Chapter 19

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Taehyung woke up with a pain in his lower back. He whimpered as he turned around to looked at Jeongguk. He blushed when he remembered what happened last night. "Gguk wake up." Taehyung said quietly. Jeongguk's eyes fluttered open and he smiled at the boy. "Morning baby doll." Jeongguk said and Taehyung giggled at the man's morning voice. "Good morning Ggukie." Taehyung said and snuggled into Jeongguk's chest. "I'm in pain..." Taehyung said and Jeongguk frowned. "Why baby?" Jeongguk asked. "I think it's because yesterday was my first time and you went rough." Taehyung said and Jeongguk pouted. "I'm sorry baby..." Jeongguk said and Taehyung giggled. "It's okay! I think I just need painkillers and I'll be good for school." Taehyung said and Jeongguk groaned at the mention of school. "I don't want to go to school." Jeongguk said.

"You have to Ggukie, you are a teacher." Taehyung said and Jeongguk whined. Taehyung kissed the man's lips and Jeongguk kissed back. "I fucking love your lips." Jeongguk said. "Well that's the only kiss your getting because we have morning breath and also we need to get ready." Taehyung said and Jeongguk groaned again. Taehyung slowly got out of bed, trying not to hurt himself. He whimpered a few times when it hurt. He walked to the bathroom whilst taking Jeongguk's sweatshirt off. "Are you trying to tease me?" Jeongguk asked and got up out of bed. Taehyung slightly turned his head and giggled. "Maybe.." Taehyung answered and Jeongguk growled lowly. He walked towards the boy and wrapped his arms around him.

The man kissed Taehyung's neck and the boy leaned his head on Jeongguk's shoulder. "Gguk we need to get dressed." Taehyung said and Jeongguk groaned. He let go of Taehyung as the two walked into the bathroom. "Do you want to wear your clothes from yesterday or my clothes?" Jeongguk said as they started brushing their teeth. "Yours." Taehyung said with Jeongguk's spare toothbrush in his mouth. Jeongguk nodded and they carried on brushing their teeth. Once they finished, they went back into Jeongguk's bedroom. "Here is some clothes. They're not what you usually wear but it probably fits you." Jeongguk said and Taehyung took the clothes out of Jeongguk's hand. "It's okay. I sometimes wear male clothing so it's completely fine." Taehyung said and Jeongguk nodded.

They put a pair of boxers on and they got dressed into their clothes. Jeongguk wore a white button up shirt tucked into a pair of black slacks. He also wore a black tie just so he looked more smart. Taehyung wore a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a white hoodie. "My clothes suit you well." Jeongguk said and smirked when Taehyung blushed. "Shut up..." Taehyung mumbled and the two went downstairs. Jeongguk made breakfast for the two of them and they ate after is was cooked. "Your cooking is almost as good as Jin hyung's." Taehyung said and Jeongguk chuckled. "No one can beat Jin hyung's food." Taehyung then said and giggled. Jeongguk just smiled and carried on eating and so did Taehyung.

"You finished?" Jeongguk asked as he stood up from the stool. "Yep!" Taehyung answered and also stood up from his stool. Jeongguk put the plates in the sink and the two walked to the front door. "I left my bag in your car last night." Taehyung said and blushed at the memory of what happened the night before. Jeongguk unlocked the door and opened it. He let Taehyung walked out the door first and he closed and locked the door after them. They got into the car and Jeongguk started the engine. "I just noticed you had a motorbike." Taehyung said and stared at the motorbike in Jeongguk's driveway. "I've had it since I was 18." Jeongguk said and Taehyung nodded. "I want to go on it one day." Taehyung said. "Okay." Jeongguk said and Taehyung smiled brightly. "Yay!" Taehyung cheered and Jeongguk chuckled.

Taehyung stared out the window whilst holding Jeongguk's hand. Jeongguk drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other gripping tightly onto Taehyung's hand. They got to school and got out the car. "It's still early so you can stay in my classroom." Jeongguk said and Taehyung nodded. They walked into the building and went to Jeongguk's classroom. Jeongguk put his bag down and got his laptop out. "When do you have me today? Do you even have me today?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung sadly shook his head. "I don't have you today." Taehyung said and Jeongguk frowned. "Well you can stay here for now then." Jeongguk said. "I'm on cafeteria duty today so I can't be here at lunch." Jeongguk said and Taehyung nodded. "I'll probably go with Jimin today, I barely hang around with him anymore." Taehyung said and sat on Jeongguk's lap. "Okay." Jeongguk said and he started creating PowerPoints for lessons.

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