cute as hell' Jeongguk thought to himself. Jeongguk then snapped out of his thoughts because he knew that the boy in his arms was a student. He felt the boy in his arms squirm a little and he looked back down.

Taehyung opened his eyes and winced loudly in pain. "It's okay, I've got you." Jeongguk said. "M-Mr J-Jeon..." Taehyung stuttered out shyly. "Yes?" Jeongguk asked. "I-It hurts s-so bad..." Taehyung whispered and winced because his lips were sore. "I'm taking you to the nurse, don't worry." Jeongguk said and Taehyung slightly nodded. Taehyung slowly snuggled into Jeongguk's embrace, somehow finding comfort in it.

He had met the male this morning yet he was already feeling safe with the tall and handsome man. Taehyung looked up to Jeongguk and Jeongguk looked down. They smiled at each other, Jeongguk's smile much more wider than Taehyung's as the boy couldn't move his lips too much. They soon arrived at the nurse and they went inside the room.

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