Chapter 16

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"Detention is finally over!" Taehyung said whilst all the people in detention started packing their things away. Taehyung stayed sat down though because he was waiting for Jeongguk. The other students left the classroom and the two were left in the class on their own. As soon as the last student left, Jeongguk was quick to kiss Taehyung. Taehyung kiss back and sat on Jeongguk's lap. He wrapped his arms around the man's neck as Jeongguk wrapped his own arms around Taehyung's waist. The kiss got heated quickly as Jeongguk's tongue entered Taehyung's mouth.

"Mmm Gguk..." Taehyung hummed in the kiss. Jeongguk's hands moved down to Taehyung's ass and squeezed the thick globes of flesh. Taehyung started grinding down on Jeongguk and they both let out a moan. "Sir..." Taehyung moaned out and Jeongguk growled. "You are really testing me baby doll." Jeongguk said in a husky voice. The man then started sucking on Taehyung's neck and creating hickeys. Taehyung moaned softly as Jeongguk was marking his skin. "Mmm... Sir..." Taehyung softly moaned out. "What do you want baby doll?" Jeongguk asked as he carried on marking Taehyung's skin.

"I-I want y-you..." Taehyung stuttered, suddenly getting shy. "Want me to what? Hm?" Jeongguk asked, already knowing what Taehyung wants but wants confirmation. "I want y-you to m-make love to m-me..." Taehyung whispered and Jeongguk smiled. "You're so cute baby..." Jeongguk said and Taehyung softly giggled. "I'm not that cute..." Taehyung said. "You are the cutest." Jeongguk argued and bit Taehyung's neck. Taehyung's moans got louder as Jeongguk started creating a hickey on Taehyung's sweet spot, on the collarbone.

"F-Fuck..." Taehyung moaned out as he closed his eyes. "I'm not making love to you here by the way." Jeongguk said and Taehyung whined. "But I don't want to wait..." Taehyung said and Jeongguk huffed. "I'm not letting our first time be in the classroom. Maybe next time." Jeongguk said and Taehyung nodded. "Carry me." Taehyung said and Jeongguk chuckled. "I was going to do that anyway baby doll." Jeongguk said and Taehyung giggled. Jeongguk stood up with Taehyung in his arms. He grabbed his bag, which he packed away a minute before detention was over and started walking to the classroom door.

He checked that there was no one outside of the classroom and started walking down the hallway. Jeongguk felt Taehyung start to suck his neck. He bit back a groan as the small boy started biting the skin. "Babe, you are really asking to get it hard." Jeongguk said and Taehyung blushed. "I'm not!" Taehyung whined but carried on sucking on Jeongguk's neck and creating marks. "This is so everyone knows that you are mine!" Taehyung said possessively. "Yep, I am yours as you are mine." Jeongguk said just as possessive or maybe more. Taehyung carried on biting on the skin, sometimes Jeongguk accidently let out a groan.

They soon got to Jeongguk's car and the man sat Taehyung in the passenger seat whilst he sat in the driver's seat. Jeongguk started the engine and drove out of the parking lot. Jeongguk then felt Taehyung's hand on his clothed member. "What are you doing baby doll?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung looked at Jeongguk innocently. "What do you mean sir?" Taehyung asked and Jeongguk growled. Taehyung started rubbing his hand on the man's clothed member and Jeongguk groaned. Taehyung unbuttoned and unzipped Jeongguk's pants.

The teenager then pulled Jeongguk's dick out of his underwear. "I swear to god this got bigger..." Taehyung said and Jeongguk chuckled. Taehyung licked the tip of the dick and Jeongguk hissed at the feeling. The boy then took the tip of Jeongguk's member in his mouth and started swirling his tongue around it. Jeongguk grunted at the feeling as Taehyung started bobbing his head. He took more of Jeongguk's dick into his mouth and soon gagged as it hit the back of his throat. He didn't stop though as he took even more into his mouth.

He started humming and he noticed it stopped him gagging as much. He felt Jeongguk slowly thrust into his mouth and he started bobbing his head faster. "Fuck baby. You keep doing that and I'll cum..." Jeongguk groaned out and Taehyung carried on. He started stroking the part of Jeongguk's dick he couldn't take in his mouth and he heard Jeongguk groan louder. "I'm so close baby doll." Jeongguk groaned out after a couple more minutes. Jeongguk carried on concentrating on the road as he didn't want them to crash. Taehyung went as fast as he possibly could as he felt Jeongguk's member twitch inside his mouth. He took his mouth back to the tip of Jeongguk's member and stroked the rest of his dick quickly.

Jeongguk's thighs started slightly shaking as he came. He accidently thrusted harshly as cum shot into the boy's mouth. Taehyung choked as some cum went straight down his throat. He took his mouth off Jeongguk's member. "You cum a lot..." Taehyung said, still with cum in his mouth. Jeongguk grabbed Taehyungs chin and opened the boy's mouth. "Well I mean, No one besides me and you has touched my dick." Jeongguk said and Taehyung blushed. The boy swallowed the rest of the cum, not noticing a bit was dripping down the side of his mouth.

Jeongguk used his thumb to wipe the small bit of cum that was on Taehyung's chin. "You have cum dripping." Jeongguk said and Taehyung's blush deepened. Jeongguk put his thumb into Taehyung mouth and the boy started sucking on the man's thumb. Jeongguk parked the car in his driveway. "We are here." Jeongguk said and took his thumb out of Taehyung's mouth. He got out the car and walked to the passenger side. He opened the door and helped Taehyung out of the car. "Thank you." Taehyung said and Jeongguk grabbed Taehyung's hand. He walked to the front door with Taehyung next to him. He grabbed his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door. Jeongguk let Taehyung walk in first. He locked the door behind them so no intruders could enter the house.

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